Confidence interval - The probability that the sample mean lies within a given standard error of the true population mean.
Confidence limits - Limits which describe an interval that contains plausible values for a statistic and which that statistic may lie within a certain proportion of the time given repeated sampling.
Cross-cultural research - Researching cultures other than one’s own, which may be spatially distant or closer to home. This requires sensitivity to cultural similarities and differences, unequal power relations, fieldwork ethics, the practicalities and politics of language use, the position of the researcher and care in writing up the research.
Dataframe - Spreadsheets of data organized into rows and columns. Rows represent an attribute of the data ‘case’; columns represent values of the attribute between all cases.
Data types -Continuous data are measured on a continuous scale and bear a relational element; categorical data values signify membership of a group.
Dendroclimatology - Analysis of annual variations in tree-ring widths.
Diaspora - The dispersal or scattering of a population. It can also refer as a noun to dispersed or scattered populations such as the Black diaspora or Jewish diaspora. In more theoretical terms, the idea of diaspora, or diasporic communities (see also transnational communities) challenges notions of fixed connections between cultures, identity and place.
Digital data - Data about the way the map is configured, such as boundaries and points.
Discretization - In field studies, the ability to isolate a particular field site from ‘outside’ influences which may have an uncontrolled effect on observations and measurement.
Ecological fallacy - Inferring the characteristics of individuals from information about the aggregate populations of which they are part. A common problem in the use of secondary data.
EDA - Exploratory Data Analysis – graphical representation of data to help identify structure and pattern, often as a precursor to statistical inference or modeling.