X Chapter. Expenditures, profit and profitability of productive activity of enterprises............................................................. 216
Essence and classification of expenditures............................ 216
Essence of profit, the sources of its formation..................... 226
Economic essence of profitability and indexes..................... 231
Factors influencing profit and profitability........................... 233
XI Chapter. Investional activity of enterprise............................ 248
Concept of investment, classification and importance
of investments........................................................................ 248
Main sources and trends of investment
of enterprise.......................................................................... 251
Indexes, evaluation, ways of increasing of efficiency
of investment projects........................................................... 253
XII Chapter. Security and commercial mystery of enterprise........................................................................... 258
Aims and tasks of promoting of business security.............. 258
Security service of enterprise, their functions
and structure........................................................................... 263
12.3. Essence of commercial mystery............................................. 269
12.4. Mechanism of protection of commercial mystery................. 272
12.5. Methods of collecting information about competitors........... 274
LITERATURE................................................................................. 281
1 Фанлар таснифи Ўзбекистон Республикаси Олий ва ўрта махсус таълим Вазирлигининг 8 феврал 2002 йилги ВМ-343-3401-02 сонли хати билан тасдиqланган бакалаврият йўналишлари ўqув режалари асосида qилинган.
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