FOYDALANISH Guli Parpiyevna ISAYEVA, P.f.n., dotsent, Dilfuza ALIMQULOVA, magistrant, Guliston davlat universiteti
Abstract: In this article, an excellent and competitive education system
to international standards determines the future intellectual opportunities and
development of our country. The purpose of the PIRLS assessment program is to
compare reading comprehension among fourth graders from around the world, as
well as to identify differences in reading literacy across national education systems.
Keywords: ta’lim tizimi, baholash, dastur, talablar, PIRLS, innovatsion
texnologiyalar, mezon.
TALABALARDA EKOLOGIK MADANIYATNI SHAKLLANTIRIDA O‘QITUVCHINING ESTETIK MAHORATI Ibragimova Shoira Kosimovna stajor o‘qituvchi, Guliston davlat universiteti
Abstract: In the formation of environmental culture in students, the teacher’s
aesthetic culture, aesthetic consciousness, speech culture, literary language standards
as a field of linguistics, aesthetic communicative qualities of speech, problems
of aesthetic speech pronunciation are discussed. The aesthetic skill of the teacher
focuses more on the essence of the content, logic and structure of the speech. At the
same time, it builds ecological culture in students based on theoretical knowledge
obtained from such subjects as “Ecology”, “Teacher’s speech culture”, “Teacher’s
aesthetic culture”, “Linguistics”, “Philosophy”, “Logic”.
Keywords: teacher, student, environmental culture, environment, aesthetic
spirituality, aesthetic culture, speech culture, oratory, art, oratory skill, ability,