1. K.A. Guler, M. Cigdem, Surface quality and dimensional accuracy of gypsum bonded investment
casting moulds, MP Materials Testing-Materials and Components
Technology and Application,
Issue 9, Vol. 53, pp. 551-555, (2011)
2. K.A. Guler, Z. Taslicukur, G. Ozer, Production of open cell aluminium metal foam with lost foam
technique, MP Materials Testing-Materials and Components Technology and Application, Issue
5, Vol. 53, pp. 295-297, (2011)
3. K. A. Guler, A. Kisasoz, A. Karaaslan, A novel method for Al/SiC composite fabrication: Lost foam
casting, International
Journal of Materials Research, Issue 3, Vol. 102, pp. 304-308, (2011)
4. A. K›sasoz, K.A. Guler, A. Karaaslan, Fabrication and characterization of SiC preforms for metal
matrix composites, MP Materials Testing-Materials and Components Technology and Application,
Issue 1, Vol. 53, pp. 634-637, (2011)
5. G. Ozer, K.A. Guler, Z. Taslicukur, Cellular aluminum foam metal production with space holder
particles, MP Materials Testing-Materials and Components Technology and Application, Issue
52, Vol. 6, pp. 379-382, (2010)
1. K.A. Güler, M. Ci¤dem, Vakum Destekli Dereceli Hassas Dökümde Alç› Ba¤l› Kal›p Malzemelerinin
Döküm Kalitesi, 4. Döküm ve Çevre Sempozyumu ‹stanbul, (2011)
2. K.A.Güler, A. Üster, M. Ci¤dem, Aç›k Hücreli Hücresel Metal Üretimi ‹çin Yeni Bir Yaklafl›m Olarak
Dolu Kal›ba Döküm Tekni¤inin Uygulanmas›, 4. Döküm ve Çevre Sempozyumu ‹stanbul, (2011)
3. K.A. Guler, M. Cigdem, Casting quality of gypsum bonded block investment casting moulds,
14th International Conference On Advances In Material & Processing Technologies Istanbul /
Turkey, (2011)
4. K.A. Guler, M. Cigdem, The effect of different bonded investment powders on surface quality
and dimensional accuracy
of investment castings, 8th International PhD Foundry Conference,
Czech Republic, (2011)
5. A. Kisasoz, K.A. Guler, A. Karaaslan, Production of Al2O3-Al composites using vacuum assisted
block mould investment casting, 8th International PhD Foundry Conference, Brno, Czech Republic,
6. G. Ozer, A. Kisasoz, K.A. Guler, A. Karaaslan, Aluminum matrix composite fabrication by infiltration
of SiC preforms using squeeze casting technique, 8th International PhD Foundry Conference,
Brno, Czech Republic, (2011)
7. A. Kisasoz, K.A. Guler, A. Karaslan, Lost Foam Casting Technique Applications for Al/SiC
Production, 69th World Foundry Congress, Hangzhou China, (2010)
8. K.A. Güler, G. Ozer, Z. Taslicukur, A Novel Pattern Material for Investment Casting: Foam Wax,
69th World Foundry Congress, Hangzhou China, (2010)
9. I. Kutbay, K.A. Güler, M. Çi¤dem, Çimento Ba¤lay›c›l› Genleflebilen
Dereceli Hassas Döküm
Kal›b› Tozu Üretimi, 3. Uluslararas› Döküm ve Çevre Sempozyumu, ‹stanbul, (2010)
10. K.A. Guler, E. Gin, O. fien, M. Çi¤dem, Besleyici Gömleklerin Üretimi ‹çin Çevreye Duyarl› Yeni
Bir Yöntem, 3. Uluslararas› Döküm ve Çevre Sempozyumu, ‹stanbul, (2010)
11. K.A. Güler, Z. Taslicukur, G. Ozer, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Pattern Application in Investment
Casting and Chemical Removing, 11th Conference and Exhibition
of the European Ceramic
Society, ECERS, Krakow, Poland, (2009)
12. C. Balaban, Ö fien, G. Özer, K.A. Güler, A380 Alafl›m›n So¤uma E¤risinde ve Ak›flkanl›¤›nda Tane
‹nceltmenin Etkisi, 13. Uluslararas› Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, ‹stanbul, (2006)
13. Z. Tafll›çukur, C. Balaban, G. Özer, K.A. Güler, N. Kuflkonmaz, M. Çi¤dem, Seramik ve Kum Kal›p
Prosesleriyle Üretilen Ayakkab› Çekicinin Özelliklerinin Karfl›laflt›r›lmas›, 12. Uluslararas› Metalurji
ve Malzeme Kongresi, ‹stanbul, (2005)
14. K.A. Güler, M. Çi¤dem, Dökülebilir Kal›plarda Segregasyon, 12. Uluslararas› Metalurji ve Malzeme
Kongresi, ‹stanbul, (2005)
1. S›k›flt›rmal› döküm yöntemi ile Al matrisli hibrid kompozit üretimi ve karakterizasyonu.
(BAPK, 07/2007-07/2010)
2. Renkli Metalografi Yöntemi ile Alüminyum, Bak›r ve Çelik Numunelerde Farkl› Fazlar›n
3. At›k Mermer Tozlar›n›n Geri Dönüflümü ve Do¤al Silikatlar Katk›s› ile Yap› Malzemesi Üretimi
(BAPK, 05/2009-05/2010)
4. Çelik Malzemelerin Laser Kesim Parametrelerinin Optimizasyonu (BAPK, 03/2009-03/2010)
5. Termal Yöntemlerle Magnezyum Üretim Teknolojisinin Gelifltirilmesi (BAPK, 06/2010-06/2012)
6. Development of a New Moulding Technique for Titanium Alloys Castings, for Automotive and
Biomechanical Applications, Uiversidade do Minho Portugal (ERASMUS, 03/2006/-08/2006)
1. Tübitak Uluslararas› Bilimsel Yay›nlar› Teflvik Ödülü, 2011
2. Tübitak Uluslararas› Bilimsel Yay›nlar› Teflvik Ödülü, 2010
3. Y›ld›z Teknik Üniv. Rektörlü¤ü Teflekkür Belgesi, 2010