The High Polyphenol Content of Grapevine Cultivar Tannat
Berries Is Conferred Primarily by Genes That Are Not Shared
with the Reference Genome
Cecilia Da Silva,
Gianpiero Zamperin,
Alberto Ferrarini,
Andrea Minio,
Alessandra Dal Molin,
Luca Venturini,
Genny Buson,
Paola Tononi,
Carla Avanzato,
Elisa Zago,
Eduardo Boido,
Eduardo Dellacassa,
Carina Gaggero,
Mario Pezzotti,
Francisco Carrau,
and Massimo Delledonne
Departamento de Biología Molecular, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable, 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay
Centro di Genomica Funzionale, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie, Universitá degli Studi di Verona, 37134 Verona, Italy
Sección Enología, Facultad de Química, Universidad de la República,11800 Montevideo, Uruguay
ORCID IDs: 0000-0002-7100-4581 (M.D.); 0000-0002-8452-3380 (A.F.); 0000-0003-0600-5163 (G.Z.).
The grapevine (
Vitis vinifera) cultivar Tannat is cultivated mainly in Uruguay for the production of high-quality red wines.
Tannat berries have unusually high levels of polyphenolic compounds, producing wines with an intense purple color and
remarkable antioxidant properties. We investigated the genetic basis of these important characteristics by sequencing the
genome of the Uruguayan Tannat clone UY11 using Illumina technology, followed by a mixture of de novo assembly and
iterative mapping onto the PN40024 reference genome. RNA sequencing data for genome reannotation were processed using
a combination of reference-guided annotation and de novo transcript assembly, allowing 5901 previously unannotated or
unassembled genes to be de
fined and resulting in the discovery of 1873 genes that were not shared with PN40024. Expression
analysis showed that these cultivar-speci
fic genes contributed substantially (up to 81.24%) to the overall expression of
enzymes involved in the synthesis of phenolic and polyphenolic compounds that contribute to the unique characteristics of
the Tannat berries. The characterization of the Tannat genome therefore indicated that the grapevine reference genome lacks
many genes that appear to be relevant for the varietal phenotype.
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cv Tannat is a grapevine cultivar origi-
nally from southwestern France that is now mainly cultivated in
Uruguay. The
first Tannat vines were introduced into Uruguay in
the 1870s by European immigrants, but since the 1970s, many
of the plants have been replaced with new French Tannat
commercial clones, allowing Uruguay to produce high-quality
red wines (Carrau, 1997).
Tannat is the main grape berry produced for Gers wines and is
the V. vinifera cultivar richest in tannins (Boido et al., 2011).
Tannat seeds contain high levels of tannins, and Tannat skins at
maturity contain high levels of anthocyanins. The total
ol content of Tannat seeds (1946 mg/kg; Boido et al., 2011) is 6
times higher than the content reported for Pinot noir (317 mg/kg;
Mattivi et al., 2009) under similar experimental conditions.
Tannat grapes therefore produce a colorful wine, with high
acidity and a high tannin content that is suitable for long-term
aging (Alcalde-Eon et al., 2006; Boido et al., 2006, 2011). Tannat
berries have other unusual characteristics relating to the high
content of phenolic and polyphenolic compounds (e.g., the pres-
ence of compounds such as malvidin, delphinidin, and petunidin
monoglucosides), which confer more intense pigments to wine
(Alcalde-Eon et al., 2006), and much higher levels of resveratrol
compared with cultivars such as Pinot Noir, Merlot, and Cabernet
(Gu et al., 1999; Carrau et al., 2011).
Polyphenols have many useful biological functions in plants
(Kutchan, 2005), including defense against biotic stress
(Bhattacharya et al., 2010), re
flecting their antimicrobial, anti-
fungal, and antiherbivore properties (Dixon et al., 2002; Chong
et al., 2009). Polyphenols acquired from the moderate con-
sumption of red wine also provide pharmaceutical and nutri-
tional bene
fits to humans (Lin and Weng, 2006), such as helping to
prevent cancer and reducing the in
flammation associated with
coronary artery disease (Khan et al., 2010). Proanthocyanidins are
the principal vasoactive polyphenols in red wine; they induce the
endothelium-dependent dilatation of blood vessels and sup-
press the synthesis of the vasoconstrictive peptide endothelin-1
(Fitzpatrick et al., 1993; Hashimoto et al., 2001). The proanthocyanidin
content of local red wines correlates strongly with increased
longevity in areas such as Gers in France and Nuoro in Italy
(Corder et al., 2006).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Current address: Personal Genomics s.r.l, Strada le Grazie 15, 37134,
Verona, Italy.
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The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the
presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the
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Online version contains Web-only data.
This article is a
Plant Cell Advance Online Publication. The date of its first appearance online is the official date of publication. The article has been
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The Plant Cell Preview, ã 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
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State-of-the-art sequencing technology combined with the
availability of a grapevine reference genome now allows the
characterization of genetic variations that affect the properties of
wine (Myles et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2012). However, recent
studies have shown that reliance on a single reference genome
may underestimate the variability among different genotypes
(Springer et al., 2009; Swanson-Wagner et al., 2010; Gan et al.,
2011). Plant genomes contain core sequences that are common
to all individuals, as well as dispensable sequences comprising
partially shared and nonshared genes that contribute to in-
fic variation (Morgante et al., 2007). The dispensable ge-
nome is more dif
ficult to characterize because one of the main
drivers is transposon activity, which in
fluences genome size
(Ammiraju et al., 2007; Ågren and Wright, 2011) and the expres-
sion and regulation of genes (Kobayashi et al., 2004). However, it
is now suspected that such variability is not restricted to the
number and location of transposable elements but may also in-
volve functional sequences as previously shown in prokaryotes
(Medini et al., 2005). Similarly in humans, Asian and African in-
dividuals possess
;5 Mb of population-specific DNA encoding
141 human RefSeq sequences that cannot be mapped against
the current reference genome, suggesting that the human pan-
genome would include an additional 19 to 40 Mb of novel in-
formation (Li et al., 2010). In Arabidopsis thaliana, 221 genes that
are not present in the reference Columbia-0 genome have been
fied in other ecotypes (Gan et al., 2011; Schneeberger et al.,
2011). More recently, the presence in speci
fic cultivars of hun-
dreds of genes not shared with the reference genome has been
demonstrated through the analysis of transcripts assembled de
novo from RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) data in both maize (Zea
mays; Hansey et al., 2012) and grapevine (Venturini et al., 2013).
