4. Lip service (n) – to say you agree with something but do nothing to support it
Example: She claims to be in favor of training, but so far, she’s only paid lip service to the idea 5. Amend (v) – to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document (C2)
Example: MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster 6. Eschew (v) – to avoid something intentionally, or to give something up
Example: We won’t have discussions with this group unless they eschew violence 7. Anathema (n) – something that is strongly disliked or disapproved of
Example: Credit controls are anathema to the government 8. Deter (v)-to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by making it difficult for them to do it
Example: These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack 9. Intrepid (adj) – extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situations
Example: A team of intrepid explorers 10. Desperate (adj) – needing or wanting something very much (B2)
Example: They are desperate for help 11. Bombard (v) – to direct so many things at someone, especially to ask them so many questions, that they find it difficult to deal with them
Example: The children bombarded her with questions 12. Avail (n) - use, purpose, advantage or profit
Example: We tried to persuade her not to resign, but to no avail (did not succeed) 13. Redundant (adj) – having lost your job because your employer no longer needs you (B2)
Example: To keep the company alive, half the workforce is being made redundant 14. Lifelong (adj) – lasting for the whole of a person’s life (C2)
Example: She was a lifelong member of the Labor party 15. Ambition (n) – a strong wish to achieve something (B1)
Example: His ambition ultimately to run his own business