English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Read the text and choose a title for it. * a) skimming b) intensive reading c) contextual guessing d) scanning 104

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

103. Read the text and choose a title for it.
* a) skimming
b) intensive reading
c) contextual guessing
d) scanning
104.Read the text and write the dates of birth of famous people in the table.
* a) scanning
b) skimming
c) intensive reading
d) contextual guessing
105. Read the text and find antonyms to the words in bold.
*a) intensive reading
b) scanning
c) contextual guessing
d) skimming
106. Ask right questions to get needed piece of information from others is … .
*a) eliciting
b) drilling
c) direct questions
d) guiding questions
107. Which is not method of teaching young learners
a) short stories and essay*
b) Repetition in different ways
c) Games, physical exercises, songs, drawing
d) Short and various activities
108.Lesson objective …
*a) To enable pupils to talk about timetables using simple present.
b) Pupils will be able to use simple present to talk about timetables.
c) To talk about timetables pupils need to use simple present.
d) Pupils will have learnt using present simple
109. …. a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas.
*a) brainstorming
b) ice breaking
c) drilling
d) eliciting
110. All the hotel in the town was full up so we stayed in a ______village.
*a) nearby
b) neighbor
c) near
d) close
111. We‘ve been ______ with that firm for many years.
* a) dealing
b) making business
c) treating
d) supplying
112. It’s on the top shelf, out of _____.
a) reach*
b) distance
c) touch
d) attempt
113. A1…..
*a) breakthrough
b) vantage
c) threshold
d) way stage
114. Can handle very short social exchanges even though they don’t understand enough to keep the conversation going themselves … . What level is it?
*a) A2
b) C1
c) A1
d) B2
115. CEFR is not…..
a) theoretical document*
b) descriptive document
c) a starting point to develop new tools
d) a document to reflex
116. Forms of formative assessment
*a) individual, pair and group work, homework tasks, indirect(implicit)form using different questions or plays
b) homework, projects
c) test, matching, multiple choice
d). oral, written, individual, group
117. Has enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself with some hesitation and circumlocutions on topics such a family hobbies and interests, work travel and current events, but lexical limitations cause repetition and even difficulty with formulation at times. What level is it?
*a) B1
b. A2
c. B2
d. A1

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