"Hygiene" test questions for the 3 year students imf. (2016) The founders of domestic hygiene

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"Hygiene" test questions for the 3 year students IMF. (2016)

1. The founders of domestic hygiene:

     a) Semashko; Z.P.Solovev; G.V.Hlopin.

    b) NIPirogov; SPBotkin; G.A.Zaharin.

   c) A.N.Sysin; F.F.Erisman.

   d) A.P.Dobroslavin, Semashko.

 2. The greenhouse effect is associated with increased concentration in the atmosphere:

a) Oxides of sulfur

b) Nitrogen oxides

c) Carbon Dioxide

d) Ozone

3. What is the state system of monitoring the quality of the environment and the health of the population?

 a) The system of sanitary-epidemiological norms

 b) Hygienic diagnosis

  c) Federal hydro-meteorological monitoring system

 d) Risk Assessment Methodology

4. What is the basis for primary prevention?

 a) Early detection of pathological conditions, a thorough examination of healthy people exposed to adverse environmental factors

b) Complete elimination of harmful factors, or reducing its exposure to a safe level

 c) Hygienic standardization of environmental factors

d) A set of measures to prevent complications of diseases, rehabilitation and treatment

 5. The most important properties of human milk do not include:

a ) high digestibility of the body of the child;

b ) the presence of biologically active substances;

c) low osmolality;

d ) constant composition.


6. What is the shell of the Earth - living area living organisms?

a) Troposphere

      b) Biosphere

      c) Ionosphere

     d) Techno sphere

7. How are called factors of influence on the nature of human activity?

  a) A biotic

  b) Biotic

 c) Anthropogenic

   d) Isothermal

8. How is translated into Russian term "Urbanization"?

a) The increase in urban population in the world

 b) This is the process of migration

c) Reducing the number of villages and small towns

  d) Increase the number of cities and population in them

  1. Which health group includes children with chronic diseases in the stage of compensation

a)       1

b )       2

c)       3

d)       4

10. Choose the appropriate concentrations of gases that make up air. (Select one answer)

a) -78% oxygen, 20% nitrogen, 0.1% carbon dioxide

b) Oxygen -21% -78% nitrogen, 0.04% carbon dioxide, inert gases - 1%

  c) 21% oxygen, 75% nitrogen, 3% carbon dioxide. Inert gases-about 2%

d) Oxygen -16% -78% nitrogen, carbon dioxide, - up to 6%. Inert gases-about 0.01%

11. What is the percentage of oxygen in the air?

 a) 21%

b) 16%

   c) 19%

d) 70%


12. What is the percentage of oxygen in the exhaled air?

a) 6%

b) 12%

d) 16%

c) 19%

 13. Is the percentage of carbon dioxide in exhaled air

a) 0.3-0.4%

b) 0.03-0.04%

d) 0.1%

   c) 3-4%

14. What are the main sources of air pollution residential areas?

 a) Vehicles

b) Mine

 c) Hydroelectric power plants (HPP)

 d) Electronic industry


15. What determines the chemical composition of the indoor air?

a) The speed of air movement (wind)

b) From the chemical composition of atmospheric air

c) From the state of the weather

d) By Ventilation

  1. What is the optimal capacity in urban secondary schools

1)       no more than 1,000 people

2)       no more than 500 people

3)       1500 - 2000 people

4)       more than 2,000 people

17. What is the chemical compound is an indirect measure of air pollution health Anthrop toxins?

  a) Hydrogen sulfide

  b) Nitrogen dioxide

 c) Carbon dioxide

 d) Carbon monoxide

18. Give the definition of "residential air"

          a) This air containing more than 0.1% carbon dioxide

         b) This air, containing less than 0.1% carbon dioxide

          c) This air containing more than 1% carbon dioxide

           d) This air polluted Anthrop toxins

19. What is characteristic of the troposphere?

         a) Dilution and air ionization

        b) a relatively constant gas composition of air, the instability of physical properties, the vertical temperature difference

         c) Changing the gas composition, physical properties of consistency, lack of temperature changes

         d) relatively constant gas composition, physical properties of instability, vertical temperature gradient, air ionization

20. What is the rate of aeration is considered the best?

     a) Not less than 1:30

       b) Not less than 1:50

        c) No more than 1:50

        d) Not more than 1:40

21. Fortification of ready meals to children and adolescents institutions is carried out:

a ) ascorbic acid added to the cold drinks in the autumn and winter


b ) ascorbic acid added to the cold drinks all year round;

c ) multivitamin preparations being added all the dishes all year round;

d) ascorbic acid added to the first courses year-round.

