advertisingcampaign: a series of advertisements to persuade people to buy something
bigbrandnames: large well-known companies or product names
tobecareful withmoney: to not over-spend
carrierbag: bags (usually plastic) supplied by shops
customerservice: the degree to which customers are treated well
toget intodebt: to owe money
togive someonethehard sell: to put pressure on someone to buy something
highstreetnames: well-known shops
independentstores: small shops independent of large companies
localshops: community shops
loyaltycard: a card issued by a shop to allow customers to save money on the basis of what they spend
must-haveproduct: a product that is very popular that a lot of people want to have
tobeonatightbudget: to have a limited amount of money to spend
tobeoncommission: to pay someone in relation to the amount they sell
apayincash: to pay for something using coins or paper money
topaythefull price: to pay the full amount for something
topickupabargain: to buy something much cheaper than the normal price
torunupa credit card bill: to owe money on a credit card
toshoparound: to try different shops to find the best deal
shopassistant: the person who serves customers
toshop until youdrop: to do a lot of shopping
toslashprices: to reduce prices a great deal
tosnap upabargain: to buy something quickly that is being sold cheaply
summersales: a period in the year when things are sold cheaply
totrysomethingon: to see if an item of clothing fits or is suitable
tobevalueformoney: to be worth the cost
windowshopping: to visit a store to look at items without the intention of buying anything
Lesson 19: Environment
You may be asked questions about the environment or environmental problems in your country. Read the following IELTS-style questions and answers below and pay attention to the phrases in bold. Use the ‘Definitions’ section at the bottom of the page to check the meaning of any phrases you don’t understand.
Part 1-style questions
Examiner: Are there any environmental problems in your country?
Kelly: Yes … we have a serious issue with pollution levels in some of our big
cities … exhaustfumes from cars and lorries are definitely one reason for the
problem but we also have a lot of heavyindustry in some areas and this
also results in poor airquality …
Examiner: Do you take an interest in nature?
Jenny: Well … I’m a city person through and through and don’t get back tonature very often I’m afraid … but like everyone else I’m fascinated by thenatural world and I like watching documentaries showing wild animals in their naturalhabitat …
Examiner: Do you or your family take steps to help the environment?
Mira: My parents have always tried to make us aware of our impact on theenvironment… they’re really into energy conservation … and always try to buy environmentally friendlyproducts if they have the chance …