Go north for two miles. The garden faces north and doesn't get much sun in winter.
The geese will soon be flying north. His family moved north from Florida.
●Bundan tashqari tomon nomlari from … to … predlogli birikmasi bilan birikib kelsa ular oldidan hech qanday artikl ishaltilmaydi. Chunki bu yerda ham yunalish ma’nosi bor.
From North to South, From East to West e.g. We flew from North to South. – Biz shimoldan janubga uchdik.
●Shuningdek from….to… predlogli birikmasi ishlatilgan so’z birikmalarida artikl ishlatilmaydi.
From head to feet – boshdan oyoq
From beginning to end – boshdan oxirigacha
From hand to mouth – qo’l uchida, zo’rg’a, bir amallab
e.g. They are poor.They live from hand to mouth. – Ular kambag’al. Zo’rg’a kun kechirishadi.
Lekin: Yuqorida ko’rsatilgandek, tomon nomlari of predlogi bilan kelganda oldidan aniq artikl the ishlatiladi.
The north of America – Amerikaning shimoliy qismi, the south of Koreya– Koreyaning janubiy qismi
28. Dunyo okeanlari, dengizlar, daryolar, kanallar nomi oldidan the ishlatiladi.
Oceans: The Atlantic Ocean (the Atlantic), the Pacific Ocean (the Pacific), the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean
Seas: The Caspian Sea (the Caspian), the Mediterranian Sea (the Mediterranian), The Black Sea
Rivers: The Amy – Darya River, the Mississipi River (the Missisipi/the River Missisipi)
Canals:The Panama Canal, the Suez Canal, the Oxford Canal
NOTE: Ko’l nomlari oldidan “lake”so’zi kelsa, ular oldidan artikl qo’llanilmaydi.
Lake Ladoga, Loch Ness, Lake Baikal
●Ko’l nomlari oldidan lake so’zi ishlatilmasa, ular oldidan the ishlatiladi.
The Ladoga/the Baikal
●Ko’plikda ko’l nomlari oldidan the ishlatiladi.
The Great Lakes, the Bitter Lakes
29. Bo’g’ozlar, ko’rfazlar, dovonlar kabi geografik nomlar oldidan the ishlatiladi.
The British Channel/the English Channel /the Channel/the Bering Strait/the Persian Gulf (=the Gulf of Persia)
The Mexico Gulf (=the Gulf of Mexico)/the Khyber Pass/the Donner Pass/the Cape of Good Hope