22. Long-term effects of high levels of action of atmospheric air pollution occur:

       a) a high level of overall morbidity

      b) an increase in allergic diseases

c) reduction of non-specific resistance

d) carcinogenic and mutagenic effects

23. The school workshops carpentry and plumbing normalized temperature is lower than in the classroom due to the fact that:

a ) Improvement of workshops over the area;

b ) cubic capacity per student anymore;

c ) at the physical magnitude of heat above;

d ) when the physical value of the heat production below.

25. One of the definition of "weather" is correct. What?

 a) Weather - is a complex physiological stimuli characteristic of the area.

    b) Weather - a combination of meteorological factors

c) Weather - a periodic change in the physical properties of the surface layer of the atmosphere, characteristic of the terrain

d) Weather - the physical state of the atmosphere at a given location in a certain short period of time

26. The most strict sanitary and anti-epidemic regime provided for in:

a ) boarding schools and orphanages of the traditional type;

b ) children's homes of family type;

c ) social rehabilitation institutions;

d ) summer health institutions.

27. To determine the number of sets of school furniture is enough to measure:

a ) seat height and backrest distance;

b ) Height adjustable table top edge of the floor and the seat depth;

c ) height adjustable table top edge of the floor and the seat distance;

d ) the seat height and the height of the rear edge of the table top from the floor;

28. What instruments measure or record humidity?

a) psychomotor

b) Anemometer

c) Cathetometer

d) Spiro meter

29. What instrument measures the velocity of the air?

a) psychomotor

b) Spiro meter

c) Barometers

 d) cathetometer

30. When the alignment of school furniture in primary class light output should fall into the workplace:

a ) on the right;

b ) on the left;

c ) Front;

d ) from behind.

31. What is the resulting temperature (RT)?

a) RT-is the result of the effects of radiating heat of bodies on the human body

b) PT - is the resulting temperature obtained by measuring the room temperature

 c) RT - is characterized by the total value of the (complex) thermal effects on the human body in a room of four environmental factors

d) PT - is the amount determined by the thermal well-being.

32. What tools are needed to assess the indoor climate by the resulting temperature?

 a) cathetometer and anemometer

b) psychomotor, a thermometer and a ball cathetometer

 c) Thermometer, aerometer barometer

d) Ball thermometer and hygrometer cathetometer

33. Which factor is crucial in the formation of the thermal state of a man at a temperature of 360 C?

        a) Air temperature

        b) Humidity

         c) Temperature and humidity

d) The velocity of the air

34. At the level of research organoleptic odor toys (games) shall not exceed for children up to 1 year:

a) 0 points;

b ) 1 point;

c ) 2 points;

d ) 3 points.


35. List the physiological responses of the human body to cold exposure

         a) Vasoconstriction, behavioral reactions, changes in metabolism

         b) Expansion vessels, behavioral responses

   c) vasoconstriction, increasing the frequency of the SS, respiratory rate

d) vascular expansion, increasing the frequency of the SS, respiratory rate

36. Determining what kind of moisture is most important from a hygienic point of view?

        a) Absolute

        b) The maximum

         c) with respect to

        d) Common
37. Indicate which rates the best microclimate for premises? Temperature Humidity Air velocity

       a) 55% 0.1-0.2 18-200 m / s

      b) 30-60% 0.1-0.2 20-250 m / s

        c) 22-240 40-60% 0.3-0.5 m / s

  d) 24-25% 50-70 0,6-0,9m / s

38. For newborns allowed the production of linen:

a ) natural fabrics and cloths;

b ) artificial fabrics and cloths;

c ) synthetic fabrics and cloths;

d ) a mixture of synthetic and natural fibers.

39. Indicate which of the physiological responses of the human body are observed during thermal exposure?

          a) Expansion vessels, behavioral responses

          b) vasoconstriction, increasing the frequency of the SS, respiratory rate

       c) vascular expansion, increasing the frequency of the SS, respiratory rate

          d) vasoconstriction, behavioral reactions, changes in metabolism


40. What are the main area is divided into electromagnetic radiation of the sun?

a) A visible light and infrared radiation

b) In the ultraviolet light, visible light, and the three areas A, B, C

 c) visible light, infrared and ultraviolet radiation

 d) On three regions: the long-wavelength (A), medium wave (B) and shorter (S)


41. Special hygiene requirements for clothing for predyavlyat:

 a ) the newborn;

b ) pre-school children;

c ) students;

d ) children with disabilities in health.