We investigated the genetic basis of the unique phenotypic
characteristics of Tannat berries, which are most notable for
their high content of polyphenolic compounds, by sequencing the
Uruguayan Tannat clone UY11 from the vines introduced into
Uruguay in the 1870s (Gonzalez Techera et al., 2004). UY11 be-
longs to a predominantly homozygous group of clones including
the French commercial clone 399, one of the most widely grown
clones in Uruguay (Gonzalez Techera et al., 2004). We also pro-
duced an exhaustive annotation of Tannat genes by RNA-Seq
analysis and identi
fied many genes that are not shared with
the reference genome and that are involved in the synthesis
of phenolic and polyphenolic compounds.
Genome Sequencing, Assembly, and Analysis of Variants
Genomic DNA from the Uruguayan Tannat clone UY11 was used
to generate 322,786,617 Illumina reads (2
3 100) representing
134-fold base pair coverage and
;260-fold physical coverage of
the grapevine genome (see Supplemental Table 1 online). The
genome was assembled using a hybrid approach based on itera-
tive realignment to the reference genome and integration of de
–assembled contigs with a reference genome (Gan et al.,
2011) with the Pinot Noir PN40024 genome sequence as a refer-
ence (Jaillon et al., 2007). The reconstruction of 482 Mb of the
Tannat genome (see Supplemental Table 1 online) required 11
cycles of iterative read mapping combined with de novo assembly
(see Supplemental Figure 1 online). The reads were aligned with
final assemblies, identifying 8.6 Mb of polymorphic regions
lacking read coverage that probably re
flect complex polymorphisms
as previously reported (Gan et al., 2011). The N50 length (the contig
length at which 50% of the entire assembly is represented by
contigs equal to or longer than this value) of contiguous read
coverage between polymorphic regions was 97.2 kb.
To report complex alleles consistently, we de
fined all variants
against the 12x grapevine reference genome assembly (Grimplet
et al., 2012). There were 2,087,275 single-base differences be-
tween Tannat and PN40024, as well as 240,355 (11.5%) am-
biguous calls. When the same procedure was applied to the
Corvina cultivar, we found 426,415 ambiguous calls among
2,048,530 single-base differences (
;20.8%), which is twice the
number of heterozygous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
found in the Tannat cultivar despite the similar total number of
SNPs. These results concur with microsatellite data suggesting
that Tannat has a lower degree of heterozygosity than other
grapevine cultivars (Gonzalez Techera et al., 2004).
As expected, most of the identi
fied SNPs were located out-
side known genes or within introns, with few located in coding
sequences (CDSs) or untranslated regions (Figure 1A). The frequency
Figure 1. Variation in the Tannat Genome.
(A) Classi
fication of SNPs, indels, and unbalanced substitutions based
on the V. vinifera PN40024 genome and annotation. UTR, untranslated
(B) Distribution of lengths of deletions and insertion.
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The Plant Cell
of SNPs within genes (0.2572%), CDSs (0.2408%), and untranslated
regions (0.3336%) was lower than the whole genome frequency
(0.4292%). The low frequency of SNPs in CDSs was attributed to
the conservation of protein functions. We identi
fied 20,843 genes
containing SNPs, and these were enriched for major functional
categories such as protein Tyr kinase activity, regulation of
development, protein binding, cellular component organization
or biogenesis, and transferase activity (see Supplemental Table 2
online). We also identi
fied 644,772 insertion/deletion poly-
morphisms (indels) and 42,471 unbalanced substitutions rep-
resenting the replacement of the PN40024 reference sequence
with a different sequence. Most of these variants were located in
intergenic regions, and the portion that mapped within known
CDSs was lower than for SNPs (Figures 1A). This concurs with the
greater potential impact of these types of variants on protein
function. Although 57.5% of indels and unbalanced substitutions
were shorter than 6 bp in length, 1.9% exceeded 100 bp (Figure
1B). Overall, the Tannat genome was 4.5 Mb (1%) shorter than the
PN40024 genome, probably re
flecting the limitations of current
technologies for the detection of long insertions (Gan et al., 2011).
Although most of the deletions were located in intergenic regions,
7.29% of the deleted bases were considered as parts of genes in
PN40024, and 99 genes were notable for the deletion of >50% of
the PN40024 sequence length.
Gene Annotation
A naive projection of the coordinates of the 29,971 nuclear
protein-coding genes from PN40024 (V1 annotation; http://plants. onto the Tannat genome
predicted that 46.78% of the proteins contained sequence dif-
ferences. Most of the changes were predicted not to affect pro-
tein functionality, and, from a total of 29,971 known genes, 22,983
were con
firmed to lack deleterious mutations or structural alter-
ations and were therefore transferred to the Tannat genome anno-
tation. The remaining 6988 genes (23.3%) were predicted to encode
proteins affected by deletions, truncations, or other disruptions (see
Supplemental Figure 2 online). For these genes, it was not possible
to transfer the reference annotation in a reliable manner.
