G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

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xorijiy t

Being packed in strong cases (= As 
the goods were packed in strong 
cases), the goods arrived in good 
Mollar qattiq qutilarga joylan-
gani uchun, ular yaxshi ahvolda 
yetib keldi.
Being asked (= When he was 
asked) whether he intended to return 
soon, he answered that he would be 
away for about three months.
Undan tezda qaytib kelish-kel-
masligini so‘raganlarida, u uch 
oylar ketishini aytdi.
Ushbu vazifada Present Participle Passive bilan bir qatorda ko‘pin cha 
Past Participle ishlatiladi:
Being packed in strong cases …
Packed in strong cases …
Being asked whether …
Asked whether …
1. Past Participle otlar oldida aniqlovchi bo‘lib keladi:
A broken cup was lying on the tab-
Stolda siniq piyola yotardi.
She mended the torn sleeve of her 
U ko‘ylagining yirtiq yengini 
yama di.
2. Past Participle otlar orqasidan aniqlovchi bo‘lib keladi va ular 
aniq lovchi ergash gaplarga mos keladi:
This fi rm is interested in the pur-
chase of automobiles produced by 
our plants (= which are produced 
by our plants).
Bu fi rma bizning zavodlari mizda 
ishlab chiqarilgan avtomobillar-
ni sotib olishga qiziqadi.
The answer received from the sel lers 
(= which had been received from 
the sellers) greatly surprised us.
Sotuvchilardan biz olgan javob 
bizni juda hayron qoldirdi.
The ship chartered by the buyers 
(=which has been chartered by the 
buyers) will arrive at Boston next 
Xaridorlar yollagan kema kelasi 
hafta Bostonga yetib keladi.
All books taken (= which were 
taken) from the library must be re-
turned next week.
Kutubxonadan olingan bar-
cha kitoblar kelasi hafta qay-
tarilishi kerak.
The questions discussed at a 
number of meetings last month 
(=which were discussed at a 
number of meetings last month) 
have now been decided.
O‘tgan oyda ko‘p yig‘ilishlarda 
muhokama qilingan masalalar 
hozir yechildi.

3. Past Participle odatiy, umuman sodir bo‘ladigan ish-harakatni ifo-
dalaydi. Unga mos keluvchi ergash gapda Simple Present Passive ishla-
tish mumkin:
They sent us a list of goods im-

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