Countries: The Ukraine, the Neitherlands (Holland), the Argentine (Argentina), the Philippines, the Congo, the Sudan, the Lebanon, the Gambia, the Yemen
Areas: The Ruhr, the Altay, the Krasnodar, the Caucasus, the Saar, the Transvaal, the Crimea
Cities: The Hague, the Bronx, the Vatican
● Boshqa davlatlar, shtatlar va shaharlar nomi oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi.
Countries: Uzbekistan; Lekin: The Republic of Uzbekistan; Lekin: Uzbekistan Republic
States: Miami; Lekin: The State of Miami
Cities: Moscow, Paris, Tashkent; Lekin: The City of Tashkent; Lekin: Tashkent City
38. Musiqa asboblari nomi oldidan “play” so’zi kelsa yoki birlikda ega bo’lib kelsa oldidan aniq artikl the ishlatiladi.
I play the piano. Jack plays the guitar. The guitar is my favourite instrument.
● Lekin musiqa asboblari nomi on predlogi bilan birikib kelsa artikllarsiz ishlatiladi.
Hanks is on bass guitar, with Nelson on drums. She was accompanied by Helen on piano.
●Lekin musiqa asboblari nomi have, has, there is iboralaridan keyin kelsa, ular oldidan noaniq artikllar ishlatiladi.
I have a piano. There is a guitar on the table. There was a small brown flute in the window of the shop.
● Shuningdek, raqslar nomi oldidan va musiqiy orkestrlar nomi oldidan aniq artikl the ishlatiladi.
The Tango; the Berlin Philarmonic orchestra, The London Symphonic orchestra.
39. Urush nomlari oldidan the ishlatiladi.
The Civil War/The American Civil War/The Patriotic War/The Korean War/The Crimean War
The First World War = World War I / the Second World War = World War II
41. Ko’plikdagi guruh nomlari oldidan yoki jamlovchi otlar oldidan aniq artikl the ishlatiladi.
The Social Democrats, the Rolling Stones, the army, the Navy, the police, the fire brigade
42. Ba’zi so’zlar oldidan aniq artikl the kelganda ularning mazmuni butunlay o’zgarib ketadi.
1) The very + noun –huddi o’sha, aynan shu; This is the very book I need. Jack is the very man I am looking for.
2) The only-bitta u, yakkayu-yolg’iz; Jack is the only boy in the family.
3) The last-so’nggi; This is the last book by Aybek.
4. The next-navbatdagi; The doctor called the next patient in.
the former – sobiq, birinchisi the particular – ajratib ko’rsatilgan
the latter – ikkinchisi the unique – tanho, yagona
the above - yuqoridagilar the below - quyidagilar
the same – bir xil on the one hand – bir tomondan
the following – quyidagi on the other hand – lekin, boshqa tomondan
the main – asosiy
Artikllarning qo’llanilmaslik holatlari
1. Egalik olmoshlari va ko’rsatish olmoshlarida oldin yoki keyin artikllar ishlatilmaydi.
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