G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Future zamonlarining birida bo‘lsa ko‘chirma gapdagi zamon o‘zla shtirma gapda o‘zgarmaydi: Ko‘chirma gap

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G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi-fayllar.org

Future zamonlarining birida bo‘lsa ko‘chirma gapdagi zamon o‘zla shtirma
gapda o‘zgarmaydi:
Ko‘chirma gap:
O‘zlashtirma gap:
He says (has said, will say), «I
sent them the catalogue on Mon-
day». U deydi (dedi, deydi):
«Men katalogni ularga dushanba
kuni jonatdim».
He says (has said, will say) that
he sent them the catalogue on
U katalogni ularga dushanba kuni
jo‘natganligini aytadi (aytdi).
He says (has said, will say), «We
shall ship the goods in May».
U deydi (dedi, deydi): «Biz tovar-
larni May oyida yuklaymiz».
He says (has said, will say) that
they will ship the goods in May.
U tovarlarni May oyida yuklash-
larini aytadi (aytdi).
5. Agar bosh gapdagi fe’l Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfect 
zamonlarida bo‘lsa, ko‘chirma gapni o‘zlashtirma gapga aylantirganimizda
ergash gapdagi zamon o‘tgan zamonga suriladi va quyidagicha o‘zgar-
Ko‘chirma gapda
O‘zlashtirma gapda
Simple Present
Simple Past
Present Perfect, Simple Past
Past Peffect
Simple Future
Future In The Past
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous, Past
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Continuous
Future Continuous in the Past
Future Perfect
Future Perfect in the Past
Future Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect Continuous in the
www.ziyouz.com kutubxonasi

Ko‘chirma gap:

O‘zlashtirma gap:
He said, «I get up at 8 o’clock»
U dedi: «Men soat 8 da turaman».
He said that he got up at 8 o’clock.
U soat 8 da turishini aytdi.
He said, «I’m reading an interes-
ting book» U dedi: «Men qiziq kitob
He said that he was reading an in-
teresting book.
U qiziq kitob o‘qiyotganligini aytdi.
He said, «I have spoken to the ma-
nager about the terms of delivery of
the machine».
U dedi: «Men menejer bilan mashi-
nani jo‘natish muddati haqida
He said that he had spoken to the
manager about the terms of deli-
very of the machine.
U menejer bilan mashinani jo‘natish
muddati haqida gaplashganligini
He said, «I have been waiting for
you since fi ve o’clock».
U dedi: «Men sizni soat beshdan
buyon kutayapman».
He said that he had been waiting
for me since fi ve o’clock.
U meni soat beshdan buyon kutayo-
tganligini aytdi.
He said, «I bought the book in
U dedi: «Men kitobni Toshkentda
sotib oldim».
He said that he had bought the
book in Tashkent.
U kitobni Toshkentda sotib olgan-
ligini aytdi.
He said: «I was working at fi ve
U dedi: «Men soat beshda ishlayot-
gan edim».
He said that he had been working
at fi ve o’clock.
U soat beshda ishlayotgan ekan-
ligini aytdi.
He said, «The contract will be signed
in the evening».
U dedi: «Shartnoma kechqurun im-
He said that the contract would be 

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