Figure 1. Forage crops condition at the end of vegetation (KES)
Figure 2. Laboratory experiments in the small cell (seedling a seedling emergence
patterns) after 10day of seedling (left) and in the pots after 1 month of seedling(right).
In the cell experiments from left to right: slightly saline (2-4 dS/m), saline (4-8 dS/m),
strongly saline (8-16 dS/m), and extremely saline (> 16 dS/m); in the pot experiments
slight to moderate saline soils are presented
Laboratory experiments Laboratory experiment was conducted in the laboratory (greenhouse) of the Institute of Botany.
On the basis of field sampling in KES and around soil samples at top cultivated layer (< 25 cm)
representing various level of salinity was collected and laboratory experiment on effect of salinity on
seedling emergency and crop growth was studied. The following recommended (by ICBA) crops has
been used (Quinoa, Amaranthus 3, Amaranthus 11, MelilotusIndicus, Medicago Sativa, Phaseblusvulgares, Mungbean, Pisum, Sorghum, Pear Millet, IP Glaucum, AtriplexHalimus, AtriplexCanescenses , ClimacapteraGrassa). Initially seedling was done in the small cells (volume
200 ml) and then after 2 weeks the crops were transferred to the pots (Figure 2). Irrigation was
scheduled 400-600 m
/ha each 7 days. Measurements of morphological indices (e.g. stem height and