42. List the most dangerous effects of infrared radiation

         a) The carcinogenic effect

        b) Injury of the lens and the subsequent development of cataracts

         c) Poly neuropathy

         d) vegetoosudistoy violation
43. Mass disease of children who are in summer health institutions most likely to occur in violation of hygiene recommendations:

a ) to comply with the regime of the day;

b ) on the organization of physical education;

c ) on the organization of work;

d ) to comply with sanitary and anti-epidemic regime catering.
44. The most strict sanitary and anti-epidemic regime provided for in:

a ) boarding schools and orphanages of the traditional type;

b ) children's homes of family type;

c ) social rehabilitation institutions;

d ) summer health institutions.


45. The most acutely experiencing the phenomenon of UV -incomplete workers following professions:

           a) Construction workers

           b) Operating Mines

           c) The workers of the textile industry

           d) Working smelters

46. In determining the posture the child should be :

     a) in the position at attention

        b ) in a familiar pose

      c ) position does not matter

d) in the position at attention

    47. What types of natural light?

a) General, bottom, combined

b) Top, Bottom, combined

c) the top, side, mixed

d) Overall, the local

48. Windows public spaces is recommended to focus on the south and east?

a) Operating, resuscitation

b) Hospital wards

c) Hospital wards, bathrooms, doctors' offices

d) Kitchen


49. What is the rate of natural lighting (KEO)?

a) an indirect indicator light, expressing the ratio of floor area to the area of ​​the window frames

b) The coefficient of artificial lighting

c) The coefficient of artificial lighting is expressed in%

 d) The percentage of one-time light in the room to light under the open sky

50. What should be the value of KEO to ensure proper illumination of the workplace in classrooms

a) Not less than 2%

b) Not less than 1%

c) Not less than 1.25%

d) Not less than 1.5%

51. What should be the value of KEO to provide sufficient illumination in the operating room?

a) 0.5-1.0%

b) Not less than 1.25%

c) Not less than 1.5%

 +d) Not less than 2.0%

52. What is called the light coefficient (SC)?

a) an indirect indicator light, expressing the ratio of floor area to the area of ​​the window frames

b) ratio, expressed as the ratio of the surface area of ​​the glass windows to the floor area where the glazed surface is taken as 1

c) The ratio, expressed as the ratio of the height from the floor to the top of the window to the back of the room

d) The percentage of light expressed light in the room to the outside light


53. List the indicators used to assess the natural lighting

         a) The light gain, natural light

         b) The light gain, natural light, opening angle,

           c) The light gain, natural light, opening angle, the ratio of emplacement, the angle of incidence

          d) The rate of natural light, the angle of the holes


54. What types of artificial lighting?

a) General and local

b) Top, Bottom, combined

c) the top, side, mixed

d) General, local, combined
55. How important is water in human life?

   a) Physiological, epidemic, hygienic

b) Transportation

c) Sanitary, environmental, health and beauty

d) The economic, physiological, transport

56. To assess the physical development of children and teens is calculated the age of the subject up to:

a ) hours;

b ) days;

c ) months;

d ) years.

57. Often ill children are those who suffered during the year:

a) 1 times;

b ) 2 -fold;

c ) three times;

d ) four times

58. What conditions contribute to fluorosis?

            a) Elevated levels of fluoride in water and food

           b) Elevated levels of iodine in water and food

           c) The reduced fluorine content in the water and food

           d) Low content of iodine in water and food
59. What are endemic diseases not referred to as biogeochemical?

      a) Endemic goiter

         b) Fluorosis

          c) Water and nitrate methemoglobinemia        

d) Molybdenum gout


  1. Which health group includes sick children with chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation


a)       2

b)       3

c)       4

d)       5

61. The chronically ill are children, whose duration was more than one disease:

a ) 10 days

b ) 15 days

c ) 20 days

d ) 25 days

62. An analysis of the distribution of children by groups of health matters for:

a ) appointment of the individual recommendations for treatment and prevention


b ) an individual valuation of physical and mental stress;

c ) assessment of the health of the team, to identify at risk of disease , assessing the state of health of the dynamics of the team.

d) evaluation of the effectiveness of preventive measures.


