Electromagnetic radiation - A system of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that carry energy from one point to another, and used to measure the properties of features in an image.
Equifinality (or convergence) - When a similar end point in a system (e.g. a land-form) arises from the operation of similar processes, but from different initial conditions.
Ethnocentric/ethnocentrism - Prioritizing one’s own world-view and experiences, one’s own culture as the ‘norm’ against which others are measured for their strangeness, lack of development, difference, or exoticism. It usually implies taking western experiences as the norm.
Factors - A categorical explanatory variable (e.g. gender, location).
Feedback - The positive or negative effects of process and process-form linkages in physical systems.
Field test-bed - Field site chosen to collect data with the purpose of answering a given research hypothesis, or in choosing between competing hypotheses.
Generalization - A set of processes to reduce complexity on smaller-scale maps.
Geographical information systems (GIS) - Organized collections of data-processing methods which act on spatial data to enable patterns in those data to be understood and visualized.
Geostatistics - A suite of tools for solving problems with spatial data. The term is commonly applied (but not limited) to the investigation of spatial variation of processes and landforms on or near the Earth’s surface.
Graphicacy - Skills in reading and constructing graphic modes of communication such as maps, diagrams and pictures.
Graphic variables - The visual attributes of a symbol that may be changed by a map designer.
Human Development Index - An index designed for use in the international comparison of standards of life, based on a limited set of variables (usually life expectancy at birth, adult literacy and gross national product per capita).