English 100 test Autonomous Learning

c) Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

c) Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning
d) Direct Instruction

77. DUET, as one of the intensive teaching training course of the English Language based on:
a) two modules; face-to-face, distance module
b) three modules; assessment, face-to-face, distance module
c) one module; face-to-face
d) one module; distance module

78. Identify this sentence according to its types: “While I was doing my homework and my mother was cooking the dinner, my father was asleep in front of the television.”
a) simple
b) compound
c) complex
d) Compound-complex

79. ………… assessment of language allows teachers to see students using language in context, through tasks that require performance of language.
a) indirect
b) closed
c) direct
d) open

80. ……….. is intended to enable students to give group presentations and assess their performance
a) essay
b) oral presentation
c) test
d) multiple choice

81. …………. are directly related to the language courses taught to the examinees
a) Placement tests
b) Achievement tests
c) Proficiency tests
d) Diagnostic tests

82. ……………format means that the examinees are given brief notes of a public address and the task is to “unfold” these brief entries into full text
a) Written response
b) Explaining
c) Contextual
d) describing

83. Can handle very short social exchanges even though they don’t understand enough to keep the conversation going themselves…… What level is it?
a) B2
b) A1
c) A2
d) C1
84. CEFR is not….
a) a document to reflex
b) theoretical document
c) descriptive document
d) a starting point to develop new tools

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