To reannotate the Tannat genome, we performed an RNA-Seq
analysis using a panel of four tissues/developmental stages
(whole berry, skin at two developmental stages, and seeds), thus
generating 395,863,776 2
3 100 reads (see Supplemental Table 3
online). We focused on berry tissues at early developmental
stages because Tannat berries are rich in tannins, which are
produced mostly prior to veraison (when berries begin to change
color and enlarge) (Downey et al., 2003a; Conde et al., 2007). The
expression data provided experimental support for 16,169 of the
22,983 genes reliably transferred from PN40024 to Tannat (see
Supplemental Data Set 1 online). Reference-based assembly of
the RNA-Seq data (Trapnell et al., 2012) allowed us to identify
81,759 putative transcripts and to reannotate 5796 genes corre-
sponding to loci transferred from the V1 annotation that appeared
to be disrupted in the Tannat genome, as well as 2866
nonannotated protein-coding genes with homology to se-
quences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI) nonredundant (NR) and/or Vitis vinifera Gene Index (VvGI)
databases. We ultimately characterized 31,645 loci including
13,932 genes (44%) encoding multiple protein isoforms (
available in General Transfer Format at
files/Tannat/annotation.gtf). The features of newly annotated (or
reannotated) genes, such as the average mRNA length (1662
nucleotides) and the average number of exons per gene (6.77),
were similar to those of PN40024 and other plant species (see
Supplemental Table 4 online).
The gene annotations were validated further using the non-
redundant core eukaryotic genes (CEGs) from the CEG mapping
approach (CEGMA) pipeline (Parra et al., 2009). The presence of
232 of 248 CEGs (93.5%) in the Tannat gene set con
firmed the
quality of the annotation (see Supplemental Figure 3 online).
Transcriptome Assembly and Identi
fication of
fic Genes
We did not initially identify protein-coding genes that were
present in the Tannat genome but missing from the PN40024
reference genome, probably because the assembly method used
made it dif
ficult to incorporate long insertions into the Tannat
genome sequence. We therefore performed a de novo assembly
of the RNA-Seq reads to generate a NR set of 114,786 transcripts
(see Supplemental Table 5 online) with an average size of 1491
nucleotides, which is similar to the corresponding value for the
PN40024 annotation (1331 nucleotides) and the Tannat annota-
tion (1554 nucleotides).
We validated the assembled transcriptome using the NR core
gene set (Parra et al., 2009). The high percentage of CEGs
represented in the data set (95%) con
firmed that the Tannat gene
set based on the assembled transcriptome was almost complete.
Furthermore, the highest fraction of CEGs detected compared
with the Tannat annotation (93.5%) suggested that the assembled
transcriptome contained more genes than the annotated Tannat
genome. Among the 114,786 transcripts, a large fraction (88%)
mapped with high con
fidence to the reconstructed Tannat
genome. BLAST queries of the 13,707 transcripts that could not
be mapped to the reconstructed genome against the NCBI
NR protein database (BLAST Expect value [E-value]
; identi
fied 731 sequences
as contaminants (see Supplemental Table 6 online). We found
that 9302 of the remaining 12,976 putative transcripts matched
expressed grapevine sequences represented in the VvGI data-
base v8.0 or other plant proteins, and these were considered as
novel grapevine transcripts potentially restricted to V. vinifera cv
Tannat. Out of the 9302 putative transcripts, 5052 had a high
coding potential and a full open reading frame with de
fined start
and stop codons (Kong et al., 2007).
Among the 5052 high-con
fidence putative protein-coding
transcripts that could not be mapped against the Tannat genome,
4501 were validated by comparison with raw Tannat genomic
reads. After clustering and manual inspection, these transcripts
were grouped into 3035 genes, which were compared with raw
PN40024 genomic reads in order to identify genes that were still
hidden in the unassembled portion of the PN40024 genome. This
comparison revealed that the reference genome assembly lacks
1162 genes and that Tannat possesses a set of 1873 genes that
are not shared with PN40024 (Table 1). Therefore, the Tannat ge-
nome appears to comprise 28,779 genes that are annotated on the
Varietal Genes and Polyphenols in Tannat
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reference genome (referred to as known genes), 4028 genes pre-
viously unannotated or not assembled in the reference genome
(referred to as novel genes), and 1873 genes that appear to be
unique to Tannat (varietal genes).
All 34,680 genes mapping to the reconstructed genome or
obtained from de novo transcriptome assembly were function-
ally annotated using the NCBI NR protein database, VvGI 8.0,
Gene Ontology, and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and
Genomes (see Supplemental Data Set 1 online). For genes
transferred from the V1 annotation, we integrated the VitisNet
annotations (Grimplet et al., 2012). De
finitions could be as-
signed by homology searches to 20,170 of the genes (
We also assigned Gene Ontology terms to 21,442 genes (61.8%),
and 8543 genes encoding enzymes were classi
fied by Enzyme
Commission number. The gene categories are summarized in
Supplemental Figure 4 online, revealing a higher proportion
(>50%) of genes related to metabolic and cellular processes
as well as binding and catalytic molecular functions.
Expansion of Gene Families Related to
Polyphenol Biosynthesis
The Tannat cultivar is characterized by the accumulation of high
levels of polyphenols in the berry skin and seed. We developed
a hypothesis that the unusual metabolic pro
file of Tannat berries may
flect the amplification of genes encoding enzymes representing the
phenylpropanoid pathway and its derivatives. Therefore, we checked
the Tannat gene set for the presence of new family members in
pathways related to phenol and polyphenol biosynthesis.
This approach identi
fied 148 novel genes and 141 varietal
genes corresponding to 23 different enzymes (see Supplemental
Data Set 2 online). These included genes encoding some of the
key enzymes in the phenylpropanoid pathway, such as cinna-
mate-4-hydroxylase, 4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL), and chal-
cone synthase (CHS). The CHS gene family in particular showed
remarkable overrepresentation, with 47 new genes compared
with 14 in the current V1 annotation (Figure 2; see Supplemental
Data Set 2 online). Gene families encoding key enzymes in the
flavonoid pathway were also expanded: Flavonoid 39 hydroxy-
lase (F3
9H) was overrepresented, with 12 new genes compared
with 23 genes in current annotation; three new
3-hydroxylase (F3H) genes were added to the 12 known genes;
both the dihydro
flavonol reductase (DFR) and flavonol synthase
(FLS) families were expanded extensively, with the former adding
seven new genes to the eight already present in the current anno-
tation and the latter adding 24 members to the current 15 (Figure 2;
see Supplemental Data Set 2 online). Finally, we identi
fied 38 and 12
new genes similar to anthocyanidin 3-O-glucosyltransferases and
’-hydroxyisoflavone reductases, respectively, compared with the
35 and 15 genes, respectively, in the current V1 annotation (Figure 2;
see Supplemental Data Set 2 online).
