English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What is Bodily kinesthetic intelligence?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

6. What is Bodily kinesthetic intelligence?

  1. *It is an activity that expresses through physical activities and

movement: roleplay, games, making posters and doing projects.

  1. It is an activity that develops pupils learning process through exercises supported by pictures or use flashcards.

  2. It is a specially designed grammar and vocabulary exercises based on pair work in dialogues.

  3. It is a lesson where students can develop all their competence in field of English.

7. The essential methods of teaching EFL to young learners are based on …

  1. *All answers correct

  2. Communicative methods

  3. Total physical involvement

  4. Role plays

8. From what is the word “Dictation” origin from?

    1. *From Latin “dicto” to speak

    2. From Greek “Diktus” to make a speech

    3. From Assurian “Degete” to note

    4. From Babylonian “Deget” to note

9. According to the teachers point of view dictation activities work well in the classroom and such kind of activities make better…

  1. *All answers correct

  2. Can be done with any level, depending on the text used

  3. Can be graded for a multilevel class

  4. Usually require very little preparation and photocopying

10. Learner to learner dictation is…

  1. *It is such kind of dictation where a pair could be reader and writer and viceversa.

  2. It is such kind of dictation where unnecessary to write full text but writer has to write some of notes.

  3. It is such kind of dictation where reader reads loudly and partner listens carefully and fills the gaps.

  4. There is no correct answer.

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