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Aging Changes in the Nervous System



Faculty: Community Medicine
Course: 1
Group: 322R1A
Student: Arzu Ahmadova
Subject: English
Theme: Aging Changes in the Nervous System
The brain and nervous system are your body's central control center. They control your body's:

  • Movements

  • Senses

  • Thoughts and memories

They also help control the organs such as your heart and bowels. Nerves are the pathways that carry signals to and from your brain and the rest of your body. The spinal cord is the bundle of nerves that runs from your brain down the center of your back. Nerves extend out from the spinal cord to every part of your body. As you age, your brain and nervous system go through natural changes. Your brain and spinal cord lose nerve cells and weight (atrophy). Nerve cells may begin to pass messages more slowly than in the past. Waste products or other chemicals such as beta amyloid can collect in the brain tissue as nerve cells break down. This can cause abnormal changes in the brain called plaques and tangles to form. A fatty brown pigment (lipofuscin) can also build up in nerve tissue. Breakdown of nerves can affect your senses. You might have reduced or lost reflexes or sensation. This leads to problems with movement and safety and makes it more likely to suffer falls. Slowing of thought, memory, and thinking is a normal part of aging. These changes are not the same in everyone. Some people have many changes in their nerves and brain tissue. Others have few changes. These changes are not always related to the effects on your ability to think.
Dementia and severe memory loss are not a normal part of aging. They can be caused by brain diseases such as Alzheimer disease, which doctors believe is associated with plaques and tangles forming in the brain.
Delirium is sudden confusion that leads to changes in thinking and behavior. It is often due to illnesses that are not related to the brain. Infection can cause an older person to become severely confused. Certain medicines can also cause or complicate this. Thinking and behavior problems can also be caused by poorly controlled diabetes. Rising and falling blood sugar levels can interfere with thought. Talk with your health care provider if you have any changes in:

  • Memory

  • Thought

  • Ability to perform a task

Seek medical help right away if these symptoms occur suddenly or along with other symptoms. A change in thinking, memory, or behavior is important if it is different from your normal patterns or it affects your lifestyle. Mental and physical exercise can help your brain stay sharp. Mental exercises include:

Physical exercise promotes blood flow to your brain. It also helps reduce loss of brain cells. However, the effects of aging on brain function may be difficult to separate from the effects of various disorders that are common among older people. These disorders include depression, stroke, an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), and degenerative brain disorders such as Alzheimer disease. As people age, the number of nerve cells in the brain may decrease, although the number lost varies greatly from person to person, depending on the person’s health. In addition, some types of memory are more vulnerable to loss, such as memory that holds information temporarily. However, the brain has certain characteristics that help compensate for these losses.
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