General microbiology

D. IgM antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus were detected

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D. IgM antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus were detected
E. Cytomegalovirus antibodies were detected
22. A patient came to a dentist complaining of fever and characteristic small vesicles on the buccal, palatal, and lingual mucosa. The dentist suspects herpetic stomatitis. What additional test is necessary to confirm the diagnosis?
A. Inoculation of chick chorioallantoic membrane or brain tissue of white mice
B. Precipitation reaction
C. Inoculation on Rappaport medium
D. Inoculation on medium 199 with addition of bovine serum
E. Inoculation on Eagle medium
23. A 17-year-old girl is undergoing an examination. She has signs of pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy of the neck, and fever and was provisionally diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. What test can confirm this diagnosis at the onset of the disease?
A. Microscopy of blood smear using Romanovsky-Giemsa method
B. Measuring the levels of C-reactive protein
C. Measuring of IgG to Epstein-Barr virus
D. Sabin-Feldman dye test
E. Measuring the antibodies (IgM) to Epstein-Barr virus
1. A patient with clinical signs of encephalitis was delivered to the infectious diseases hospital. Anamnesis registers a tick bite. Hemagglutination-inhibition reaction helped to reveal antibodies to the causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis in the dilution 1:20 which is not diagnostic. What actions should the doctor take after he had got such result?
A. To repeat the examination with serum taken 10 days later
B. To examine the same serum C. To apply more sensitive reaction
D. To repeat examination with another diagnosticum
E. To deny diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis
2. After a thorough examination the patient who had returned from Central Asia to Ukraine was diagnosed with spring-summer encephalitis. Its pathogen might have entered the body through the bite of the following arthropod:
A. Dog-louse B. Taiga tick C. Mosquito
D. Itch mite E. Argasid tick (ornithodorus papillipes)
3. After a thorough examination, a man, who has returned to Ukraine from the Central Asia, was provisionally diagnosed with spring-summer encephalitis. In such cases, the causative agent is transmitted via bites of a certain arthropod. Name this arthropod:
A. Ixodes persulcatus
B. Sarcoptes scabiei
C. Phlebotominae
D. Ornithodorus papillipes
E. Ixodes ricinus

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