semi-invasive nature and the difficulty directly comparing dimensions
over time.
b. Postoperative Aortic Imaging in Marfan Syndrome.–After elec-
tive aortic root replacement, dismissal or early (within 6 months) TTE
and CT or MRI are generally performed to establish a baseline aortic
assessment for patients with Marfan syndrome. Annual TTE and CT
or MRI of the aorta are generally recommended after aortic root
replacement. The frequency of aortic imaging is individualized
depending on patient characteristics, such as the type of operation
performed and the extent of aortic dilatation elsewhere. Serial post-
operative follow-up imaging should focus on progression of disease
affecting the native aorta, and common postoperative complications,
including the development of pseudoaneurysm and coronary anasto-
motic aneurysms.
c. Postdissection Aortic Imaging in Marfan Syndrome.–Patients
with Marfan syndrome with repaired type A aortic dissection should
undergo serial aortic imaging with CT or MRI; the imaging frequency
depends on the extent of aortic dissection and the type of repair.
Patients with Marfan syndrome with type B aortic dissection that
has not been repaired require regular follow-up imaging (see section
III.B, ‘‘Aortic Dissection’’).
d. Family Screening.–Marfan syndrome is inherited in an autosomal-
dominant fashion, so transthoracic echocardiographic screening is rec-
ommended for the first-degree relatives of an affected individual unless
a gene mutation has been identified and genetic testing can be used to
identify affected family members.
All affected family members should
undergo regular aortic imaging. Although there are no specific guide-
line recommendations for ‘‘regular’’ imaging, serial imaging should
depend on the age and specific features of a given individual.
2. Other Genetic Diseases of the Aorta in Adults.
Two genetic
conditions associated with thoracic aortic disease, BAV and Marfan
syndrome, are relatively common and are discussed elsewhere in
this review. Many additional predisposing conditions for aortic aneu-
rysm formation and dissection are listed in
Table 18
. The scope of this
document does not permit a detailed discussion of these less common
entities, but a few pertinent details are mentioned. Importantly,
awareness of these disorders and their potential risk is critical not
only to presenting patients but also to their close relatives.
a. Turner Syndrome.–Women with Turner syndrome are at risk for
BAV, aortic coarctation, and aortic dilatation or dissection. Aortic dila-
tation in patients with Turner syndrome has been reported to occur in
up to 40% of cases. Imaging of the aorta in these patients must include
the ascending aorta, aortic arch, and proximal descending aorta. As in
other cases, aortic dilatation coexists with a BAV and/or coarcta-
Patients with Turner syndrome have a small stature
compared with same-age individuals in the general population, so
all aortic measurements should be indexed to BSA. An indexed aortic
diameter of >2 cm/m
in the ascending aorta should be followed
annually, as the risk for aortic dissection is increased.
b. Loeys-Dietz Syndrome.–Loeys-Dietz syndrome results from a
gene mutation of transforming growth factor
b receptor 1 or 2 and
is inherited in an autosomal-dominant fashion.
Aortic root aneu-
rysms are present in the majority of patients with Loeys-Dietz syn-
drome. Involvement of other aortic segments and smaller arteries in
the form of aneurysms or marked tortuosity are characteristic in
this population.
Dissection can occur at dimensions smaller
than in other inherited disorders of connective tissue. Although an
annual comprehensive arterial imaging protocol with MDCT or
MRI has been recommended,
the strategy for follow-up is not
well established and should be individualized from annually to every
2 to 3 years depending on abnormalities present, family risk of com-
plications, and degree of evolution. Interpretation should include in-
formation about the caliber of the aortic root, the ascending and
descending aorta, and the pulmonary artery (pulmonary artery dilata-
tion may also occur). If progression of aortic disease has occurred, it
should be monitored every 6 months (every 12 months for other ar-
teries) given the markedly increased risk for dissection or rupture.
c. Familial TAAs.–Different gene mutations have been identified in
familial TAAs, predominantly with an autosomal-dominant inheri-
tance. Aneurysms in relatives may be seen in the thoracic aorta, the
abdominal aorta, or the cerebral circulation. Therefore, comprehen-
sive imaging for screening of first-order relatives of probands with
TAA is advisable.
The frequency and modality of vascular imaging
in affected persons is similar to that outlined for Marfan syndrome but
should be individualized.
d. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.–The vascular form of Ehlers-Danlos
syndrome (type IV) is a rare autosomal-dominant disorder with
vascular involvement characterized by arterial dilatation and rupture.
