Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that: 1) The students’ score before being taught by using audio visual media (cartoon film). The result of pre-test was achieved, there are 15 students who get excellent result, there are 2 students who get good, there are 4 students who get fair result, there are 3 students who get poor result and 1 student who gets very poor result. Those are the students’ score before being taught using audio visual media especially cartoon film. 2) The students’ score vocabulary after being taught by using audio visual media (cartoon film). The result of post-test achieved, there are 19 students who get excellent result, there are 5 students who get good result and there is 1 student who gets fair result. Those are the students score after using audio visual media (cartoon film). 3) The significant difference between students’ score before and after being taught by using audio visual media (cartoon film). The result of pre test showed that 15 students who get score 80100. The result of post-test showed that 19 students who get score 80 – 100. The result of this research also showed that tcount > ttable (5,20 > 1,71). It means that there were any significant influences between score of pre-test and post-test. It can be concluded that the students get good achievement in mastering vocabulary after taught by using audio visual media (cartoon flm). It means that teaching vocabulary by using cartoon film media is effective to improve students’ mastery on vocabulary. Audio visual media (cartoon film) is effective to teach English, especially vocabulary, so it can be one of reference media to teach English.
Based on the research finding, some suggestions are given to head master, English teacher, students and the next research are as follows: 1) The head master should give enough facilities, so teaching and learning English will work well such as LCD projector. Audio visual media will make easier the teacher to teach and help the students to understand. Hopefully, the students get good achievement by using media especially audio visual media.2)English teacher should use various audio visual media especially cartoon film, so that the students will not get bored during the teaching and learning process;3)For other researchers could use this study as their milestone to conduct other research on the different dimensions. They may use true experimental research design to know whether the method more effective or not.