5 The skills of persuasion
Character, logic and passion 75; What’s the big
idea? 78; Arranging your ideas 82; Expressing your
ideas 86; Remembering your ideas 88; Delivering
effectively 89
6 Interviews: holding a formal conversation
When is an interview not an interview? 91; Preparing for
the interview 92; Structuring the interview 93; Types
of interview 95
7 Making a presentation
Putting yourself on show 115; Preparing for the
presentation 116; Managing the material 117; Controlling the
audience 130; Looking after yourself 132; Answering
questions 133
8 Putting it in writing
Writing for results 135; Making reading easier 136; Writing
step by step 137; Designing the document 138; Writing a
first draft 151; Effective editing 153; Writing for the web 160
9 Networking: the new conversation
To network or not to network? 168; Preparing to
network 170; The skills of networking conversations 181;
Following up and building your network 188
Appendix: where to go from here
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If you’re not communicating, you’re not managing.
In 2003, the American Management Association asked its
members what skills go to make an effective leader. Number one
skill – way ahead of the others – was communication (84 per
cent). Interestingly, numbers two and three – motivating others
(56 per cent) and team-building (46 per cent) – also rely on
effective communication. What’s more, 60 per cent of executives
who responded listed lack of collaboration as their top leadership
Management is no longer a matter of command and control.
Managers must now work with matrix management and
networking, with outsourcing and partnerships. We must
influence people to act, often without being able to wield power
over them. Our success depends, more than ever before, on other
The new technologies have been a mixed blessing. IT helps us
keep in touch but can reduce our opportunities to talk to each
other. Many of us have become ‘cubicle workers’, spending most
of our day interfacing with a computer screen.
Corporate communication can, of course, still be remarkably
About this book
( c) 2011 Kogan Page L imited, All Rights Reserved.