2.4. Tourism Product Availability According to Pitana and Diarta (2009), tourism product
availability is the tourists’ belief on the possible products
or services to be bought. The more information and
tourist products available, the more interest for tourists to
visit (Rahmiati, Othman, Ismail, Bakri, & Amin, 2020b).
Tourism sector growth can be achieved by optimizing tourist
destinations’ marketing strategy, which includes service
quality and availability of important products in the market
(Sumantri, 2020). Arief Yahya stated that the secret to tourist
destinations’ successful creation is 3A’s tourism attributes,
namely attractions, accessibility, and amenities. According
to Sunaryo (2013), the tourism growth system includes
ancillary services, attractions, accessibility, and amenities.
These attributes are explained in the following sub-sections.
Attractions, which include natural, cultural, or
artificial areas such as events, are sometimes
referred to as special interests. These areas’ intrinsic
characteristics, comprising of natural, historical, and
cultural resources, attract tourists, and make it their
first travel destination (Liang, 2008).
Accessibility is associated with the means of
transportation, which includes routes, terminal
facilities, airports, ports, etc. According to Soekadijo
(2003), accessibility consists of access to information
where facilities need to be easily found and achieved
to have access to road conditions that can be traversed
with attractions.
c. Amenity includes supporting tourism facility that
needs to be developed, consisting of accommodation,
restaurants, tourist information centers, souvenir
shops, health centers, banking service centers,
communication facilities, security posts, travel
agencies, and availability of clean water, electricity,
etc. Setyanto and Pangestuti (2019) stated that amenity
is related to accommodation facilities’ availability for
overnight stays, including restaurants or food stalls for
eating and drinking.
d. Ancillary services comprises of the availability of
supporting facilities used by tourists such as banks,
telecommunications, postal services, hospitals, etc.
Sugiama (2011) reported that ancillary or supporting
facilities include the existence of various organizations
that facilitate and encourage the development and
marketing of a tourist destination.
According to Zaenuri (2012), the availability of
tourism products when supported by facilities and quality
increases tourist interest and loyalty. Efforts in making
quality standards for a product or service are adjusted to
satisfy tourists (Aprilia & Pangestuti, 2017). The indicators
of tourist product availability in this study are varied and
detailed, with a wide selection of transportation, travel agent,
accommodation, and restaurant.