Kalit so‘zlar: axborot xavfsizligi
, uzluksiz taʼlim
, ta’lim oluvchi, axborot
texnologiyalari, muammoliy topshiriqlar.
A MODERN APPROACH TO THE ENRICHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS KNOWLEDGE Allayorov Saydullo Payzievich GulDU associate professor Abstract: This article describes the development of knowledge about
information systems in the educational system, their requirements, types of control
and their organization. Innovative methods and means of strengthening knowledge,
criteria for knowledge evaluation were analyzed and their effectiveness was studied.
Based on this, modern approaches to the enrichment and development of information
systems knowledge were studied.
Keywords: information systems, educational system, assessment, types of
control, strengthening of knowledge, innovative approach.
Qisqacha mazmuni : Ushbu maqolada taʼlim tizimida axborot tizimlari
bo‘yicha bilimlarni rivojlantirish, ularga qo‘yiladigan talablar, nazorat turlari va
ularni tashkil etish masalalari yoritilgan. Bilimlarni mustahkamlashning innovatsion
usullari va vositalari, bilimlarni baholash mezonlari tahlil qilingan va ularning
samarasi o‘rganilgan. Shu asosida axborot tizimlari bo‘yicha bilimlarni boyitish va
rivojlantiriga zamonaviy yondashuvlar o‘rganilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar: axborot tizimlari, taʼlim tizimi, baholash, nazorat turlari,
bilimlarni mustahkamlash, innovatsion yondashuv.
USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN A COMPETENT APPROACH TO THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Saidov Jasur Doniyor o‘g‘li, Teacher of Gulistan State University Berdiyorov To‘lqin Sanjar o‘g‘li ,
Student of Gulistan State University Kuchimov Sanjar Anvar o‘g‘li, Student of Gulistan State University Abstract: In this article, the competence approach in the educational process,
its role in bringing education to a new level, was studied. The research conducted by
scientists and their results were analyzed, the results they achieved, their views were
studied. In particular, the scientific researches of our country and foreign scientists
were studied. Their views on the subject and the main results of their research were
analyzed and the importance of the problem was determined. The effectiveness of