www. kokanduni.uz Preschool education system is changing radically our kindergardens sabout 10 thousand
schools , pedagogical institutes , pedagogical colleges and etc. Coverage of pre-school
education was approximately 17-18 percent. By the end of 2021 it is expected the coverage of
preschool education will reach 65%, and at the end of 2023, it will reach 75%, an additional
2,000 non-state kindergartens will be established, and the share of the private sector will
reach 25%.In order to fundamentally improve school education, 30 new schools were built in
2021, 320 schools were repaired, the material and technical base was improved, and 2 trillion
soums were allocated from the budget. In order to fundamentally improve the quality of
education, first of all, work was carried out to adapt educational programs, methodological
manuals for teachers and teachers to advanced international criteria. [2]
In the petition, special attention is paid to the need to create comprehensive and
understandable textbooks for the development of analytical and creative thinking skills of
children. In this regard, instead of the state education standard, the "National Curriculum"
was introduced in the primary classes based on advanced foreign experience, which does not
overload the child. It was ensured that the quality of education in comprehensive schools was
high both in the capital and in remote villages. It was envisaged that teachers who go to a
remote school in another district and teach will be paid 50 percent per month, and 100
percent if they go to work in another region. In 2021, 10 presidential schools, 197 schools
specializing in chemistry and biology, mathematics, and information technology began their
activities . [2,4]
Literature: 1.
Law of The Republic of Uzbekistan about the state policy on youth
The youth of Uzbekistan is the foundation of our future https://ijtimoiy.uz/2282/
Future youth of new Uzbekistan: opportunity and legal guarantee
Young people of new Uzbekistan are the foundation of our future and perspective