Expression of Genes Related to Polyphenol Biosynthesis
We investigated the expression of each of the 34,680 genes in
the whole berry at 1 week post
flowering (wpf) and in skins and
seeds at 7 wpf (Figure 3A; see Supplemental Data Set 1 online).
Most of the genes were expressed in at least one of the samples
(29,982; fragments per kilobase of transcript per million frag-
ments mapped [FPKM] > 0.01), whereas
;65% (22,764) were
expressed in all samples. Approximately 35% of the genes
(12,244) were differentially expressed (false discovery rate < 5%,
absolute of the logarithmic fold change [|Log2FC|] > 1) be-
tween the two developmental stages (1 and 7 wpf) or between
the two tissues (seeds and skin) at 7 wpf (Figures 3B to 3D).
The large proportion of modulated genes matches the plethora
of biochemical and physiological changes that occur in different
tissues during fruit development (Giovannoni, 2001). A greater
proportion of varietal genes were differentially expressed com-
pared with the whole data set (54% versus 35%).
Most of the key genes representing the phenylpropanoid
pathway and downstream pathways leading to
flavonoids were
strongly expressed, including CHS, F3H, and DFR (Figures 4A
to 4F). The expression pro
files were consistent with the bio-
synthesis of tannins in seeds during the
first few weeks after fruit
set (Bogs et al., 2005) and were highly correlated to the ex-
pression pro
file of MYBPA1, a gene encoding a transcription
factor known to regulate berry tannin synthesis in grapevine
(Bogs et al., 2007). A similar pattern was also observed for two
annotated shikimate dehydrogenase genes and for two Ser
carboxypeptidase-like genes, which are highly expressed at 1
wpf and strongly induced in seeds at 7 wpf compared with skin
at the same time point. Genes encoding enzymes involved
in the production of other
flavonoids, such as FLS, which
catalyzes the
first committed step in flavonol biosynthesis,
showed more diverse expression pro
files. Some were ex-
pressed only in the berry skin and others only in the seeds
(Figure 4G).
To evaluate the potential contribution of varietal genes to the
extensive production and accumulation of tannins in Tannat, we
determined the expression level of known, novel, and varietal
genes relative to the overall expression level of each enzyme.
Among the enzymes contributing to tannin biosynthesis, 14
were represented by the expression of varietal genes, with a
contribution generally ranging from 11.16 to 81.24% (Figure 5A),
but that in the case of 6
’-deoxychalcone synthase reached 94%
in the berry skin at 7 wpf (see Supplemental Data Set 2 online).
The overall contribution to the expression of each enzyme was
not strictly proportional to the number of gene copies among
the known, novel, and varietal genes (Figure 5B), suggesting the
ficant differential regulation of genes encoding the same
Regulation of Polyphenol Biosynthesis Pathway Genes
To investigate the regulation of polyphenol biosynthesis in Tannat
berries, we analyzed four transcription factor superfamilies (basic
Table 1. Summary of Genes in V. vinifera cv Tannat
No. of Genes
Known (V1 annotation)
Novel on assembly
Novel outside assembly
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The Plant Cell
helix-loop-helix [bHLH], R2R3 MYB, WD40, and WRKY) known to
be involved in the regulation of this pathway (Lepiniec et al., 2006).
The V1 annotation includes 106 bHLH, 131 R2R3 MYB, 56 WD40,
and 61 WRKY genes. By contrast, with the observed expansion of
enzyme gene families, we identi
fied only two varietal genes rep-
resenting the bHLH and R2R3 MYB superfamilies and four varietal
genes and three novel genes representing the WD40 superfamily
(see Supplemental Data Set 2 online). The contribution to overall
expression levels by new genes (i.e., not present in the V1 anno-
tation) in these four transcription factor superfamilies was low (1.4,
2.3, and 7% for the R2R3 MYB, bHLH, and WD40 superfamilies,
Origin of the Varietal Genes
To gain more insight into the origins of the 1873 Tannat varietal
genes, we compared them with genomic sequences available
for Pinot Noir clone ENTAV 115 (Velasco et al., 2007) and with
internally produced Illumina genomic reads from the Corvina
cultivar (Figure 6). This revealed 280 Tannat varietal genes
shared with the Pinot Noir clone ENTAV 115 that were probably
lost by the PN40024 clone during the self-breeding process.
Of the remaining genes, 691 were shared with Corvina and
902 were Tannat varietal genes. The presence of only partially
overlapping differential sets of dispensable genes in the three
cultivars concurs with the recent large-scale analysis of simple
sequence repeat data showing that Corvina, Tannat, and Pinot
Noir cultivars belong to different phylogenetic clades related by
common ancestors (Cipriani et al., 2010).
Because currently available sequencing technologies still pro-
duce reads that are too short for the accurate assembly of
complex genomes (Schatz et al., 2012), we reconstructed the
Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of Metabolic Pathways Involved in Polyphenol Biosynthesis.
For each enzyme, the number of known genes (blue box), novel genes (yellow box), and varietal genes in Tannat (red box) is reported. FS,
synthase; IFS, 2-hydroxyiso
flavanone synthase; LDOX, leucocyanidin oxygenase; ANR, anthocyanidin reductase.
