MAY 2023 ISSN: 2181-3558 76
INTEGRATSIYALASHGAN TA’LIM VA TADQIQOTLAR JURNALI JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED EDUCATION AND RESEARCH arguing that understanding the language of the historian exists as long as the
historical discipline itself.
A necessary condition for the successful translation of facts into another
language, is such an element of translation competence as the availability of
reference information. To avoid this, the translator must know the facts in the
source language that cause difficulty, both at the stage of discovery and at the stage
of text processing. However, it should be noted that sometimes the reader may not
have this information. Therefore, it is important to apply some transformations. In
addition, often the translation of facts varies from situation to situation [4, 31].
The translation of historical terms is not an exception in this regard and is
associated with certain issues, the elimination of which determines the quality of
data translation into another language. First of all, it should be considered, the
obvious ease of translation of historical terms, most of which are combined and
even dissolved in a common dictionary. However, historical terms require
compliance with certain translation rules, which are determined by the basic
knowledge and traditions adopted in the target language [3, 43].
Historical terms are lexical units expressing the categories and concepts of
historical methodology, as well as the concepts of event history. The second
captures the material and spiritual achievements of human activity. They carry
information about the life of society in a certain period of historical reality, serve
as a means of historical knowledge. The historical terms of the history of events
help to reconstruct the historical past of mankind. Each period is evaluated based
on certain categories and concepts, since each period is unique, irreversible and
characteristic in time, in our case, its cases are expressed only in historical
language [5, 67].
The main problem in translating historical terms is to preserve the originality
of the meaning that they have in a particular historical period and transfer them to a
specific geographical area. When translating historical terms, it is recommended to
avoid ambiguities when translating their meaning into another language, as this
leads to a distortion of historical reality and the creation of a false idea of history
[6, 78].
It should be noted that the translation of historical terms is directly related to
the establishment of translation units that have an ambiguous definition. An
analysis of the definitions of translation units shows that all of them are classified
mainly according to quantitative and qualitative indicators. The main attention is
paid to the meaning of the conversion unit or its characteristics. Numerous studies
have shown that, since the translation unit is a mobile value and depends on the
task, its most accurate definition is as follows: “Translation units are separate parts
of independent speech that require solution ... for translation” [1, 55]
The historical term acts as an independently existing translation unit that
requires its own translation decision: a) the choice of a fixed equivalent, b) an
occasional equivalent, c) interpretation. However, it is impossible to determine
which of the solutions is the best, each of which is used when necessary, each has