MA’RUZALARNING QISQACHA MAZMUNI BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ KİTABI SUIDSIDAL HULQ-ATVORNI VUJUDGA KELISHINI OCHIB BERUVCHI OMILLARNING PSIXOLOGIK NAZARIYALARDAGI TALQINI Eshqulov Shavkat Rustam o‘g‘li, Guliston davlat universiteti o‘qituvchisi, Qisqacha mazmuni: XX asrda Globallashuv nihoyatda tez suratlarda o‘sib
bormoqda. Bunday jadallashuv, information axborotlar dunyo hamjamiyatida
tarqalish tezligi insonning psixologik holatiga kuchli tasir qiladi. Hozirgi kunda
dunyo hamjamiyatini oldidagi katta muammolardan biri bu o‘z joniga qasd qilish
hisoblanadi. Biz buni Jahon Sog‘liqni Saqlash Tashkilot WHOning quyidagi
statistik malumotlatidan bilib olsak bo‘ladi. Hozirgi kunda dunyoda har 100000
odamdan o‘rtacha 16-17 odam o‘z joniga qasd qilish kuzatiladi va bu har 40
sekundda bitta odamning hayoti zavolga yuz tutayotgani aniqlandi. O‘z joniga qasd
qilishning eng asosiy tashvishli hatakteri bu uning jadal suradda o‘sib borayotgani
hisoblanadi. O‘z joniga qasd qilishninng jadallashni biz o‘tgan 45 yil ichda 60% ga
o‘sganligi uning bundan keying holati bundanda tezlashishi mumkinligidan darak
Kalit so‘z : Globalizatsiya,suitsid, psixoanaliz , assotsatsiyasi, autodestruktsiya,
Ego,id, super ego, struktura, instinct, Instinktual buzilish, sadism, deviant hulq,
stress, depressiya, individual mexanizm, psixoterapevt, affektiv, individual.
Abstract: In the 20th century, Globalization is growing extremely fast.
Such acceleration, the speed of information dissemination in the world community
strongly affects the psychological state of a person. One of the big problems facing
the world community today is suicide. We can learn this from the following statistics
of the World Health Organization WHO. Currently, there is an average of 16-
17 suicides out of every 100,000 people in the world, and it has been found that
one person’s life ends every 40 seconds. The main concern of suicide is that it is
increasing rapidly. The fact that the rate of suicide has increased by 60% in the past
45 years has indicated that it may continue to accelerate.
Keywords: Globalization, suicide, psychoanalysis, association,
autodestruction, Ego, id, super ego, structure, instinct, Instinctive disorder, sadism,
deviant behavior, stress, depression, individual mechanism, psychotherapist,
affective, individual.