"Экономика и социум" №8(87) 2021 www.iupr.ru
People who try to assess their own or someone else’s level of self-
sufficiency independently often wonder where the boundary between normal and
pathological psyche and behavior is. Various characteristic accents are
characterized as a high level of clinical norm at the border with the pathology.
In the second half of the last century, in 1968, the German psychiatrist K.
Leonhard introduced the concept of "accentuation" to science. He described it
as a deviation from the norm, an over-emphasis on individual characteristics.
Nine years later, in 1977, the Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko proposed the use of the
term “characteristic accentuation” more precisely and narrowly. It was these
two scientists (K. Leonhard and A. E. Lichko) who made invaluable
contributions to the science of psychology, developing close, complementary
concepts and classifications of accents. K. Leonhard developed an accentuation
typology based on an assessment of people’s interpersonal communication. Its
classification is mainly aimed at adults. A characteristic questionnaire was
developed based on Leonhard's concept, authored by H.Shmishek. This
questionnaire allows to determine the dominant type of accentuation in a
communication, deviant, accentuation types.
− inson
xarakterining individual
xususiyatlarining haddan tashqari intensivligi (yoki kuchayishi)...
Xarakterli aksentuatsiya deganda nimani anglatishini tushunish uchun
"xarakter" tushunchasini tahlil qilish kerak. Psixologiyada ushbu atama
insonning butun hayotida iz qoldiradigan
va uning odamlar bilan, o'ziga va
mehnatga bo'lgan munosabatini belgilaydigan insonning eng barqaror
xususiyatlarining to'plami (yoki yig'indisi) sifatida tushuniladi.
Odatda, xarakterli xususiyatlar yanada jonli va o'ziga xos ko'rinadigan
paytlar bor, ba'zida bu xususiyatlar "keskinlashishi" mumkin va ko'pincha ular
o'z-o'zidan paydo bo'ladi, ba'zi omillar ta'siri ostida va tegishli sharoitlarda.
Psixologiyada bunday keskinlashuv (aniqrog'i xususiyatlarning intensivligi)
xarakterli aksentuatsiya deb ataladi.
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