"Hygiene" test questions for the 3 year students imf. (2016) The founders of domestic hygiene

Choose the most reliable in the hygiene against water sources

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Choose the most reliable in the hygiene against water sources:

a)       surface

b)       mizhplastovi unconfined

c)       mizhplastovi pressure

d)       ground

190. I ca st waterfowl can often be the cause:

a) staphylococcal intoxication;            

   b) botulism;

c) Salmonella ;     

d) typhoid fever;        

191. Nutritional value of fruits and vegetables is due to:

a) high content of proteins of plant origin

b) lack of monotony;     

c) good organoleptic properties

d) the content of minerals and vitamins  

192. The main preventive measure at poisoning:

a) correct storage conditions;     

b) compliance with the terms of realization

c) compliance with the rules of personal hygiene catering staff

d) prevention of food infections

       193. Fish oil is a source of:

a) ascorbic acid;   

b) carotene;         

c) calciferol ;

d) Riboflavin                                     

194. Staphylococcal intoxication often associated with:

a) vegetable salad;    

         b) canned meat products

c) canned fish products

                     d) dairy products



  1. Persistence of chemical and bacterial composition of water is typical for the sources:

a)       artificial

b)       surface

c)       interstratal

d)       ground

  1. Hygienic standard of residual free chlorine in the drinking water of centralized water supply

a)       0.1-0.3 mg / l

b)       0.3-0.5 mg / l

c)       0.5-0.8 mg / l

d)       0.8-1.2 mg / l

197. The total mineralization of drinking water of centralized water supply, mg per liter

a)       100-200

b)       to 500

c)       to 1000

d)       not more than 1500

198. The most complete and correct definition of physical development is:

a ) the collection of anthropometric and fiziometricheskih signs;

b ) the rate of growth of basic anthropometric and fiziometricheskih


c ) the set of morphologic and functional properties of the organism and

the level of its biological development;

d ) somatometric and anthropometric indices correlated with

age and regional standards.

199.Factors that inhibit the activity of microorganisms in water bodies

a)       descent into the ponds of untreated wastewater, meteoric water, washing clothes, bathing, watering livestock

b)       direct sunlight

c)       admission to melt ponds, stormwater, wastewater

d)       admission to melt wastewater

200.Prevention of epidemics of water is provided to the greatest extent due to:

a)       the use of direct sunlight, chemical and biological processes in the water

b)       go to the local water supply system

c)       vaccination of the population

d)       mandatory system of sanitary protection of water sources, laboratory control, disinfection, the transition to a centralized water supply system

  1. Select the methods of statistical analysis, by which an assessment of physical development and health of children.

a)       centile method

b)       somatoscopic method

c)       Fiziometrichesky method

d)       anthropometric method


202. Biological age - is:

a)    period, the child lived from birth to the moment of the survey;

b)   set of morphological and functional properties of the body, depending on the

personal growth and development;

c)   the period from conception to the moment of the survey;

d)   the period from conception to birth.

203.Enter the name of pneumoconiosis caused by silica dust.

a)       Silicosis

b)       talcosis

c)       Bissinioz

d)       anthracosis


204. The most intensive processes of growth and development of the age:

a) breast;

b ) pre-school;

c ) primary school;

d ) adolescence.

205. Acceleration includes:

a)               acceleration of growth and development;

b)               increased longevity;

c)               an increase in the duration of the reproductive period;

d)               increase the definitive body size;


  1. Enter the name of pneumoconiosis caused by talc dust.

a)       Silicosis

b)       talcosis

c)       Bissinioz

d)       anthracosis


207. individualizing method of studying the physical development of children and adolescents - is:

a ) evaluation of the physical development of the individual;

b)               study physical development of the same groups for children

growth and development period;

c ) study of the physical development of large groups of children in a relatively

short term;

d ) once the study of the physical development of children.

208. The method of generalizing the study of the physical development of children and adolescents - is:

a ) evaluation of the physical development of the individual;

b ) physical examination of the same groups for children

growth and development period;

c ) study of the physical development of large groups of children in a relatively

short term;

d ) The study of the physical development of children in the general population.


209. The method of evaluation of the physical development in which more fully takes into account the relationship between body length, body weight and chest circumference is:

a ) method sigmalnyh deviations;

b ) method of regression scales;

c ) centile method;

d ) the method of distribution of the number of combinations of signs.


