Methods of research:
The basis of the study is cybernetic analysis, structural analysis,
comparative analysis and qualitative analysis. Publications in the field of social cybernetics
and digital enterprise management, as well as materials on the technologies of the Internet of
things were used as materials.
The basis of management is IEM - the intelligent operating systems of the enterprise,
which replaced ERP - resource planning systems. IEM abbreviation means intelligent
enterprise managing. Literally, this means intelligent enterprise management [4, 5]. In a
broad sense, this concept is interpreted as a set of theorems of social cybernetics, which
model the evolution of a real system and are focused on maximizing the profit of an
organization in a free market environment. The main components of IEM are shown in fig. 1.
They are orderliness, integrity, symmetry, completeness, universality.
Figure 1 IEM components
Integrity is also interpreted as solidity. The solidity of the IEM system guarantees the
reliability of the system data. Reliability in the mathematical sense means that either (D) all
the data contained in the IEM datacontainer is reliable, or they are unreliable (
D) all
together. Intermediate states are impossible. This principle is formally reflected in expression
= 1 (1)
Completeness means the closeness and security of the IEM system data warehouse - All
information is placed in a tightly closed container, inside which the enterprise operates. The
IEM System encapsulates all interpreted information about the execution of a company's
business processes. If we denote the data of the enterprise as D, and external effects as E, then
the principle of completeness can be written in the form of expression (2).
Orderliness. The imperative of orderliness of IEM forces to the standardization of all
business processes, introduced into the system loop. In the correct introduction methodology
- all the value chains of the enterprise. The simultaneous arrangement of all value chains is the
crystallization of an enterprise from a state of vague uncertainty into a transparently
formalized manageability. If there is a management language Lc, including a standard
alphabet, standardized operations and rules for the formation of operations, then many value
chains (VC) belong to this language. This principle is formally reflected in expression (3)
Symmetry means a dynamic, symmetrical model of a real and digital enterprise system.
IEM System implements a symmetric digital model, a one-for-one cybernetic reflection of a
managed enterprise. A real RME enterprise model is created in the real RP parameters space.