Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide
This screen is equivalent to the “
show options
” command in Metasploit. I have checked
the “use a reverse connection” option since I want to have a reverse shell because I want the victim
to connect to me. This is very helpful when the victim is behind a firewall
or we cannot reach him
If you are able to successfully exploit the issue, our target will turn red, as shown in the fol-
lowing screenshot:
We can now interact with our target in the following ways:
Command shell
—This will open up a command
prompt of the target computer, where we can
execute commands.
Meterpreter shell
—This will open up a Meterpreter session, which is what we will be learning
about in the “Post Exploitation ” chapter (Chapter 9).
will open up a VNC session, which can be used to interact with the tar-
get computer; not the best choice for stealth purposes, but certainly
great for demonstration