English 100 test Autonomous Learning

“…. between two evils” *a) it is not worth while choosing b) what is urgent c) east or west d) black and white 88

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

87. “…. between two evils”
*a) it is not worth while choosing
b) what is urgent
c) east or west
d) black and white
88. “ A word doesn’t depend on dictionary”. About what approach is this definition correct?
*a) Non- traditional approach
b) Stylistic approach
c) Non-linguistic approach
d) Traditional approach
89. “Rub” means
*a) move backwards and forwards
b) move on
c) go back
d) go ahead
90……….are combination of specific useful habits, serving a definite purpose and requiring the application of definite knowledge
*a) Skills
b) Habits
c) Approach
d) Techiques
91. …… are series of connected acts which have become automatic or semi-automatic as the result of repetitions.
a) Habits*
b) Skills
c) Approach
d) Techniques
92. A ___ is a self-contained section of the classroom in which students engage in independent and self-directed leaning activities. Get information on learning centers and how to incorporate them in to your instructional routine using this advice.
*a) Learning Centers
b) Teaching Strategies for Reading
c) New Teacher Resources
d) Teaching Strategies for English Language Arts
93. A bird in the hand ………..
*a) is worth two in the bush
b) is one together
c) is worth to cook
d) is better than in a dream
94.All advertising must …..the right product image.
*a) boost
b) press
c) extand
d) test
95. Authentic materials……
*a) texts from real-life sources
b) magazine articles for learners
c) types of texts
d) adapted texts
96. Brainstorming …..
*a) collecting ideas very quickly
b) a group of related words
c) an activity where a learner has to move information from one place to another
d) gathering information about a class to form a judgement
97. Choose an appropriate definition to “technique”
*a) technique is just one single procedure to use in the classroom
b) technique is a language unit
c) technique is a paradigm or model of FLT
d) deals with that language pedagogy
98. Choose the best answer to the following. …… draws upon some changes and innovations coming mainly from applied linguistics, so I am going to give a summary of changes about language nature and its knowledge. Language is considered a social phenomenon by this approach, as it is a means of communication and interaction between members of a
*a) The communicative Approach
b) Psychological method
c) Traditional method
d) The Audi lingual Method
99. Teaching listening should be …
*a) close to the nature of listening in real life
b) a text for understanding its gist
c) a role play where you yourself in a given situation
d) related to learning a rule from facts which are presented
100. The characteristics of kinesthetic learners ……
*a) cannot sit still for a long class
b) like to talk about things they learned
c) need to see things to learn better
d) think in pictures, and learn best from handouts and videos
101. The characteristics of auditory learners …
*a) remember better when they read something aloud or listen to a tape recorder
b) try to show the meaning of new words with gestures
c) keep a notebook and write the new words they learn into it.
d) guess the meaning of new words from context.
102. Listen to the description of a house and draw it.
*a) listening for details
b) listening for main ideas
c) listening for specific information
d) listening for gist

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