English 100 test Autonomous Learning

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

49.Building friendly classroom relationships with and between learners.
*a) building rapport
b) clockwise
50.Moving around in the same direction as the hands of a clock.
*a) clockwise
b) building rapport
c) feedback
d) anticlockwise
51. Comments or information learners receive on the success of a learning task, either from the teacher or from other learners.
*a) feedback
b) building rapport
c) clockwise
d) anticlockwise
52.A learning activity which involves a small group of learners working together. The group may work on a single task, or on different parts of a larger
task. Tasks for group members are often selected by the members of the group.
b) pairwork
c) jigsaw activity
d) multiple choice
53.A chart to be filled in by learners or teacher-participants, often used to summarise ideas or to focus reflection
*a) grid
b) information gap activity
c) multiple choice
d) groupwork
54.What skills are called the active/productive skills ?
*a) speaking and writing
b) speaking, listening, reading
c) reading and listening
d) speaking and reading
55.What skills are called the passive/receptive skills?
*a) reading and listening
b) speaking and listening
c) speaking and writing
d) reading and writing
56.Games can be catagorized differently.
*a)For dividing large groups into small ones, introduction games, grammar games, storytelling games, vocabulary games. They may also be differentiated according 4 language skills.
b) Storytelling and grammar games
c) vocabulary and grammar games
d)speaking and writing games
57.Who like to learn new information by seeing it?
*a) Visual learners
b) Auditory learners
c) Tactile learners
d) Kinaethetic learners
58.What techniques can be useful and efective for auditory learners|?
*a) Short lectures, hearing the information in a song or asking students to repeat information aloud help these learners remember new things
b) giving them objects (a blue paper, a red paper, a shoe and a sock), writing vocabulary words on a card for them to study, or giving them instructions written on a card
c) Asking them to act (talking with a friend in the bazaar).and writing answers on the blackboard or asking them to work in a group with other students.
d) Showing pictures or charts and writing important information on the blackboard help these learners practise and remembering new ideas and information.
59.They like to learn new information by touching or holding things. The learners can be taught by giving objects (a blue paper, a red paper, a shoe and a sock), writing vocabulary words on a card for them to study, or giving them instructions written on a card
*a)Tactile learners
b) Visual learners
c) Auditory learners
d) Kinaethetic learners
60."I always use colored pens to highlight my notes" What is the student's dominant learning style?
*a) Visual
b) Tactile
c) Auditory
d) Kinaethetic
61."I always repeat things aloud for myself. "What is the student's dominant learning style?
*a) Auditory
b) Visual
c) Tactile
d) Kinaethetic
62."I would rather start doing an activity instead of listening to instructions about how to do it." What is the student's dominant learning style?
b) Visual
c) Tactile
d) Auditory
63."I like to have something in my hand to squeeze or play with during a lesson. "What is the student's dominant learning style?
64.Pupils work out grammar rules themselves with the help of the teacher.
*a) Inductive presentation of grammar
b) Deductive presentation of grammar
c) Traditional teaching
d) Inductive and didactive presentation
65.Traditional way of presenting grammar when the teacher explains grammar rules herself/himself is called…..
*a) Deductive presentation of grammar
b) Inductive presentation of grammar
c) Simulation
d) Inductive and didactive presentation

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