Content Introduction

Description of games and analysis of results

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Topic Games types functions and effect on the development of the language skills of young learners

2.2 Description of games and analysis of results

We conducted the learning experiment on the basis of the Eureka-Development school. This school works according to the Elkonin-Davydov system. A feature of this system is a variety of group discussion forms of work, during which children discover the main content of educational subjects. Knowledge is not given to children in the form of ready-made rules, axioms, schemes.

Children are not graded in elementary school, the teacher, together with the students, evaluates the learning outcomes at a qualitative level, which creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort. Homework is reduced to a minimum, learning and consolidation of educational material takes place in the classroom.
The Eureka School has been operating for 16 years, since 1993. The peculiarity of this school is the small number of students in the class, and the special relationship between the teacher and the child. Teachers are trying to teach children not to be afraid, but to love the teacher, the subject, the school.
Experimental training was carried out on the basis of the 5th grade. Fifth grade is a transitional stage in the life of children: from elementary school to high school, to the world of new teachers, a new program, new subjects. We were faced with the task of making sure that these changes did not frighten children, but, on the contrary, contributed to the emergence of interest in learning, in discovery.
The experimental class consisted of 14 children, most of the children in this class are extroverts by nature. They were distinguished by high mobility, restlessness, and creative thinking. That is why the head teacher set the task for us to pay attention to the formation of spelling skills, the children speak and read well, but the spelling was very lame. Particular attention had to be paid to the sounds conveying vowels in writing. After all, it is precisely without knowledge of vowel sounds that it is impossible to follow the rules of spelling, the rules of reading.
Children in the classroom are used to being creative in the learning process, and working with them in a traditional way would mean a lack of interest in children, so we decided to select games whose goal is to develop spelling and spelling skills, constructing simple French sentences with one minor term. The use of the game was supposed to increase the motivation of the children.
How did we choose the game?
Properly selected games are held with constant success. In the early stages of learning development, it is necessary to conduct more games in order to teach a foreign language, gradually reducing their number from class to class. When selecting games, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of students. For example, in grades 5-6, very rarely, games are used to "reincarnate" into interpreters and guides. This is due to the fact that such games require a good command of a fairly extensive language material.
We selected the types of games based on the characteristics of the student as a subject of learning and in accordance with the French language program. For grades 5-6, the main type is a subject (linguistic) game, which implies phonetic, lexical and grammatical games. This is due to the fact that students of this age are just beginning to form a language base and the skills they possess are not enough to conduct role-playing, story games. Here it is advisable to use games - competitions.
We selected each game based on the age characteristics of the children, the main thing that was taken into account when choosing a game is that ALL children should be involved in each game, in one way or another. We also selected the game according to the principle of accessibility, and according to the level of development of children. And, of course, I aim to improve the level of spelling in the classroom, each game was selected precisely with the aim of increasing knowledge of spelling.
And, of course, each game had to be interesting for children, otherwise it would not have had any positive effect.
For each game, preparation was necessary, both for us and for the students. It was necessary in advance (if necessary) to introduce lexical material, explain, repeat the rules of spelling.
We had to prepare everything necessary for the game, these are some kind of pictures, cards, handouts. It is good to think over the course of the game itself, how to introduce it into the course of the lesson, and how to get the children out of the game.
In our work, we will describe the course of the lesson using the games that we used in the course of practice for spelling and building simple sentences.
The purpose of the lesson:

  • strengthening spelling skills.

  • consolidation of knowledge about the construction of a simple sentence.

During the classes:
Each lesson should begin with an organizational moment. The purpose of the organizational moment is to welcome students, fix those absent, and most importantly, organize attention.
Teacher: Bonjour les enfants
Pupils: Bonjour Madam
Teacher: Asseyez-vous, s'il vous plait! Comment ca va?
Teacher: Regardez le tableau! Le sujet de notre lecon est…………
Aujourd'hui nous avons les taches suivantes:

  • Reviser les regles de la orthographe.

  • Les repetitions des regles de la construction de la proposition simple.