Varietal Genes and Polyphenols in Tannat
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Tannat genome using a hybrid approach (Gan et al., 2011) that
relied on both the de novo assembly of Illumina genomic reads
and iterative mapping against the PN40024 reference genome
(Jaillon et al., 2007). The highly contiguous genome assembly
is comparable in length to the reference genome (98.9%), but
divergence is demonstrated by the presence of more than two
million SNPs and almost 700,000 indels or unbalanced sub-
stitutions. A striking feature of the Tannat genome is the low
level of heterozygosity compared with common cultivated
grapevine cultivars. The total number of SNPs is similar in
Tannat and another representative cultivar (Corvina), but
the Tannat genome contains only half as many ambiguous,
potentially heterozygous bases, in agreement with previous re-
ports (Gonzalez Techera et al., 2004). The relatively high level
of homozygosity could re
flect the geographic isolation of Tannat
in southwestern France after its branching from Manseng Noir
(Lacombe et al., 2013) and the resulting predominance of self-
fertilization, but it may also indicate that Tannat is more tolerant
to inbreeding (Lassalle, 1993) than Pinot varieties, where the
viability of selfed progenies declines after a few generations
(Bronner and Oliveira, 1991). Furthermore, the distribution of
variants among Tannat genes indicates the
fixation of mutations
in genes related to speci
fic biological processes such as
development, the transfer of glycosyl groups, and protein Tyr
kinase activity (see Supplemental Table 2 online). The enrich-
ment of variation within particular functional classes of genes
may re
flect the environment in which Tannat was cultivated, and
this is particularly interesting because genome-wide structural
and gene content variations may drive the phenotypic variations
that characterize different genotypes within a species (McHale
et al., 2012).
The de novo assembly of the transcriptome from berry
tissues sampled between
flowering and veraison identified 1873
genes that we considered cultivar-speci
fic because they are not
shared with the reference genome. Although genes that are not
conserved in a certain species are often assumed to be dis-
pensable or redundant for development or survival, there is now
evidence to indicate that such genes may have a strong impact
on phenotype (Chen et al., 2013); therefore, we named them
varietal genes.
Tannat berries are notable for the production and accumula-
tion of polyphenols, particularly anthocyanidins, in berry skins at
maturity and tannins in both seeds and to a lesser extent in berry
skins. The biosynthesis of these substances involves a large set
of enzymes that convert Phe into diverse phenylpropanoids and
flavonoids (Dixon et al., 2002) and whose expression is tightly
regulated during berry development (Boss et al., 1996; Bogs
et al., 2005). The production and accumulation of tannins in the
seeds and skins occurs mainly during the early phases of berry
development (Conde et al., 2007; Boido et al., 2011). We iden-
fied 141 varietal genes encoding 19 enzymes involved in the
production of polyphenols (see Supplemental Data Set 2 online).
Some of them act in the early steps of the pathway and provide
precursors for all the derivative branches, such as cinnamate-4-
hydroxylase and 4CL (Dixon et al., 2002). These precursors are
directed toward the
flavonoid and isoflavonoid pathways by
the enzymes CHS and chalcone isomerase, respectively. CHS
catalyzes the condensation of 4-coumaroyl-CoA with three C2
units from malonyl-CoA to produce the C15 skeleton naringenin
chalcone, which can be converted into
flavones, isoflavones,
flavonols, anthocyanidins, and tannins. We identified 24 varietal
CHS genes in the Tannat genome, and this expansion com-
pared with the reference genome may explain the higher poly-
phenol content of Tannat berries, since gene ampli
fication is
a well-documented mechanism to increase expression levels
(Pollack et al., 1999; Wang et al., 2012). Interestingly, varietal
CHS genes account for more than 30% of total CHS gene ex-
pression, including VVV_00520, which is one of the two most
strongly expressed CHS genes in our data set, on par with the
known gene CHS2.
Figure 3. Analysis of Gene Expression in Tannat Berries.
(A) Hierarchical clustering of RNA-Seq read counts (Log2 FPKM) in three
tissues of Tannat berries.
(B) Venn diagram showing numbers of commonly and uniquely differ-
entially expressed known genes in pairwise comparisons of whole berry
at 1 wpf (WB1), seeds at 7 wpf (SE7), and skin at 7 wpf (SK7).
(C) Venn diagram showing numbers of commonly and uniquely differ-
entially expressed novel genes in pairwise comparisons among WB1,
SE7, and SK7 samples.
(D) Venn diagram showing numbers of commonly and uniquely differ-
entially expressed varietal genes in pairwise comparisons among WB1,
SE7, and SK7 samples.
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The Plant Cell
Most of the gene families representing key enzymes in the
flavonoid pathway showed some degree of expansion, including
FLS, F3H, F3
9H, and flavonoid 3959-hydroxylase (F3959H). The
biosynthesis of
flavonols is induced in the grapevine flower but
decreases postanthesis and is then restored in berry skins after
veraison (Downey et al., 2003b). The most common
flavonols in
Tannat berry skins are different glucosylated forms of quercetin
(Boido et al., 2011), which together with myricetin have cytopro-
tective activities (Echeverry et al., 2004).
FLS catalyzes the
first committed step in flavonol bio-
synthesis. We inspected the expression of two previously
characterized FLSs (FLS1 and FLS2), and we found that, in
agreement with previous reports (Downey et al., 2003b), the
was expressed at minimal levels at 1 wpf, while the second was
not expressed at all in the analyzed stages. However, we iden-
fied two varietal FLS genes expressed specifically in the berry
skin at 7 wpf (VVV_00613 and VVV_00659), suggesting that they
are involved in the biosynthesis of speci
fic flavonols or similar
compounds in the skin during the early stages of Tannat berry
development. Three
flavonoid hydroxylases (F3H, F39H, and
95’H) catalyze common steps in the flavonoid and anthocyanin
biosynthesis pathways (Jeong et al., 2006). F3
9H is also responsible
for the conversion of kaempferol to quercetin, a natural antioxidant
present in particular in red grape berries and wines. RNA-Seq data
revealed that F3
959H genes were expressed at double the level of
9H genes in the Tannat berries, agreeing with the reported sev-
enfold increase in the ratio of 3
anthocyanin derivatives compared with Pinot Noir and Cor-
vina, perhaps re
flecting differences in the activities of these
pathways among different cultivars (Mattivi et al., 2006). In-
terestingly, three of the
five most strongly expressed F3959H
genes were varietal, suggesting that expansion within this
family might explain the high 3
9,59-dihydroxy/39-hydroxy an-
thocyanin ratio observed in Tannat berries.
