English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What is the meaning of Incident process?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

39. What is the meaning of Incident process?
*a) This teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution.
b) is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups (clusters).
c) a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. Brainstorming often serves as preparation for 9 another activity.
d) It is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)

40. Intrapersonal intelligence is ….
*a) based on silent individual work and self-reflection.
b) necessary in pair and group work, games and team activities.
c) expresses itself in physical activities and movement: role-play, games, making posters and doing projects.
d) based on solving problems and puzzles, counting, analyzing elements of the whole, doing ―odd one out tasks.

41. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence …
*a) expresses itself in physical activities and movement: role-play, games, making posters and doing projects.
b) is based on solving problems and puzzles, counting, analyzing elements of the whole, doing ―odd one out tasks.
c) activated when children listen to and imitate intonation and rhythm, sing songs and recite verses
d) developed when students do exercises supported by pictures or use flash-cards. They reconstruct dialogues and stories with the help of stickers.

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