The purpose of this stage was the repetition of letter combinations that convey vowel sounds, as well as the repetition of the construction of a simple sentence.
We decided to repeat the game in the form of a game. To do this, we have selected the following games:
1) The game "In the Letter"
Teacher: Voulez vous jouer? The game that we are going to play is called the letter game. I call you a word, and you take turns, in a chain, call the letters of this word, the one who made a mistake is out, and whoever remains until the end of the game will receive 10 points.
The purpose of this game is to repeat the following sounds: oi - eau - eu - ai, as well as to repeat the connections between the graphic and phonetic image of the word.
Teacher: D'accord?
Pupils: Oui
Teacher: So, the first word is Oiseau
Student 1: O
U2: I
U3: Z
Teacher: Unfortunately, you are out because there is no such letter in the word Oiseau. Can anyone help what letter comes after I?
U1: I know the letter S
Teacher: Yes, smart girl is correct. We continue further, and so we got OIS which letter comes next?
U4: E
Teacher: Right. Further.
U5: A
U6: U
Teacher: Well done, you played very well. Don't be discouraged by those who are eliminated, we will play this game sometime, and if you pay attention, you can win.
(Bonsoir Bateau docteur capitaine)
2) The game "Who is more"
The goal of this game is to repeat the sounds that have already been learned. And also with the help of this game we carried out the control of the studied vocabulary.
Teacher: The game we are going to play now is called “Who is bigger?” In this game you need to remember all the words that you know. It's easy, isn't it?
Students: Yes!
Teacher: But you will need to remember only those words in which there is a sound that I will name. To do this, we need to create two groups, and you will think, remember the words together. But be careful, you need to keep quiet otherwise your word will be heard by another group. So, as soon as you come up with a word, you raise your hands, and someone from your group in turn comes to the board and writes it down. The winner is the one whose participants all come to the board in turn. And so we begin: The first sound is the sound - 'eu' (docteur, tracteur, professeur). Well done! The next sound is the sound 'ai' which is formed, as you remember, with the help of the letters 'a' and 'I'. (capitaine, portrait, aimer)
3) The game "Who knows the rule better?"
Teacher: Let's play a game with you called "Who knows the rule better?".
The purpose of this game is to repeat and control the assimilation of the passed spelling rules.
Teacher: Pay attention to the blackboard! On the board you see the words, each of you on the sheet must write as many rules as possible, which are in these words, and write out all the words for each rule. You have 5 minutes for this. Then we will sum up, and whoever has more correctly written rules will win.
Words: aussi, Clair, grand, le garage, septembre, l`autobus, image, aimer, Le docteur, le professeur, le bateau, l`oiseau, l`eau, auto, grand, la dent, La lampe,
Teacher: So, time is up. Submit your proposal and we'll count the points. Who saw any rule in the word aussi?
U1: au is read as O
Teacher: Smart. Everyone who wrote this rule, give yourself 1 point, and now let's find all the words with this sound. Who wrote what words?
U2: aussi auto
U3: auto
Teacher: Well done. This is right! Each correct word gets one more point.
4) Game "Riddle"
The purpose of this game is to repeat the sounds that convey vowels in writing, and to repeat the vocabulary learned.
Teacher: Voulez vous jouer? Let's play a game with you? To do this, you need to be divided into two groups.
Okay, now you need to come up with 8 words for your rivals for the spelling rules that we went through. Come up with, and one of you will come to the board and write them down, but you need to write them down with a pass, i.e. you write a word, and skip the sound for which you know the rule. And someone from the other team comes out and fills in one of the gaps, having filled it in, he goes to the place and passes the "baton" to the next one. The team that completes everything first receives 10 points.
5) Game "Translation"
Teacher: Let's play the game "Translation" Maintenant, je vais dire les propositions en russe. Et vous allez les traduire en francais. D'accord?
For each correct translation you get 3 points. We play in a chain, if someone made a mistake, the next player has a chance to correct the mistake and get 5 points, and so this sentence can go along the chain until the correct option is sounded.
1. The sun is shining; 2. My name is Masha; 3. I put on a red dress; 4. There is a school in our village; 5. I see a house; 6. My family is big; 7. I am 10 years old; 8.How are you?; 9. There are books and pens on the table; 10. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen; 11. We have a horse; 12. It's snowing; 13. I have a dog; 14. We see a wolf;
15. Who is this?
The goal of the game "Translation" is to repeat the law of the correct construction of a sentence. If students can't remember a word, they need to be prompted for it.
6) The game "Faites une phrase"
For the next game, you need to prepare cards with a set of words in advance, children need to make sentences from these words. The goal of this game is to repeat the repetition of the rule for constructing a simple sentence.
Teacher: Regardez le tableau!
(Written on the board is “Faites une phrase”)
Teacher: Que ce que c`est “Faites une phrase”? C'est le jeu. Je vous donne des mots et vous devez composer des phrases. Faites attention, composant des phrases. Divide into two teams, I will give each team cards, and you will need to make sentences from the words that are there, be careful!
1. Je, une, vois, vase.
2. Nous, une, poule, avons.
3. Coq, avez, un vous.
4. Blouse, je, une, mets.
5. Classe, une, dans, lampe, il ya, la.
6. Chat, le, il ya, un, dans, magasin.
7. La, Michel, tele, regarde.
8. Dessine, fleur, Lucie, une.
7) The game "Le fileur".
In this game, the goal is to repeat the rule for constructing a simple sentence. Also, the repetition of the passed vocabulary on the topic "appearance".
Teacher: Children, let's play a very interesting game, it's called "Le fileur" i.e. "Detective". You need to split into two teams. You need to select someone from your team, and you will need to collectively describe this person to the other team. And I will be the judge, who describes better and builds the sentence correctly, the members of that team get 10 points each. And also the first team to guess who it is will receive 10 points. So, you have the option to get 20 points, or get 10 points, or 0. So you need to try.
Teacher: Que le temps passe vite! La lecon etait manifique, merci beaucoup! Et que pensez vous?
(You can conduct a reflection in Russian orally or in writing)
Teacher: I will now hand out the leaflets to you, and please answer a few easy questions.

  • Was the lesson interesting?

  • What did you learn and what did you learn during the lesson?

  • What new questions have arisen?

  • What seemed more difficult?

  • What rating would you give yourself?

Teacher: C'est votre devoir a domicile…Au revoir! Bon Chance!
During these games, we watched the children, their reaction, whether they were interested. And during the experiment, we saw that as soon as the children hear the sentence “Let's play,” they immediately try with all their might to get involved in the process, try to win, and as a result, they strengthen their knowledge, and sometimes learn something new.
In order to check the effectiveness of the use of games, and in order to understand whether we managed to achieve any success, in terms of students' knowledge of French spelling, we decided to conduct a small control dictation.
We have chosen a small text from the magazine "La Langue Francaise" No. 19 October 1-15, 2008. We chose this text for the following reasons: firstly, it contains a large number of words with the letter combinations we have studied; secondly, from the point of view of the presence of lexical and grammatical difficulties, the text is simple for this class, i.e. when writing it, children can concentrate on spelling, spelling; and thirdly, the situation in the text seemed to us typical for children of this age.

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