AMONG (AMONGST) orasida, o‘rtasida (uch yoki undan ortiq shaxs yoki buyum o‘rtasida).
The work was devided among four
Ish to‘rt talaba o‘rtasida
bo‘lib berildi.
We could not fi nd case No. 125
among the cases discharged from he
Biz kemadan tushirilgan quti-
lar orasidan 125-qutini topa ol-
AT 1. Joyga nisbatan ishlatiladi:
a) -da, yonida, oldida: She is standing at the window.
U deraza yonida turibdi.
He stopped at the door.
U eshik oldida to‘xtadi.
b) -da (kichkina shahar va qishloqda):
He was born at Klin.
U Klinda tug‘ilgan.
George lives at 712 16
Jorj o‘n oltinchi avenyu,
712-uyda yashaydi.
c) -da (odamlar to‘planib biror ish-harakat yoki jarayon sodir bo‘ladigan
muassasa, tashkilot, yig‘ilishda):
I’ll see him at the theatre tonight.
Men uni bu oqshom teatrda
ko‘ raman.
Lekin: The meeting took place in the thea- tre. Yig‘ilish teatrda bo‘ldi.
He works at a factory (at an offi ce, at an Institute).
U fabrikada (ofi sda, institutda)
I’ll see him at the lecture (at the lesson, at the meeting, at a football match, at the concert).
Men uni leksiyada (darsda,
lishda, futbol matchida,
konsertda) ko‘raman.
Julia is studying at university.
Juliya universitetda o‘qiyapti.
It was a long voyage. We were at sea
for 30 days.
Bu uzoq safar edi. Biz dengizda
30 kun bo‘ldik.
2. -da (vaqtga nisbatan ishlatiladi, lahzada):
He will return at seven.
U yettida qaytib keladi.
He left the house at noon.
U peshinda uydan chiqdi.
She left the room at the end of the
U darsning oxirida xonadan chiq-
di. kutubxonasi