Whereas FLS catalyzes the
first step in the isoflavonoid
pathway, DFR catalyzes a key step in the
flavonoid pathway
common to anthocyanin and tannin biosynthesis and is com-
pletely devoted to tannin biosynthesis before veraison. DFR was
represented by six varietal genes that, in addition to the eight genes
present in the reference genome, accounted for more than 50% of
overall DFR expression with a peak of 62% in the seeds at 7 wpf. A
varietal DFR (VVV_00044) was among the two most strongly ex-
pressed DFR genes in our data set and showed an expression
pattern consistent with tannin biosynthesis during the early phases
of berry development. This varietal gene was slightly more speci
for the seed at 7 wpf compared with the known DFR gene (Boss
et al., 1996).
Taken together, these data indicate that the higher production
of tannins and polyphenols in Tannat berries may be associated
with the expansion of gene families encoding relevant enzymes in
the varietal component of the Tannat genome. It is also worth
noting that the gene family expansion we observed was not directly
Figure 4. Comparison of Gene Expression in Different Tannat Berry Tissues.
(A) to (F) Expression pro
files of CHS (A), F3H (B), DFR (C), LAR (D), FLS (E),
and MybPA1 (F) in whole berries at 1 wpf, skin at 7 wpf, and seeds at 7 wpf.
(G) Scatterplot of RNA-Seq expression values in seeds and skin at 7 wpf.
Selected genes involved in polyphenol biosynthesis are shown in color
as indicated.
Varietal Genes and Polyphenols in Tannat
7 of 12
proportional to the existing gene family size; for example, some
families with numerous members such as 4CL (16 members
in the current annotation) showed a modest expansion
(one novel and three varietal genes), whereas some small
families like 6
’-deoxychalcone synthase (two members in
the current annotation) doubled in size (see Supplemental
Data Set 2 online). It is worth noting that gene expression
levels do not always correlate with the related protein bio-
synthesis and/or activity levels or with the abundance of
their target metabolites. However, previous results strongly
suggest a high correlation of expression levels of polyphenol-
related genes with the concentration of important polyphenol
metabolites, including tannins, in grapevine (Dal Santo et al.,
In sharp contrast with the expansion of several gene
families encoding enzymes participating in polyphenol bio-
synthesis, transcription factor families involved in the regula-
tion of these pathways showed little or no expansion of gene
members, and the observed contribution of varietal genes to
the overall expression of those families was very limited. The
expression patterns of regulators known to be involved in the
regulation of polyphenol biosynthesis were nevertheless con-
sistent with current knowledge concerning the regulation of the
pathway (see Supplemental Data Set 2 online). For example,
the WD40 transcription factor WDR1 and the bHLH tran-
scription factor MycA1, which are known to coregulate the
biosynthesis of polyphenols in the early and late stages of berry
development, were expressed at high levels at 1 wpf and
repressed at 7 wpf, in agreement with previous reports (Matus
et al., 2010). We also detected the expression of Myc1, which
can induce the expression of key structural genes representing
flavonoid pathway (Hichri et al., 2010), with a pattern similar
to that of MycA1 but at markedly lower FPKM values. Two of the
most important regulators for the biosynthesis of grapevine
proanthocyanidins, the R2R3 MYB factors MybPA1 and MybPA2,
also showed expression pro
files that agree with previous re-
ports and match the temporal and spatial regulation of tannin
biosynthesis (Bogs et al., 2007; Terrier et al., 2009). MybPA1
was the most strongly expressed R2R3 MYB factor both at 1
wpf and in the seeds at 7 wpf, whereas MybPA2 was moder-
ately expressed at 1 wpf and almost completely silent at 7 wpf
in both tissues.
In conclusion, Tannat appears to rely on a standard palette of
transcription factors to increase the level of polyphenols through
the activation of an expanded set of genes encoding the
enzymes involved in this pathway. As recent studies have
shown that parts of the genome that are not shared among all
genotypes of a species can contain functional genes, the ob-
served ampli
fication of genes encoding key enzymes in the
polyphenol biosynthesis pathway in a cultivar characterized by
very high levels of polyphenolic compounds suggests that the
dispensable genome of grapevine contains many genes that can
contribute to the establishment of intervarietal differences in
Figure 5. Family Expansion and Expression Contribution of Genes Re-
lated to Polyphenol Biosynthesis.
(A) Percentage contribution of known, novel, and varietal genes to the
overall expression of gene families encoding enzymes in the phenyl-
propanoid and
flavonoid biosynthesis pathways.
(B) Percentage of known, novel, and varietal genes in gene families
encoding enzymes in the phenilpropanoid and
flavonoid biosynthesis
Figure 6. Categorization of the 1873 Genes Not Shared with PN40024.
Number of genes found in common among Tannat, Corvina, and Pinot
Noir (ENTAV 115).
8 of 12
The Plant Cell
Sample Collection
Unexpanded young leaves were collected from the old Uruguayan Tannat
clone UY11 of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) (Gonzalez Techera et al., 2004) in
a vineyard in Canelones, southern Uruguay. The samples were frozen in
liquid nitrogen in the
field and stored at –80°C.
Ten berry clusters from the French Tannat commercial clone 717
(ENTAV nomenclature: ENTAV 1995) were collected 1, 5, and 7 wpf during
the 2011 to 2012 growing season, from a vineyard of 2000 plants in
Melilla, Montevideo, southern Uruguay. The clusters were sampled
randomly from 10 different plants, excluding the borders of the vineyard.
Ten berries were randomly selected from each cluster and pooled with
berries from the other plants on the same vineyard site, resulting in three
independent pools of 30 berries for each developmental stage. Skin and
seeds sampled at each time point were frozen separately in liquid ni-
trogen, except at 1 wpf, where the whole berries were used because the
seeds were not fully developed.
