Key words: temporal and cultural boundaries, national-historical text,
translation, historical terms, historical methodology
Ключевые слова: временные и культурные рубежи, национально-
исторический текст, перевод, исторические термины, историческая
Kalit so'zlar: vaqtinchalik va madaniy chegaralar, milliy-tarixiy matn,
tarjima, tarixiy atamalar, tarixiy metodologiya
Each nation has a special vision of the world, and this vision is created
collectively and passed down from generation to generation bit by bit. It is also
true that each text is created taking into account certain temporal and cultural
boundaries, so the solution to the problem lies in translating the national-historical
text or overcoming the time barrier and “modernizing” the most understandable
text for readers [1, 5-30].
The theme of the relationship between the historical term, the concept of
history, the subject and tasks of historical science is declared by us as research, and
in this brief review we will try to explain its relevance and outline the most general
approaches to its consideration. The problem of the formation and use of the
terminological tools of historical science, which is based on the concept, is most
closely related to its formation as a discipline and understanding of the subject of
its research. “One of the features of society as a subject of scientific research is the
integrity of the interactions and counteractions of factors of various nature ... the
vagueness of theoretical thinking about society and its history, as well as the
vagueness of judgments expressing public opinion, largely depend on the fact that
in these areas we we have thinking expressed with the help of ideas, not concepts.
In the history of historical knowledge, many of the most prominent scientists
paid the closest attention to the problems of the concept, historical terminology,
since only the presence of a clear terminology expressing certain entities
constitutes a scientific discipline, science. We will not be far from the truth,