For Pass standard , learners will design at least one 2D and one 3D digital graphic
product, using appropriate processes, to meet a client brief. The designs will include
original digital assets and may also include some ready-made digital assets from other
sources. Learners will produce designs that clearly outline the purpose of the digital
graphics and will consider local legal and ethical issues related to sourcing and
producing digital content and assets. Learners will consider the appropriateness of
different possible tools, techniques and formats and the impact these would have on
user experience.
They will annotate their designs using feedback from others to identify improvements
that could be made during the development stage. For example, a bump map could be
added to a 3D graphic image following feedback from others, to create the illusion of
depth on the surface of the model.
Learners will develop at least one 2D and one 3D digital graphic product, containing
original digital assets and possibly some ready-made digital assets from other sources.
They must identify the source and obtain any ready-made assets, demonstrating an
understanding of the implications of relevant local legal and ethical issues in their
selection and use of particular content. Learners will produce 2D and 3D digital graphic
products that meet the vast majority of the requirements from the client’s brief. There
may be small issues where the graphics do not meet the brief and issues of optimisation
and/or rendering may not be addressed. For example, learners may not have complied
with the stipulation in the design brief that the digital graphics must be presented in a
file format that supports transparency.
Learners must review whether their digital graphic products meet the client
requirements, considering both positive and negative aspects of the outcomes. Learners
will use relevant feedback, such as client feedback, to make suggestions regarding
possible alternative solutions that could be implemented if the project was repeated.
Overall, the evidence will be well structured with some use of appropriate technical
language, although there may be some inaccuracies with terms used. The evidence may
be basic in parts and some parts of the evidence may be considered in greater depth
than others. For example, the design work for the 2D digital graphics may be more
effective than the 3D drawings, and although the review will identify strengths and
weaknesses of the outcomes, these may not be related to the audience and purpose.
There will also be evidence of some appropriate behaviours being applied during the
project, for example learners may have produced a time plan to design and develop
product, but may have failed to use it to control the timely submission of work.