Nucleic Acid Extraction
Frozen leaves were ground to powder under liquid nitrogen. Total DNA
was extracted using the Qiagen Plant DNeasy kit (Qiagen) according
to the manufacturer
’s instructions. The purity and quantity of the DNA
were determined using a Nanodrop 1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo
fic). Frozen berries were ground to powder using liquid nitro-
gen, and total RNA was extracted using the Spectrum Plant Total RNA
kit (Sigma-Aldrich) according to the manufacturer
’s instructions. The
purity and quantity of the RNA were determined using a Nanodrop
1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Scienti
fic). RNA integrity was de-
termined using a Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent) with RNA 6000 Nano Kit I
Library Preparation and Sequencing
Genomic DNA (6
µg) was mixed with 750 mL of nebulization buffer
(Illumina) and fragmented for 6 min in a nebulizer (Life Technologies)
using compressed nitrogen at 35 p.s.i. to produce fragments with
a typical size range of 150 to 700 bp and a peak at 500 bp. The sheared
DNA was puri
fied using the QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen) and
eluted in 30
mL of water. The quality of the fragmented DNA was
determined using the Agilent DNA 1000 kit on an Agilent 2100 bio-
analyzer, and DNA libraries were prepared using TruSeq DNA sample
preparation kits (Illumina). Illumina RNA-Seq libraries were prepared
from 2.5
µg of total RNA per sample according to the manufacturer’s
The DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq libraries were size-selected at 350 to
550 bp using the Pippin Prep DNA size selection system (Sage Science).
Library quality was determined using the Agilent High Sensitivity
DNA kit on the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer, and the quantity was de-
termined by quantitative PCR using the KAPA Library Quanti
fication kit
(KapaBiosystems). Libraries were then pooled in equimolar concentrations
and sequenced with the TruSeq Sequencing by Synthesis Kit v3-HS and
TruSeq Paired End Cluster Kit v3-cBot-HS (Illumina) using an Illumina
HiSequation 1000 sequencer according to the manufacturer
’s instructions
to generate 100-bp paired-end reads.
Genome Assembly, Identi
fication, and Analysis of
Polymorphic Regions
The genomic sequences were assembled using the IMR/DENOM v0.3.3
pipeline (Gan et al., 2011) with default parameters and the 12x PN40024
genome as a reference (Jaillon et al., 2007). Chloroplast and mitochondrial
sequences were excluded from the
final reconstruction.
To identify polymorphic regions, we aligned genomic reads to the
reconstructed Tannat genome using Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA) with
default parameters (Li and Durbin, 2010). Alignments were processed with
SAMtools v0.1.18 (Li et al., 2009) to produce a histogram of the sequence
coverage at each position in the genome. We identi
fied polymorphic
regions in the
final genome as regions with a contiguous read coverage
lower than four (Gan et al., 2011). The effects of polymorphisms detected
in the IMR/DENOM pipeline on the functionality of proteins encoded by
the V1 grapevine annotation were predicted using Variant Effect Predictor
with EnsEMBL database v64 (McLaren et al., 2010).
The gene space of the assembled genome was assessed by aligning
CEGs (Parra et al., 2009) with the Tannat genome using BLAST with a
65% identity threshold (Altschul et al., 1990).
Gene Annotation
V1 annotation gene models were translated to the reconstructed Tannat
genome by taking structural variations in the reference genome into
account and adjusting the coordinates accordingly using bespoke
software (available on request). The reference-guided reconstruction of
transcripts was performed using TopHat v2.0.6 (Trapnell et al., 2009) and
flinks v2.0.2 (Trapnell et al., 2010) as described (Trapnell et al., 2012)
and was compared and merged with the translated V1 annotation using
the Cuffcompare withol in the Cuf
flinks suite. We clustered the loci re-
constructed by Cuf
flinks based on a comparison with sequences in the
NCBI NR protein database using BLASTX (E-value
# 10
) and VvGI
database v8.0 (E-value
# 10
) and manual inspection of alignments.
De Novo Assembly of Tannat Transcripts and the Identi
fication of
New Genes
De novo assembly of transcripts from RNA-Seq data was performed using
the Velvet/Oases assembler with a k-mer value of 49, a minimum contig
length of 200, an insert length of 310, and a standard deviation of 100
(Zerbino and Birney, 2008; Schulz et al., 2012). These parameters were
optimized for scaffold N50 and total base coverage, after running the
assembler across a range of parameters. Redundancy among assembled
sequences was
first removed using cd-hit-est with a threshold of 90%
sequence identity (Li and Godzik, 2006).
We then applied
five different filters to identify de novo–assembled
transcripts missing from the genome assembly. Transcripts were aligned
against the Tannat genome using GMAP v2012-11-07 with default pa-
rameters (Wu and Watanabe, 2005), and those with at least 80% of
coverage and identity were discarded. Contaminant sequences were
fied by comparison with NCBI NR database sequences using
BLASTX (E-value
# 1*10
) and were discarded. Putative grapevine
transcripts were identi
fied by sequence identity with VvGI using BLASTX
# 1*10
). The coding potential of transcripts was computed
with CPC v0.9 (Kong et al., 2007), and those with a complete open reading
frame including start and stop codons and more than 50 codons overall
were retained as high-con
fidence putative protein-coding transcripts. The
Tannat genomic reads were aligned against transcripts using BWA with
default parameters and the alignments were processed with BedTools
suite v2.17.0 (Quinlan and Hall, 2010) to produce a histogram of the
sequence coverage at each position in the transcripts. Those with <80%
sequence coverage were discarded.
De novo
–assembled transcripts that passed the above filters were
fied as missing from the genome assembly and compared with
different sets of genomic sequences to ascertain their presence in other
genotypes. For PN40024, we obtained both the set of Sanger sequences
used for the current version of the genome (downloaded from ftp://ftp- and two different
Varietal Genes and Polyphenols in Tannat
9 of 12
sets of Illumina genomic reads (downloaded from http://urgi.versailles.inra.
fr/galaxy/u/nchoisne/h/pn40024-public-data). For Pinot Noir ENTAV115,
we downloaded the
final assembled sequences from GenBank (accession
numbers AM423240 to AM489403; Velasco et al., 2007). PN40024 Sanger
reads were aligned with BLAT v34x12 against the transcripts to
matches >100 bp with no gaps and sequence coverage
$80% (Kent, 2002),
whereas the other sets of sequences were aligned with BWA using default
parameters. A histogram of the sequence coverage at each position was
computed with genomeCoverageBed (Quinlan and Hall, 2010). Transcripts
covered (
$80%) by PN40024 genomic reads were classified as novel
(shared with Pinot Noir but not previously annotated), whereas the re-
mainder were classi
fied as varietal.