  1. Enter the name of pneumoconiosis caused by a mixture of coal and silica dust.

a)       Silicosis

b)       Bissinioz

c)       anthracosis

d)       Antrakosilikatoz

  1. Enter the name of pneumoconiosis caused by cotton dust.

a)       Silicosis

b)       talcosis

c)       Bissinioz

d)       anthracosis

212. The indicator of "health index" for the pediatric population is defined as:

a ) the ratio of days missed due to illness, the total number of training days;

determined on the basis of certificates of the disease;

b ) the ratio of the number of children without a history in the course of the year, the total number of surveyed children (in%); determined on the basis of certificates of the disease;

c ) the ratio of the number of detected cases of disease and functional

variations among the surveyed children; Based on the depth data

(Routine) medical examinations;

d ) the number of children with a history of more than 4 times during the year, the total number of Contact the clinic of children (in%); is determined based on

inquiries about the disease.


213. The special features of the organization of hygienic education of children and adolescents are:

a ) the use of slot form;

b ) Participation of older children in the work of hygienic education junior;

c ) the use of lectures, discussions;

d ) teaching the lessons in the educational institutions of the basics of hygiene.

214. According to the definition adopted in the Mental Health of children and adolescents, mental health - is:

a ) a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being;

b ) the absence of mental disorders, the presence of reserve forces to overcome

stresses the harmony between man, his environment and society;

c ) the absence of chronic diseases and the morphological and functional abnormalities,

harmonious development of age-appropriate, normal level

immune resistance;

d ) the absence of nervous and mental diseases and deviations, harmonious,

age-appropriate mental development, a normal level

functions of the central nervous system, social adaptation.


215. The general rule changes in the degree of influence of biological and social factors to the psychological development of the child is:

a ) decreases with age and increases the influence of the biological impact

social factors;

b ) increases with age and the influence of the biological impact of reduced

social factors;

c ) increases with age and the influence of biological and social factors;

d ) decreases with age and the influence of biological and social factors.

  1. The vibration is transmitted to the hands of working, called ...

a)       Broadband

b)       Local (Local)

c)       Pulse

d)       Overall

217. An indicator of ecological well-being of the population is:

a ) indicators of children's development and health of the population;

b ) the adult health indicators;

c ) indicators of health of elderly people.

d ) answers yet, b, c.

  1. Transmitted vibration bearing surfaces on the human body in a sitting position (buttocks) or standing (soles of the feet), called ...

a)       Broadband

b)       Local (Local)

c)       Pulse

d)       Overall

219. With the help of the Philippine test evaluated:

a ) the growth of the child;

b ) the child's body type;

c ) the shape of the child's skull;

d ) a change in the child's body proportions.


220.Preliminary medical examinations conducted with a view to:

a)       Determine the appropriate state of health of the employee (being examined) instructs him to work

b)       Focus on Sanitary and spa treatment

c)       Figuring risk

d)       Estimates of physical development

221. Hydiena measures aimed at the prevention of fatigue , it is advisable to carry out the next phase in the performance dynamics:

a ) in vrabatyvaemosti phase;

b ) a high efficiency stable phase;

c ) at the beginning of reduction performance (occurrence of instability

indicators) - in the area of ​​primary health compensation fall;

d ) reduction in operability phase - zone "finite impulse."


222. The most tiresome subject for first-graders is:

a ) Mathematics;

b) a letter;

c ) reading;

d ) manual labor;


223. The main requirements of the organization change is not:

a ) 10-minute change between classes, after the 3rd lesson change 20-30


b ) 5-minute change between classes, after the 2nd lesson change in 20 minutes;

c ) the ability to change the type of activity;

d ) mobile games by choice student outdoors;

  1. The frequency of periodic medical examinations for persons over 21 years of working in hazardous conditions

a)       1 time per month

b)       1 time per quarter

c)       at least 1 time per year

d)       at least 1 time in 2 years

225. By the end of the day in the classroom facilities for children and adolescents

not visible:

a ) an increase in temperature and humidity;

b ) a decrease in temperature and humidity;

c ) the growth of bacterial air pollution;

d) increasing the content of organic substances in the air;

  1. The frequency of periodic medical examinations for persons under 21 who work in hazardous working conditions

a)       1 time per month

b)       1 time per quarter

c)       at least 1 time per year

d)       at least 1 time in 2 years

  1. Recommended orientation of windows operating hospitals:

a)       South

b)       North

c)       East

d)       West

228. When dealing with computer technology, the greatest changes in children and adolescents are found in the state:

a ) visual analyzer;

b ) the neuromuscular system;

c ) the immune system;

d ) of the hematopoietic system.