63. In the areas intended for industrial training and employment of children Ko e ffitsient natural light is normalized:

a ) in accordance with the nature of visual work;

b ) 1 bit higher than in accordance with the nature of visual work, but not

below 1%;

c ) 1 rank lower than in accordance with the nature of visual work, but not

below 1%;

d ) 1 bit higher than in accordance with the nature of visual work, but not

above 1%.

64. The objectives of the medical staff to monitor the catering services are not in child care:

a ) received the quality of products, their transportation;

b ) conditions of storage products and compliance with deadlines for their implementation;

c ) cooking technology and the quality of ready meals;

d ) receiving food children.

 65. Endemic goiter occurs when:

          a) elevated fluoride in water and food

          b) high content of iodine in water and food

         c) a reduced content of iodine in water and food

          d) elevated fluoride in water

66. Fortification of ready meals to children and adolescents institutions is carried out:

a ) ascorbic acid added to the cold drinks in the autumn and winter


b ) ascorbic acid added to the cold drinks all year round;

c ) multivitamin preparations being added all the dishes all year round;

d ) ascorbic acid added to the first courses year-round.

67. The composition of salt water may be a risk factor for:

        a) dysentery

         b) Diabetes

          c) urolithiasis

         d) Hepatitis A

68. freshwaters include water level of total mineralization:

       +a) 300-1000 mg / dm3

        b) 1000-1200 mg / dm3

        c) 1200-1500 mg / dm3

         d) 1500 -2000mg / dm3

 69. What causes the high content of nitrates in drinking water?

a) to rickets

b.) To endemic goiter

c) To fluorosis

 d) To methemoglobinemia

 70. What should be the minimum amount of water consumed by the dispensary, based on 1 visit?

a) 10 L

b) 20 L

c) 15 L

d) 12 L

71. What should be the minimum amount of water consumed by the medical establishment, based on 1 bed?

a) 10-15 L

b) The 100-150 L

c) 40-60 l

d) 200-250 L

 72. The main ways to improve water quality - is:





73. Physical methods of disinfection are not:

           a) Boil

             UV rays


               c) Ozonation

            d) The effect of ultrasound

74. Chemical methods of disinfection are:

            a) Boil

             b) Irradiation of UV rays

              c) Chlorination

              d) The effect of ultrasound

75.Features of physical development in modern conditions:

a)       increase in body length and body weight increase

b)       decrease in body length

c)       body mass reduction

d)       an increase in the age of puberty

76. What should be the minimum content of active chlorine in the bleach, so it can be decontaminated water?

a) Not less than 10%

b) Not less than 25%

c) Not less than 30%

 d) Not less than 15%

77. What is an acceptable level of residual chlorine in drinking water?

a) Not more than 0.5 mg / l

b) Not more than 0.3 mg / l

c) Not less than 0.3 mg / l

d) In the range of 0.3-0.5 mg / l

78. Minimum contact time with chlorine during the chlorination of water in the summer is a normal dose:

  a) 30 min.

b) h 45 min

c) 1 hour

 d) 1.5 hours

78 a. Name the name of the scientist who first coined the term "ecology":

a)       Humboldt

2)       Darwin

3)       Haeckel

4)       Engler

79. What is the microbial count (MCH)?

 a) MCH is the number of colonies grown in an incubator on meat-peptone agar by plating 1 ml of water for days at a temperature of 37 0 C.

b) MCH is the number of colonies of E. coli grown in an incubator on plain agar by plating 1 ml of water

c) MCH is the amount of water in ml which is detected Escherichia coli

d) MCH is the number of coli form bacteria in 1 liter of water

80. What is the value of the number of microbial evidence of epidemiological safety of drinking water?

a) Not more than 25

b) Not more than 50

c) No more than 100

d) Not more than 45

81. How much water should not be detected common Coli form bacteria?

a) In 300 ml

b) In 100 ml

c) A 500 ml

d) In 150 ml
82. What if -titer (K-titer)?

a) Coley -titer - is the number of coli form bacteria in 1 liter of water

b) Coley -titer - the number of E. coli colonies that grew on plain agar by plating 1 ml of water

c) Coley -titer - the amount of water in ml, which is found in E. coli

d) Coli -titer - is the number of colonies of E. coli grown in an incubator on plain agar by plating 1 ml of water