The novel and varietal transcripts were clustered based on similarity
to sequences present in NR, VvGI, and the Tannat genome. A multiple
alignment was performed for each cluster using mafft v6.864b (Katoh and
Toh, 2008) and manually checked for consistency. Final clusters were
considered to be genes. The gene space for genes missing from the
assembled genome was assessed as described above.
Functional Annotation of Genes
Genes were functionally annotated by integrating the V1 manual anno-
tation (Grimplet et al., 2012) and automatic annotations performed with
Blast2GO (Conesa et al., 2005). Novel and varietal genes without assigned
Enzyme Commission numbers were manually classi
fied by BLAST using
known polyphenol-related genes as reference sequences and discarding
hits with an E-value >1*10
Expression of Polyphenol Pathway Genes
RNA-Seq reads were aligned against the Tannat genome and gene se-
quences with BWA using default parameters. We counted the mapping
reads and calculated FPKM expression values for known, novel, and
varietal genes using the R package DESeq with default parameters
(Anders and Huber, 2010) to assess which genes were differentially ex-
pressed among the developmental stages and tissues under analysis
(false discovery rate < 5%, |Log2FC| > 1).
Accession Numbers
Genomic sequence data from this article can be found in the NCBI
Sequence Read Archive under accession numbers SRR863595 and
SRR863618. Transcriptome sequence data from this article can be
found in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under accession numbers
SRR866531, SRR866540, SRR866544, SRR866568, SRR866569,
SRR866570, SRR866571, SRR866572, SRR866574, SRR866575, and
SRR866576. Transcriptome shotgun assembly data from this article can
be found in the NCBI Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly database under
accession number GAKH00000000. Variation data are downloadable as
files from
sdi and
files/Tannat/tannat.sdi. Annotations of
known and novel genes can be downloaded from
files/Tannat/annotation.gtf. Mappings between varietal gene IDs and
transcripts accession numbers can be downloaded from http://ddlab.sci.
Supplemental Data
The following materials are available in the online version of this article.
Supplemental Figure 1. Number of Variants Identi
fied at Each
Iterative Mapping Step with IMR.
Supplemental Figure 2. Genes Affected by Potentially Disruptive
Supplemental Figure 3. CEGMA Analysis of Tannat Genes.
Supplemental Figure 4. GO Gene Classi
Supplemental Table 1. V. vinifera cv Tannat Genome Sequencing and
Assembly Statistics.
Supplemental Table 2. Enrichment Analysis of Genes Containing
Supplemental Table 3. V. vinifera cv Tannat Transcriptome Sequenc-
ing Statistics.
Supplemental Table 4. Comparison of Tannat Annotation with Other
Plant Annotations.
Supplemental Table 5. V. vinifera cv Tannat Transcriptome Assembly
Supplemental Table 6. Classi
fication of Contaminants Present in de
–Assembled Transcripts Not Mapping on the Tannat Genome.
Supplemental Data Set 1. De
finitions, GO and KEGG Annotations,
Expression Values, and Differential Expression Tests for All 34,680
Tannat Genes.
Supplemental Data Set 2. Gene Number and Expression Levels for
Gene Families Related to Polyphenol Biosynthesis; Expression Levels
for Selected Genes Related to Polyphenol Biosynthesis.
We thank Didier Merdinoglu for providing us with DNA of PN40024 and
the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique for providing access
to PN40024 raw Illumina genomic reads within the framework of
GrapeReSeq, PLANT-KBBE2008. This work was supported by Fonda-
zione Cariverona (Completamento e Attività del Centro di Genomica
Funzionale Vegetale), a Joint Project 2012 between Biomolecular Re-
search Genomics and the University of Verona, Ministero delle Politiche
Agricole Alimentari e Forestali (Valorizzazione dei Principali Vitigni
Autoctoni Italiani e dei loro Terroir-Vigneto), and Regione Veneto (Valor-
izzazione della Tipicità dei Vitigni Autoctoni e dei Vini Veneti-Valvive), and
fited from the networking activities within the European-funded
COST ACTION FA1106. We also thank the support of Consejo Superior
de Investigaciones Cienti
ficas Group 656 of UdelaR and ANII of Uruguay
for supporting the travels and PhD fellowship of C.D.S.
C.D.S. performed research, prepared samples, and analyzed data. G.Z.
performed research, analyzed data, contributed new computational
tools, and wrote the article. A.F. and L.V. analyzed data and wrote the
article. A.M. and A.D.M. analyzed data and contributed new computa-
tional tools. G.B., P.T., C.A., and E.Z. prepared samples. E.B. and
E.D. contributed new analytic tools. C.G. prepared samples and wrote
and reviewed the article. M.P. reviewed the article. F.C. designed the
research. M.D. designed the research and wrote the article.
Received September 20, 2013; revised September 20, 2013; accepted
November 14, 2013; published December 6, 2013.
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The Plant Cell
DOI 10.1105/tpc.113.118810
; originally published online December 6, 2013;
Plant Cell
Dellacassa, Carina Gaggero, Mario Pezzotti, Francisco Carrau and Massimo Delledonne
Venturini, Genny Buson, Paola Tononi, Carla Avanzato, Elisa Zago, Eduardo Boido, Eduardo
Cecilia Da Silva, Gianpiero Zamperin, Alberto Ferrarini, Andrea Minio, Alessandra Dal Molin, Luca
Genes That Are Not Shared with the Reference Genome
The High Polyphenol Content of Grapevine Cultivar Tannat Berries Is Conferred Primarily by
This information is current as of February 15, 2017
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