The role of aortic imaging in this population is less clear. Elective sur-
gical repair of aortic aneurysms or other vascular involvement carries
a high risk because of due to tissue fragility, so the impact of serial
aortic imaging is unclear.
3. BAV-Related Aortopathy. a. Bicuspid Valve–Related Aort-
opathy.–BAVs affect 1% to 2% of the population and are often associ-
ated with aortopathy.
Nearly 50% of patients with BAVs have
dilatation of either the aortic root or ascending aorta.
Dilatation of the aortic arch and descending thoracic aorta can also
occur but is less common. Recently, it has been reported that patients
with BAVs also are at increased risk for intracranial aneurysms
compared with the normal population,
although the clinical signifi-
cance of this is unknown. Progressive dilatation of the aorta may occur
irrespective of the functional status of the BAV and places patients at
increased risk for aortic dissection or rupture.
Patients with
BAVs may also have coexisting coronary artery anomalies, including
reversal of dominance, short left main coronary artery (<10 mm), and
anomalous origin of the left circumflex artery from the right coronary
Table 18
Genetic conditions associated with aortic disease
Marfan syndrome
Loeys-Dietz syndrome
Turner syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos vascular type (type IV)
Familial TAA
Shprintzen-Goldberg (craniosynostosis) syndrome
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 28 Number 2
Goldstein et al 157
Failure to recognize these anomalies may result in
risk for coronary artery injury during aortic valve repair or replacement.
b. Imaging of the Aorta in Patients with Unoperated BAVs.–TTE is
the primary imaging tool for the initial diagnosis and screening as
well as serial follow-up of patients with known or suspected BAVs
with or without aortopathy. The aortic root or ascending aorta
may be dilated. The pattern of dilatation may be associated with
BAV morphology.
At the time of initial diagnosis of aortopathy
in patients with BAVs, imaging with CT or MRI is generally recom-
mended to confirm that the size of the aorta measured by TTE is ac-
curate. Eccentric dilatation of the aortic sinus adjacent to the
conjoined cusp increases the chance of underestimation of the
aortic root measurement by TTE, particularly when the measure-
ment is obtained only in the long-axis format. CT and MRI also pro-
vide important information about the size of the aortic arch and
descending aortic segments, which are often incompletely visualized
by TTE (
Figure 49
). Although BAV occurs in >50% of patients with
coarctation, coarctation is noted in <10% of patients with BAVs.
Nevertheless, whenever a BAV is detected, coarctation should al-
ways be sought.
c. Follow-Up Imaging of the Aorta in Patients with Unoperated
BAVs.–All patients with BAVs and associated aortopathy should un-
dergo annual surveillance imaging of the ascending aorta to monitor
growth over time. TTE can be used to monitor the aortic root and
ascending aorta when correlation between the dimensions
measured by TTE and CT or MRI has been confirmed. After the
identification of ascending aortic enlargement in a patient with
BAV, repeat imaging after 6 months is recommended. If the aorta re-
mains stable at 6-month follow-up and is <45 mm in size, and there
is no family or personal history of aortic dissection, annual aortic im-
aging is recommended. Patients who do not meet these criteria
should undergo repeat aortic imaging using TTE every 6 months.
Occasionally, patients with BAV-related aortopathy have demon-
strated stable dilatation of the ascending aorta over several years;
the frequency of aortic follow-up in these patients should be individ-
ualized. Patients with BAVs and no demonstrable aortopathy should
be screened every 3 to 5 years with TTE for the development of
aortic enlargement.
Repeat CTor MRI is suggested at least every 3 to 5 years to reassess
the aortic arch and descending aorta and reconfirm that transthoracic
echocardiographic measurements of the aortic root remain reliable
for serial measurements.
TEE is generally not used for initial diagnosis and follow-up of BAV-
related aortopathy, because of its semi-invasive nature and difficulty
comparing dimensions over time.
Patients with BAVs with aneurysmal dilatation of the aortic arch or
descending thoracic aorta or those with remote histories of type B
aortic dissection require regular computed tomographic angiography
or MRI to monitor aortic stability. In such cases, imaging should be
repeated annually. TTE does not provide reliable imaging for serial
follow-up of the dimensions of these portions of the aorta.
d. Postoperative Aortic Imaging in Patients with BAV-Related
Aortopathy.–After elective aortic root replacement, early (dismissal
or within 6 months) TTE and CT or MRI are generally performed to
establish a baseline aortic and valve assessment. During the imaging
study, it is critical to know what surgical procedure was performed to
identify potential residua or sequelae (
Figure 50
). Annual aortic imag-
ing is generally recommended after aortic root replacement or replace-
ment of the aorta above the coronary arteries; however, the frequency
is individualized depending on patient characteristics, type of operation
performed, and duration of follow-up. Dilatation of the remaining
ascending aorta, aortic arch, or descending thoracic aorta may continue
after the ascending aorta has been replaced. Serial postoperative
follow-up imaging should also focus on common postoperative compli-
cations, including the development of coronary button pseudoaneur-
ysm formation, anastomotic site pseudoaneurysm formation, and
progressive dilatation of other aortic segments.
