To‘qimachilik va engil sanoat texnologiyasi kafedrasi Guliston davlat universiteti Qisqacha mazmuni: Maqolada talabalarni innovatsion faoliyatga
yo‘naltirish texnologiyasi va innovatsion faoliyatning tuzilishi haqidagi olimlarning
fikrlari tahlil qilinadi. Talabalarning innovatsion kompetentsiyasini shakllantirish
kontseptsiyasini yaratish maqsadida umumiy tushunchalar mazmuni aniqlandi, bu
kompetentsiyaning tuzilishi, uni shakllantirish uchun zarur bo‘lgan bosqichlar va
shart-sharoitlar ko‘rib chiqildi.
Kalit so‘zlar: innovatsion faoliyat, innovatsion kompetentsiya, kompetentsiya,
bo‘lish, salohiyatni shakllantirish, takomillashtirish, rivojlanish, isloh qilish.
Abstract: The article analyzes the opinions of scientists about the technology
of directing students to innovative activities and the structure of innovative activities.
In order to create the concept of formation of innovative competence of students, the
content of common concepts was determined, the structure of this competence, the
stages and conditions necessary for its formation were considered.
Keywords: innovative activity, innovative competence, competence,
becoming, potential formation, improvement, development, reform.
QISQА MАSOFАLАRGА YUGURUVCHILАRNI MU - SOBАQАLАRGА TАYYORLАSH USLUBYATLARINI TАKOMILLАSHT - IRISH. Umid SAIDOV, Guliston Davlat Universiteti o‘qituvchisi. Qisqacha mazmuni : Qisqа mаsofаlаrgа yuguruvchi yengil аtletikаchilаrni
musobаqаlаrgа tаyyorlаshdа mаshg‘ulot tuzilmаlаrini musobаqа jаrаyonigа mos
rаvishdа rejаlаshtirish sаmаrdorligi. Qisqа mаsofаgа yugurish turlаrigа ixtisoslаshgаn
tаlаbа-sportchilаr bilаn o‘tkаzilаdigаn yillik tаyyorgаrlik mаshg‘ulotlаri jаrаyonini
tаkomillаshtiri аsosidа tаshkil etish.