Qisqacha mazmuni:
Yurtimizning ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy, siyosiy, madaniy
sohalarda bo‘layotgan tezkor o‘zgarishlar ta’lim tizimini ham tubdan isloh qilishni
taqozo etmoqda, chunki mukammal ta’lim tizimi orqali respublikamizning kelajak
intellektual imkoniyatlarini va uni gullab yashnashi hamda rivojlanishini belgilab
beruvchi yoshlarni har tomonlama ijodkor, mustaqil faoliyat yuritadigan qilib
tarbiyalashda hal qiluvchi rol o‘ynaydi. Hozirgi zamonaviy bosqichda pedagogik
dolzarb vazifalarga fan, texnika, ilg‘or texnologiyalar yutuqlaridan foydalanish
asosida shaxsni tarbiyalash, o‘qitish va rivojlantirish maqsadlari, mazmuni,
metodlari, vositalari va tashkiliy shakllarini ilmiy ta’minlash kiradi. Kadrlar
tayyorlash sohasidagi davlat siyosati uzluksiz ta’lim tizimi orqali har tomonlama
rivojlangan shaxs - fuqaroning tashkil topishini ko‘zda tutadi. Bu ushbu ta’lim
tizimida va kadrlar tayyorlashda ta’lim xizmatlarining iste’molchisi, buyurtmachisi
sifatida va xuddi shunday ishlab chiqaruvchi sifatida ishtirok etadi.
Kalit so‘zlar:
Elektr energiyasi,
elektotexnika, nanotexnologiya, mikro
inavatsion tehnologiyalar,
metodlari, vositalari
The rapid changes taking place in the socio-economic, political and
cultural spheres of our country require a fundamental reform of the education system,
because through an excellent education system, the young people who determine
the future intellectual potential of our republic and its flourishing and development
are trained every day. It plays a decisive role in educating them to be creative and
independent. At the current modern stage, the urgent pedagogical tasks include the
scientific provision of the goals, content, methods, tools and organizational forms of
education, training and development of a person based on the use of the achievements
of science, technology, and advanced technologies. The state policy in the field of
personnel training envisages the creation of a comprehensively developed person - a
citizen through the continuous education system. It participates in this educational
system and personnel training as a consumer, customer of educational services and
as a producer.
Electric energy, electrical engineering, nanotechnology,
microelectronics, innovative technologies, methods, tools
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