83. The agents of any human diseases are spore-bearing organisms, almost always in the soil?

  a) Hepatitis C

  b) Tetanus

  c) Typhus

  d) Actinomyosis

  84. What does not affect the process of formation of soil?

           a) Ambient temperature

            b) Atmospheric pressure

 c) The velocity of the air

          d) Precipitation

 85. Which zones divided along functional lines plot the hospital?

a) Medical building, gardening and economic zone

b) Household, Garden, area medical buildings and area clinics

c) Medical building and landscape

d) Zone clinics

 86. List of hospital construction.

a) Mixed

b) Mixed, decentralized and modular

c) Centralized and block

 d) Combined, Central block and mixed

87. What is a centralized system of hospital construction?

a) In this system, the main body of the submitted infectious, children's and maternity departments, which are located in separate buildings

   b) In this system, the majority of hospital departments are located in the same housing

c) In this system, separate buildings connected by a transition between a

d) In this system, all offices are located in separate low-rise buildings

88. What is a decentralized system of the hospital building?

 a) In this system, all offices are located in separate low-rise buildings

b) In this system, the main body of the submitted infectious, children's and maternity departments, which are located in separate buildings

c) In this system, separate buildings connected by a transition between a

d) In this system, the majority of hospital departments are located in the same package, and submitted separately easting and economic case

89. What is a mixed system of hospital building

a) In this system, all offices are located in separate low-rise buildings

 b) In this system, the main body of the submitted infectious, children's and maternity departments, which are located in separate buildings

c) In this system, separate buildings connected by a transition between a

d) In this system, the majority of hospital departments are located in the same housing
90. What is the section of the ward?

a) This is the basic functional and structural cell Hospital

b) This is an isolated complex for patients with similar diseases and consisting of chambers

c) This is a set of premises for the treatment and stay of patients

d) This is an isolated complex for patients with similar disease and consists of four groups of different rooms

91. cause of acid rain is the increased concentration in the atmosphere:

A)       sulfur oxides

b)       ozone

c)       oxygen

d)       nitrogen
92. The greenhouse effect is associated with an increase in concentration in the atmosphere:

a)       sulfur oxides

b)       nitrogen oxides

c)       Carbon dioxide

d)       Ozona

93. For a number of beds designed ward section?

a) 15-20 beds

b) On 20 beds

c) On 24 beds

 d) On 25-30 beds

 94. When a layout with plenty of natural ventilation and lighting ward section?

            a) unilateral one corridor

          b) bilateral one corridor

          c) Double corridor

         d) double-sided corridor

 95. What is the full hospital boxing?

a) This is a special room for dangerous patients

b) is a single-chamber or Double corridor gateway and washbasin

c) This is a special room for infectious diseases

 d) is a single-chamber or Double corridor gateway and bathroom and vestibule

96. What should be the area Double corridor Chamber in the surgical department?

 a) 9 m2

b) 7 m2

c) 12 m2

d) 6.6 m2

97. What should be the area of a four Chamber in the surgical department?

a) 24 m2

b) 16 m2

c) 36 m2

d) 28 m2

  1.  Personal Hygiene - is:

a)       Section of Hygiene, who studies the issues of preserving and strengthening health through compliance with norms and rules of hygiene in daily life-

b)       Healthy lifestyle.

c)       Compliance with hygienic requirements for housing, the workplace

d)       The absence of harmful habits

99. What should be the ventilation in the infectious disease ward?

         a) Mechanical Ventilation

          b) Supply and exhaust dominated by inflows

         c) Supply and exhaust hood with a predominance

              d) Natural

100. Placing the operating unit is rational:

         a) On the first floor receiving body

         b) On one of the floors of wards and

          c) isolation, as an independent unit

         d) In a separate housing Hospital
 101. Specify a universal health indicator of anthropogenic air pollution wards.

  a) Carbon dioxide

       b.) Ammonia

       c) Phenol

        d) Air Oxidation

102. What are the maximum allowable content of carbon dioxide in the air hospital ward:

   a) 0.3%

         b) 0.7%

         c) 1%

         d) 2%

103.fiziometricheskie indicators are used for integrated assessment of physical development:

a)       body length

b)       animal force

c)       chest circumference

d)       posture

104. The ratio of free residual chlorine in drinking water at its disinfection in the field for military:

a)       0.1-0.3 mg / l

b)       0.3-0.5 mg / l

c)       0.5-0.8 mg / l

d)       0.8-1.2 mg / l

 105. The definition of

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