Jane Carmen 11.7. The naturalist frame
The ability to discriminate among numerous species of flora and fauna,
of the natural
world and ecological sensitivity are characteristics of the naturalist intelligence, one of the
which Gardner (1 999) included after his original formulation but which
developed extensively in the classroom. Activities such as brainstorming on how to
contaminate less, or describing the process of recycling paper or tasks involving direct
observation and classification ofthe vegetal and animal world relate to the naturalist intelligence.
Semantic maps relating to nature can be created to develop leamers'
knowledge. Tasks
that develop sensitivity towards the natural world can be incorporated; for example, leamers can
describe a scene in nature that they are familiar with or that they imagine.
In the second language classroom it is possible to
leamers by activating multiple ways
of meaning-making through the use of tasks relating to the different intelligences. Providing a
variety of language activities that stimulate the different
or intelligences proposed by
Gardner (1 999) makes it possible to engage multiple memory pathways necessary to produce
sustained deep learning (Schumann 1997).
not a question of addressing
the individual MI
of each leamer in every
language class but of offering a balanced approach where different
on the same
concept" (Gardner,
are incorporated. As Schumann (1999) explains, one of the
dimensions along which stimulus appraisals are made
and motivation
coping potential. Leamers' belief about their ability to participate successfully in a language task
can be influenced by the way teachers present material to their students and the steps followed
to involve them in language learning influence. MIT framework
for planning
language leaming tasks which insure that students can cope in the
of challenge. When
learners see what they
can do, this has a positive effect on their self-esteem and can lead to
enhancing success in language leaming.
The possibilities of MIT improving academic
in different disciplines such as
foreign language teaching
discussed in many
Beyond this, however, ideally
leaming in any classroom will involve personal development and growth in
dimensions. For this reason, in today's language classroom it
not enough solely to
linguistic competence or even communicative competence. Gardner (1993: 12) explains the
social advantages inherent in the application of his theory:
is of the utmost
that we recognize and
the varied human
intelligences, and
of the combinations of intelligences. We are
so different
different combinations of intelligences.
we recognize this, think we will
least a better chance of dealing appropriately with the many problems that we face
the world.
If we can mobilize the spectrum of human abilities, not only will people
better about
Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Murcia.
vol. 4
2004, pp. 119-136