229. The optimal orientation of rooms with computer technology for children and adolescents are:

a ) the north, north-east;

b ) the south, south-east;

c) South, South-West;

d ) Eastern rumba;

230. For areas with computer technology for children and adolescents is normalized:

a ) the total area;

b ) the area is based on one workstation;

c ) the area is based on one working place for the type of computer

technology ;

d ) the total amount of space;

  1. The minimum standard of 1 square bed in the ward for children

a)       7 m2

b)       6 m2

c)       12 m2

d) 5 m2

232. Physical activity - it is:

a ) a natural biological child's need for movement;

b) the ratio of time spent in motion, the total time

sports lessons;

c ) the total value of the various movements for a certain period


d ) the child's ability to perform a variety of motor acts.

233. Kinezofiliya - is:

a ) a natural biological child's need for movement;

b) the ratio of time spent in motion, the total time

sports lessons;

c ) the total value of the various movements for a certain period


d ) the child's ability to perform a variety of motor acts.

234. The relationship between the value of physical activity and the state of health of the child:

a ) direct;

b ) reverse;

c ) parabolic;

d ) is absent.

235. hyperkinesia in children and adolescents is mainly observed:

a ) with additional classes in sports clubs;

b ) in sports in order to achieve good results;

c ) the active use of massage and physical therapy;

d ) at the motor disinhibition children.


236 .   Hygienically effective for students of basic medical group is a physical education lesson, characterized by the following indicators:

a) motor density - 60%, the maximum increase in heart rate - 50%

restoring it to the end of the lesson;

b ) motor density - 80%, the maximum increase in heart rate - 100%

restoring it for 3 minutes, after the lesson;

c ) motor density - 80%, increase in heart rate - 110% recovery at its 7th

minute after the occupation;

d ) motor density - 50%, increase in heart rate - 100% recovery at its 6th

minute after class.

237. The distribution of students in the primary, preparatory and special group shall take into account:

a ) sex;

b ) state of health, physical fitness;

c ) the student's desire or his parents;

d) staffing of physical education teachers.

238. The main principles of hardening does not include:

a ) Taking into account the health status and the degree of hardened;

b ) the gradual, systematic, integrated approach;

c ) creation of positive motivation;

d ) the complexity of small organizations.


239. tempering procedure is best to start:

a ) in the winter;

b ) in the spring;

c ) in the summer;

d) in the fall.

240 Pouring water as the tempering procedure, should begin :

a ) with water at room temperature;

b ) water temperature indifferent;

c ) with a water temperature of 40 to C;

d ) only in the open air.


241. Job training and internship of students of medical schools who have not attained the age of 18, can be arranged:

a ) a therapeutic unit;

b ) a chemotherapy unit;

c) in postmortem department;

d ) in the biochemical laboratory;

  1. Is it true that the basic principle of the device kindergartens - this is the principle of isolation Group:

a)       right

b)       not true, it is absolutely inadmissible for the purpose of education

c)       true, but only for the nursery

d)       not true, it is not rational 

243. Professionally fit teenager - a teenager who:

a) can successfully learn a profession while studying allotted

training programs;

b ) knows the requirements of the profession, and has no medical

contraindications for work and training;

c ) can learn a profession during training, to improve it with


d ) can learn a profession while studying, improving and

to work for a long time without damage to health.


  1. Observational department as part of the maternity hospital should be placed

a)       in a separate compartment, offset relative to the main building  

b)       on the first floor of the building

c)       on the top floor of the building

d)       on the top floor under the gynecology department

  1. Which health group includes healthy children with morphological and functional abnormalities

a)       1

b)       2

c)       3

d)       4

  1. In a decentralized system of hospital building

a)       It shortened the path of movement of personnel and hospitals

b)       It reduces the possibility of creating the necessary medical protective regime

c)       Reduced costs of exploitation of the hospital complex

d)       The risk of emergence and spread of hospital-acquired infections

247. The highest value of basal metabolism (calories per 1 kg body weight) in children:

a ) 1-3 s;

b) 6-9 years;

c) 10-12 years;

d ) 13-15.

248. The highest energy consumption per diem aged:

a) 1-3 years;

b ) 6-9 years;

c ) 10-12 years;

d ) 13-15.


249. The most important function of the protein for children and adolescents are:

a ) plastic;

b ) energy;

c ) block;

d ) supply of nutrients.

250. The main functions of carbohydrates does not apply:

a ) structure;

b ) energy;

c) replacement of nutrients;

d ) protection.


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