ISCED-T 2021 18 Example 2 68342 25. Both primary and secondary school teachers in Country B require at least a professional
Bachelor’s in Education Degree (BEd, four years). Students can gain access to the teacher
training programme after completing upper secondary education (i.e., they must have
a school leaving certificate with the right subject combinations and a minimum of 60%
aggregate in the two main teaching subjects). The BEd route requires student teachers to
spend time in schools for 8 weeks in years 2 and 3, and for 12 weeks in year 4.
Table 4: ISCED-T coding scheme: Example 2 ISCED-T Dimension Calculation/description Coding Level of the qualification obtained BEd = ISCED level 6
Target teaching level Primary education = ISCED level 1
Lower and upper secondary education = ISCED levels
2 and 3
Minimum educational level required for entry Students can gain access to the teacher training
programme after obtaining a school leaving certificate
= ISCED level 3
Theoretical duration BEd = 4 years
Teaching practice ratio BEd route requires student teachers to spend time in
schools for 8 weeks in years 2 and 3, and for 12 weeks
in year 4 = (8 + 8 + 12)/208 = 28/208= 13.5% = 2
Example 3 73623 26. Upper secondary school teachers in State C require at least a master’s degree in education
or a related field. Access to the qualification is a first degree at ISCED Level 6. The Master’s
Degree is completed over two years by full-time students, and over four years by part-time
students. In both instances a period of 6 months is required for work-based learning. State
C is in a country with a highly decentralised system of education.