2.3. Tourism Service Quality The quality of tourist attraction services, uniqueness,
and high value is the basis for tourists to revisit a
destination (Rakhastiwi, 2019). Visitors’ facilities, in
terms of access to tourist sites, and attractiveness directly
affect their satisfaction rate. Therefore, quality service can
be realized by providing excellent services by competent
human resources, which is supported by adequate
infrastructure or facilities able to provide positive values.
Tourists who have visited a destination more than once are
satisfied because according to their experience of tourism
products such as the choices of diverse tourism products
and information available both offline and online have met
these tourists’ expectations and can give an impression
on tourists, so as to make tourists revisit a destination
(Rahmiati, Othman, & Tahir, 2020a). The Tourism Service
Quality includes tour guide services, infrastructure or
transportation accessibility, and tourist attractions such
as products and accommodation. The availability of tour
guides is needed to improve services’ quality by conveying
information on products (Isdarmanto, 2017). In tourism,
quality is created by delivering outstanding services in
terms of hospitality, courtesy, efficient accommodation,
food, and recreation facilities (Gallarza, Ruiz-Molina, &
Gil-Saura, 2016). Additionally, Gallarza, Gil Saura and
Arteaga Moreno (2013, 2017) and Latiff and Ng (2015)
stated that efficiency measured by ease and accessibility
is an essential relationship for the provision of satisfied
and loyal tourists in the transportation and accommodation
during the tourism activities. Efficiency can cognitively
be perceived, such as in information provision, because
competent is of prime importance for tourism (Gallarza
et al., 2013).
Several studies on tourism service quality, such as
the research carried out by Latiff and Ng (2015) on
accommodation, hospitality, entertainment, transportation,
and quality car service for the overall satisfaction, desire to
return, and willingness to recommend relatives and friends.
Liang (2008) stated that in the pre-delivery stage of travel
experience, information speed and accuracy are important.
Similarly, law No. 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism article 20
(a) stated that every tourist has the right to obtain accurate
information on tourist attractions. Activities in the field
of tourism information lead the management of tourism
to discuss the ease of providing adequate information
regarding tourist attractions, such as lodging, transportation,
infrastructure, etc. (Ruslan, 2014). Vignati and Laumans
(2010) reported that the quality of services consisting of tour
guides, accommodation, food, attractions, and transportation
depend on each other. The standard of tourism services
can be realized by qualified human resources in excellent
service, competent, and assisted by adequate infrastructure
or facilities to provide positive values (Priyanto & Hemawan,
2017). Hanif, Kusumawati and Mawardi (2016) also stated
that Tourist Satisfaction has a significant effect on loyalty.
The service quality indicators used in this study are focused
on personnel (approachable, friendly, respectful, competent)
information (detailed information transportation, hotels,
restaurants, tourist activities), and transportation (efficient
and accessible).
Filda RAHMIATI, Norfaridatul Akmaliah OTHMAN, Mohammed Hariri BAKRI, Yunita ISMAIL, Grace AMIN / Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 12 (2020) 959–968 962