INFINITIVLI NOMINATIVNING ISHLATISH HOLATLARI 1. Gapning kesimi to say gapirmoq,to state aytmoq, bildirmoq, to re- port xabar bermoq, to announce e’lon qilmoq, to believe hisoblamoq, to sup pose mo‘ljallamoq, taxmin qilmoq, to think o‘ylamoq, hisoblamoq, to expect umid qilmoq, to know ma’lum bo‘lmoq, bilmoq, to understand bilmoq ma’nosida, to consider hisoblamoq, to see ko‘rmoq, to hear eshitmoq va boshqa fe’llarning majhul nisbatdagi shakli bilan ifodalanganda infi nitivli nominativ ishlatiladi:
He is said to live in Boston. (= It is
said that he lives in Boston.)
Aytishlaricha u Bostonda
This plant is known to produce tractors.(= It is known that this plant
produces tractors.)
Bu zavodning traktor ishlab
chiqa rishi ma’lum.
They are believed to be on their
way to Samarkand.. (= It is believed
that they are on their way to Samar-
Ularni Samarqandga ketayapti-
lar deb hisoblaydilar.
The delegation is reported to have left Tashkent. (= It is reported that
the delegation has left Tashkent.)
Xabar berilishicha delegatsiya
Toshkentdan jo‘nab ketgan.
Izoh: 1) to expect fe’lidan keyin Simple Infi nitive kelsa, kelasi zamondagi ish-hara katni
He was expected to arrive in the
Uning kechqurun kelishini kutishayotgan
(umid qilishayotgan) edilar.
2) to consider fe’lidan keyin ba’zan to be infi nitivi tushib qoladi:
He is considered (to be) an experienced
Uni tajribali injener deb hisoblashadi.
2. Gapning kesimi to seem, to appear o‘xshamoq, ko‘rinmoq, to prove ma’lum bo‘lmoq, to happen, to chance voqe’ (so dir) bo‘lmoq fe’llari ning
oddiy nisbatdagi shakli bilan ifodalanganda infi nitivli nominativ ishla-