English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What does the acronym ICT mean?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

51. What does the acronym ICT mean?
a) Information-Communication Technologies
b) Informational-Communicational Technologies
c) Information-Communicational Technologies
d) Informational-Communication Technologies

52. What does ICT stands for?
a) It's a ubiquitous term that includes software, applications, programs, firmware
b) It's a term that serves to express multimedia, communication, sharing, hardware
c) Its an umbrella term for devices, software, methods of storing, processing and
sharing information
d) It’s a term that means computers, tablets, smartphones and any information
exchanging devices

53. Who was the visionary and the CEO of Apple Corp?
a) Donald Trump
b) Bill Gates
c) Elon Musk
d) late Steve Jobs

54. What device is mostly used to process, edit and create information?
a) Tablet
b) Smartphone
c) PC
d) Phablet

55. What is the purpose of tablet?
a) Editing text, video, audio, images
b) To read, watch video, social networking, casual gaming
c) Social networking, shooting photos, videos, messaging
d) Playing high-end games, social gaming

56. If the PC is physical body of a man, then what is it's mental body?
a) Hard disk drive
b) Software
c) Random access memory module
d) Hardware

57. What's the word "app" stands for?
a) Appendix
b) Apparatus
c) Application
d) Apple

58. What is the software that is designed to teach languages called?
a) Computer aided language learning (CALL)
b) Computer aided learning (CAL
c) Computer aided language learning, manipulating and emulating (CALLME)
d) Computer aided language learning, holograms, inventions and mainframes (CALLHIM)

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