Figure 50
(A) Computed tomographic 3D volume-rendered reconstruction of the thoracic aorta in a patient with prior aortic valve and
ascending aorta replacement due to bicuspid valve–related aortopathy; the image demonstrates aortic arch dilatation (asterisk). (B)
Computed tomographic 3D volume-rendered reconstruction of the thoracic aorta in a patient with BAV and aortopathy with prior
aortic valve and supracoronary aortic replacement; the image demonstrates features of asymmetric aortic root dilatation (asterisk).
158 Goldstein et al
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
February 2015
e. Family Screening.–Because aortopathy has been demonstrated in
first-degree relatives of patients with BAV syndrome, screening first-
degree relatives with TTE is recommended to identify dilatation of
the aortic root or ascending aorta.
Key points of imaging related to genetic diseases of the aorta are
listed in
Table 19
Traumatic injuries to the aorta may result from either blunt (nonpene-
trating, indirect) or sharp (penetrating, direct) trauma. Penetrating
trauma is usually caused by stab or bullet wounds that puncture the
aortic wall. Rare causes include misplacement of spinal fixation screws
and lacerations from spinal fractures.
Penetrating aortic trauma
injures the aorta from outside to inside, does not have a predilection
for site, and is usually fatal.
Blunt aortic injuries (BAIs) are
far more common and are therefore the focus of this review.
In BAI, the aortic wall is damaged from the inside to the outside,
from the intima to the adventitia. The most common location of
BAI is at the aortic isthmus just distal to the left subclavian ar-
The second most common location is the supravalvular
portion of the ascending aorta.
Motor vehicle
accidents (especially at speeds of >40 mph) account for 75% of
cases in most series of BAI,
but falls from heights of
>10 feet, crush injuries, explosions, motorcycle and aircraft crashes,
pedestrian injuries, and direct blows to the chest are also known to
produce similar injuries.
A. Pathology
The aortic isthmus is the most common location for BAI (80%–95%),
followed by the ascending aorta and then the diaphragmatic
Those regions represent transition points between
relatively fixed and mobile aortic segments. These transition points
have the greatest exposure to shear and hydrostatic forces generated
by abrupt deceleration. Unfortunately, investigators in the field have
not been consistent in the terms they use to describe the result of
BAI. Pathologists have described these injuries as tears, lacerations,
disruptions, transactions, ruptures, dissections, and pseudoaneurysms.
Even modern imaging modalities may not be able to define an injury
in terms that are precisely consistent with pathologic descriptions. In
this text, descriptive terms are used for the pathologic abnormalities
that correlate with various imaging methods. Descriptions of images
should include the site of the lesion (i.e., ascending aorta, aortic arch,
isthmus, descending thoracic aorta, or abdominal aorta), as well as an
estimate of the distance of the lesion from a reference anatomic
structure (e.g., the aortic valve, the origin of the left subclavian artery,
and the diaphragm). The description should also include the length
of the aortic injury (in millimeters) and the total circumference of the
aorta at the site of its injury.
A variety of aortic lesions can result from blunt aortic trauma.
1. Subadventitial aortic rupture involving the intima and media with incomplete
circumferential extension: In this most frequent lesion encountered by imag-
ing physicians, there is a discrete tear involving the intima and underlying me-
dia. The disrupted aortic wall (intima and media) usually protrudes into the
aortic lumen, and through the disrupted wall, the aortic lumen communicates
with a cavity (saccular false aneurysm) whose wall is composed only of
adventitia. The inner surface of the aorta presents an abrupt discontinuation,
and the outer contour is deformed by the false aneurysm. The protrusion of
the torn aortic wall into the aortic lumen may produce ‘‘stenosis’’ with flow
acceleration and a gradient (pseudocoarctation).
