Are you annoyed with me for being
Kechikkanim uchun jahlingiz
chiq dimi?
It’s stupid to get angry
about things
that don’t matter.
Bo‘lmagan ish uchun jahlingiz-
ning chiqishi ahmoqlik.
To be excited (worried, upset, nervous, happy) about -dan hayajon-
lanmoq (tashvishlanmoq, kayfi yati buzilmoq, asabi buzilmoq, baxtli bo‘l-
Are you excited
about going on ho-
liday next week?
Siz kelasi hafta dam olishga bo-
rayotganingizdan hayajonlana
yap sizmi?
Carol is upset
about not being in-
vited to the party.
Kerol ziyofatga taklif qilinma-
ganligi uchun xafa.
To bring about erishmoq, olib kelmoq:
The new method suggested by Olim
brought about a great in-
crease in the output of our shop.
Olim Salimov taklif qilgan yangi uslub
seximizda mahsulot ishlab chiqarishda
katta o‘sishga olib keldi.
To see about qaramoq, ko‘z-quloq bo‘lmoq (biror ishning qilinishini
kuzatib turmoq):
My neighbour is going
to see about
getting tickets for next Sa
football game.
Mening qo‘shnim shanbadagi
futbol o‘yiniga bilet olishga
ko‘z-quloq bo‘lib turmoqchi.
To be sorry about uchun kechirim so‘ramoq:
I’m sorry
about the noise last
night. We were having a party.
Kechagi shovqin uchun kechirasiz.
Biz ziyofat berayotgan edik.
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