English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What kind of specialists needed to develop a software designed to learn languages?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

59. What kind of specialists needed to develop a software designed to learn languages?
a) Software developers, Designers, Language specialists
b) Engineers, Language specialists
c) Programmers, Designers, Photographers, Language specialists
d) Programmers, Sound engineer, Language specialists

60. What of the following is physical network?
a) ADSL, SHDSL, Dial-up
b) Facebook, Instagram, odnoklassniki
d) Wi-Fi, 3G, LTE

61. What of the following is an mobile operating system?
a) CrossMediaBar (XMB), Orbis, DirectX
b) MacOSX
c) Windows, Linux
d) Android, iOS, Symbian

63. What is torrent network?
a) Decentralized data sharing network
b) Piracy network
c) It's where you download videos illegally
d) Massive stream

64. What is the proper sequence of bringing knowledge nowadays?
a) Knowledge->Instructor->Student
b) Knowledge->Internet->Student
c) Knowledge->Teacher->Student
d) Knowledge->Computer->Student

65. Wat does the MS Office Suite include?
a) Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
b) Word, Excel, PowerPoint
c) Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop
d) Word, Excel, PowerPoint, CorelDraw, WinRAR

66. What is multimedia?
a) using PC, Tablets, Smartphones during the class
b) using more than one medium of expression or communication
c) using projector and smartboard during the class
d) using video in conducting lessons

67. What are the multimedia components
a) audio, video
b) text, interactivity, animation
c) image, video, audio
d) Text, image, audio, animation, video, interactivity

68. What is the best example of multimedia?
a) Live Performance

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