General microbiology

D. Infectious mononucleosis, AIDS

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D. Infectious mononucleosis, AIDS
E. Dysentery, cholera
14. An HIV-positive patient’s cause of death is acute pulmonary insufficiency resulting from pneumonia. Pathohistological investigation of lungs has revealed transformed cells resemble owl’s eye. Name the pneumonia causative agent:
A. Cytomegalovirus B. Pneumococcus
C. Influenza virus D. Candida fungi E. Toxoplasma
15. What chemotherapeutic agent is a drug of choice for treatment of herpes?
A. Acyclovir B. Rifampicin C. Chingamin
D. Doxycycline hydrochloride E. Metronidazole
16. A patient has herpetic rash. What medication should be administered?
A. Acyclovir B. Gentamycin C. Clotrimazole
D. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt E. Biseptol
17. A patient is ill with herpetic stomatitis provoked by immunosuppression. What preparation introduced intravenously, internally and locally can provide antiviral and immunopotentiating effect?
A. Acyclovir B. Remantadinum C. Levamisole
D. Methisazonum E. Amoxicillin
18. A patient consulted a dentist about a lesion of his oral mucosa. He was diagnosed with herpetic stomatitis. Which of the following drugs will have an effect on etiotropic factor?
A. Acyclovir B. Dimedrol C. Paracetamol D. Levamisole E. Furacilinum
19. A patient has herpetic conjunctivitis. What etiotropic drug should be administered?
A. Acyclovir B. Ampicillin C. Methisazonum D. Furagin E. Tetracycline
20. A patient with herpetic stomatitis was prescribed acyclovir for topical application. What is its mechanism of action?
A. It inhibits synthesis of nucleic acids of viruses
B. It inhibits virus penetration into cells C. It inhibits virus maturation
D. It increases the resistance of macroorganism cells to the viruses
E. It inhibits virion assembly
21. A medical student was hospitalized into the infectious diseases unit on the 2nd day after the disease onset; the patient is suspected to have infectious mononucleosis. What results of laboratory analysis can confirm this diagnosis immediately on the day of the hospitalization?
A. IgM antibodies to herpes simplex virus were detected
B. Herpesvirus was isolated
C. Fourfold increase in number of antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus was detected

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