2. Subadventitial aortic rupture involving the intima and media with complete
circumferential extension (aortic transection): This lesion results in a fusiform
Table 19
Genetic TAAs: key points
Key features
Marfan syndrome
Aortic root most common loca-
tion for aneurysm
Characteristic pear-shaped
STJ diameter relatively normal
TTE initial imaging tool for de-
tecting and serial follow-up
First-degree relatives require
TTE primary imaging tool for
diagnosis, screening, and
May involve ascending aorta or
aortic root
Aneurysms occur even in
absence of significant valve
Screening of aortic valve and
ascending aorta recommended
even for first-degree relatives
Familial thoracic aortic
Ascending aorta more
commonly affected
Relatively fast growth rate
Vascular Ehlers-Danlos
Aortic complications at a young
Loeys-Dietz syndrome
Widespread, aggressive vas-
Aortic root aneurysms in up to
Dissection can occur at dimen-
sions smaller than in other in-
herited aortic disorders such as
Marfan syndrome and BAV
Turner syndrome
Associated with BAV
Aneurysms most commonly
occur in ascending aorta
Table 20
CXR findings associated with BAIs
Widened mediastinum (>8.0 cm or mediastinum-to-chest width ratio
> 0.25)
Rightward deviation of the trachea or nasogastric tube
Obscured aortic knob
Opacification of the aortopulmonary window
Downward displacement of the left main stem bronchus
Widened right paratracheal stripe
Left apical pleural cap
First and/or second rib fracture
Clavicle, sternal, or thoracic spine fracture
Intrathoracic free air
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 28 Number 2
Goldstein et al 159
pseudoaneurysm. Because the intima and media tear is circumferential, protru-
sion into the lumen does not occur. The inner surface of the aneurysm is smooth,
formed solely by adventitia. As a consequence, the aortic wall is extremely thin
and fragile. Imaging typically reveals abrupt change in aortic diameter.
3. IMH: Accumulation of blood within the media may result from blunt aortic
trauma because of disruption of the vasa vasorum or the development of
small intimal tears. The aortic wall shows a localized, usually crescentic
thickening (usually >5 mm). The inner aortic surface is smooth, the aortic
lumen is partially reduced, and the outer aortic contour is unaltered. There
is no flap and no flow signals within the hematoma.
4. Traumatic aortic dissection: The elastic and collagen fibers of the aortic wall
are remarkably strong radially but may relatively easily be split when
exposed to transaxial stress. As is true of spontaneous aortic dissection, aortic
trauma may produce separation of the media. This lesion is uncommon and
can mimic spontaneous aortic dissection but has significant differences. It is
usually localized to the area of the aortic injury and does not propagate
distally toward the iliac arteries. It typically fails to create two channels and
may have a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis of the aorta. Conse-
quently, the resulting ‘‘flap’’ is usually thicker and less mobile than the clas-
sical intimal flap. The aorta is usually symmetrically enlarged.
5. Lesion of the aortic branches: Partial or total avulsion, pseudoaneurysm,
dissection, and thrombosis may occur as isolated injuries to branch arteries
or in association with BAI.
6. Superficial lesions involving only the intima: With improvements in imaging
technology, ever more subtle lesions are being identified. The term minimal
aortic injury is often used to describe a lesion that carries a relatively low risk
for rupture. Ten percent of BAIs diagnosed with high-resolution techniques
have minimal aortic injuries.
Although most of these intimal injuries heal
spontaneously and hence may not require surgical repair, the natural history
of these injuries is unknown.
Frank tears produced by BAI but limited to
the intima appear as thin, linear mobile intraluminal projections from the
aortic wall. No alterations of the diameter or external contour of the aorta
are present. Thrombi, often mobile, may be present within the aortic
lumen, presumably in areas of exposed collagen. Minimal aortic injury from
an imaging standpoint is an injury with the intimal flap <10 mm,
accompanied by minimal or no periaortic mediastinal hematoma.
B. Imaging Modalities
On the basis of a landmark study by Parmley et al.,
aortography was
considered the best study to identify BAI for >40 years. However,
aortography is invasive, requires a special team for its performance,
and is prone to both false-positive and false-negative results, rendering
it a poor choice for screening.
CT is now the diagnostic test of
Other options for the diagnosis of blunt
traumatic aortic injury include CXR, TEE, IVUS, and MRI. Each of
the imaging techniques has relative advantages and disadvantages.
1. CXR.
Although a plain CXR is often an initial study in emergency
departments and can sometimes suggest aortic injury, even when the
image is not of diagnostic quality, no single or combination of radio-
graphic signs demonstrates sufficient sensitivity or specificity to reliably
detect or exclude traumatic aortic rupture.
Therefore, further
imaging should be performed whenever an abnormality is suspected
on clinical presentation or on CXR or when the mechanism of injury 10>45>10> Dostları ilə paylaş: |