Development of physical training skills and formation of willpower qualities in extracurricular activities

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences
Vol. 8 No. 3, 2020 
ISSN 2056-5852 
Progressive Academic Publishing, UK 
Page 204 
Menglikulov Khayrulla Alikulovich 
Lecturer at Termez State University, UZBEKISTAN 

Turdimurodov Dilmurod Yuldashevich 
Teacher of the 7th comprehensive school of Jarqurghon district, UZBEKISTAN 
The subject of physical education is taught in general education institutions throughout the 
educational period and includes tasks such as the implementation of the process of physical 
education in various forms, interconnected, while maintaining coherence. It is the main form 
of teaching in secondary schools, and the activities of various extracurricular activities and 
sports sections lead to a positive change in the indicators of students' time management, health, 
quality of education. During the general education period, physical education teachers directly 
help students to realize their potential, such as a positive attitude to the subject of physical 
education, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, increasing the level of physical 
Keywords: Physical training, extracurricular activities, willpower, skill, physical education. 
At the heart of many reforms taking place in our country is the need to re-analyze the content 
of teaching each subject and approach it from the point of view of radical reform in the current 
transition to a new education system. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", 
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No PP-3775 "On additional measures 
to improve the quality of education in educational institutions of Uzbekistan and ensure their 
active participation in comprehensive reforms in the country" One of the important tasks in 
such normative documents as the Decree No. PF-5712 "Concept of development of the public 
education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" In the legal and normative acts 
adopted by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, physical education is considered 
an integral part of public education and embodies the ideas of educating the spiritually mature, 
morally pure and physically mature young generation. development as individuals, the 
difficulties of their transition in adolescence, and the successful solution of tasks in stepping 
into adult life it is emphasized that it depends on the correct organization of the process of 
raising children. 
These tasks indicate that the development of skills such as healthy lifestyles and independent 
engagement, the study and analysis of mechanisms for the formation of volitional qualities, the 
development of pedagogical methods and techniques are important factors not only in the 
educational process, but also in extracurricular activities. . 
The normative documents stipulate that extracurricular activities are an integral part of the 
education system, that they are diverse, have different directions and forms, and that 

European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences
Vol. 8 No. 3, 2020 
ISSN 2056-5852 
Progressive Academic Publishing, UK 
Page 205 
participation in them as a lesson is voluntary. The effective use of free time in the process of 
comprehensive upbringing and development of the younger generation has always been a 
topical issue in our society. In fact, all the actions of a growing child reflect the educational 
process, and to make these educational processes more productive. 
Foreign authors (Kolbanov V.V.Valeologicheskoe obrazovanie v nachalnoy shkole 
/V.V.Kolbanov // Nachalnaya shkola.-1999.-№1 .; Kuindji N.N. Valeology: Puti 
formirovaniya zdorovya shkolnikov: Metodicheskoe posobie /N.N .Kuidji. –M .: Aspekt press, 
2000 .; Sergeeva B.V. Means of formation of zdorovogo obraza jizni mladshix shkolnikov // 
Problems of pedagogy: nauchno-metodicheskiy zhurnal, 2017-№1; Meykson G.B., Shoulin 
V.N. ., Shoulina E.B. Samostoyatelnыe zanyatiya uchashchixsya po fizicheskoy kulture.-M: 
Prosveshchenie, 1986 .; Vaynbaum Ya.S. Dozirovanie fizicheskix nagruzok shkolni ov, -M: 
Prosveshchenie, 1991 ;;) partially covered the data on a healthy lifestyle and the ability to 
engage independently in physical training.The authors on the formation of volitional qualities 
(Ivannikov V.A. Kolichestvennaya otsenka volevogo usiliya pri napryajennoy fizicheskoy 
rabote / V.A. Ivannikov, E.V.Eydman // Вопросы психологии.-№5.-1986 .; Ilin E.P. 
Psychology voli / E.P.Ilin.-SPb .: Peter, 2009 .; Kalin V.K. Psychology voli / V.K.Kalin.-
Simferopol, 2011 .; Leontev A.N. Deyatelnost.Soznanie.Lichnost / A.N.Leontev.-M .: Smysl, 
Akademiya, 2005 .; ) in their research work on the formation of the willpower of the child, 
more research from a psychological point of view, and pedagogical data are scattered, there are 
uncertainties in the composition and concept of willpower. This is because some researchers 
believe that the concept of "will" as other personal qualities are in many cases subjective and 
have no appearance or physiological symptoms, and therefore cannot be measured by anything. 
which cannot be assessed. 
This situation indicates the need for research on the formation of independent training skills 
and willpower of physical training in extracurricular activities of schoolchildren through 
pedagogical means. 
In the extracurricular circle there are several monographs, methodical recommendations
popular science publications, which include various exercises, trainings and recommendations 
on the skills of independent training of physical training and the formation of volitional 
qualities. The scientific works of foreign authors - S.G.Zanin, V.L.Levi, Yu.A.Yurchenko, 
S.L.Rubinstein - are widely popular among teachers and parents and are used as a guide in 
realizing the potential of children. in most of these scientific works more emphasis is placed 
on the formation of willpower and various physical qualities, and little is known about the 
formation of willpower qualities and the development of independent engagement skills 
through the means of physical education. 
The analysis of scientific and pedagogical research shows that the organization and 
substantiation of work on the development of independent learning skills of students through 
physical training in extracurricular activities, which are part of a healthy lifestyle skills, is an 
urgent problem for teachers. 
The problem of the research is the lack of information about the formation and development of 
physical health in relation to the spiritual, mental, social health of students, which is part of 
their individual health in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, its development of students' 
independent exercise skills in extracurricular activities. pedagogical etiquette relevant to the 
research topic, given the lack of data The analysis of experiments and the selection and 

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