nati doimiy ravishda taraqqiy etib bordi; zallaming o‘ichamlari orta bordi. Bu qurilish texnikasi takomillashib borganidan dalolat berar edi. Olsha vaqtlarda Nimruddagi eski saroyning keng zal lari oraligi’ 7 m, Xorsabod- da esa 10 m ga yetadi; Nimruddagi janubiy - sharqiy saroyda Assargodon- ning me’morlari zalning enini 19 m qilishga jazm qilishgan edi, lekin zallami qurish tugallanayotganda bundan voz kechishga to‘g‘ri kelib, zalni devor bilan ikki qismga ajratishgan edi. Mil.av.625 yilda yangi Bobil davlatining tashkil etilishi qurilish sanatini yangicha ko‘tarilishiga olib keldi. Bu haraktning timsoli Navuxodonosor boidi. Uning davrida shunday inshoatlar barpo etildiki, Bobilning devorlari, saroylari, ko‘p qavatli zikkuratlar Geradotni qoyil qoldirgan edi. Bular ko‘pchilik holat- larda, xarobalari shaklsiz holda boigan qurilmalaming uslubi to‘g‘risida mufassal hukm yuritishi qiyin boisa ham, ammo ulaming konstruktiv jihatlari Ossuriya me’morchiligiga nomaium boigan mukammallik va hashamatni sezishga majbur etadi. Xususan, ularda ko‘p miqdorda pishiq g'isht qoilanilgan va sirlangan dekoratsiya keng tarqalgan. Kiming iste’- losidan so‘ng (mil.av.530 yil) Bobil sanati mahalliy sulolalar bilan birga halok boidi. Fors sanati uning go‘yoki davomchisi boiib hisoblanadi. Old Osiyoning badiiy-tarixiy yodgorliklari Misr arxitekturasi singari keng va rang-barang. Bu yerda ham hashamatli saroy va ibodatxonalar qurildi. Lekin bu yodgorliklar bizgacha yetib kelmadi. Bunga sabab Old Osiyoning asosiy qismini tashkil etgan. Ikki daryo oraligi (Mesopotamiya) da bir-birini almashtirlb turgan yangi-yangi 104
Auguste Choisy. The World Histoiy of Architecture. London. 2009. P-71 (Опост Шуази. Всеобщая история
архитектуры. ООО Издательство ЭКСМО 2009 Jdtobmqg rus tilidagi talqinidan foydalanilgan) (The palace came into
existence durmg the
ba&y Dynastic 1 period. From a rather modest belittling ihe palace grows in size and complexity as power
is increasingly centralized. The palace is called a Big House* (Cuneiform: Ег-GAL Sumerian ег-gal Akkdian:
ekaihi) where
the Jugal or спя lived and worked The palaces of the early Mesopotamia! elites were large-scale complexes, «id were often
lavishly decorated Earliest known ehamples are from the Divala River vallcv sites such as Khafaiah and Tell Asmar. These
third шШеппшт ВС palaces functioned as large-scale socio-economic mstituticra, and therefore, along with residential and
private functions, they housed craftsmen woikshops, food storehouses, ceremonial coutyards, and are often associated with
shrines. For instwee, the so-called "gtpam" (or Gig-Par-Ku in Sumerian) at Ur where the Moon god Natma's priestesses resided
was a major complex wah multiple coielyards, a number of sanctuaries, burial chambers for dead priestesses, and a ceremonial
banquet hall. A similarly complex ehaflugrie of a Mesopotamian palace was excavated at Mari m Syria dating from the Old
Babylonian period. Assyrian palaces of the Iron Age, especially at KaHiu^Nimrud Dur Shamikin/ICborsabad and Ninuwa/
Nineveh, have become famous due to the pictorial md textual narrative programs on their walls, aB caved on Доле slabs known
as orthostats. These pictorial programs either incorporated cuhic scenes or the narrative accounts of the kings' military and civic
accomplishments. Gates and important jiassageways were flanked with massive stone sculptures ofapotropaic mythological
figures. The archiiectiffal arrangement of these Iron Age palaces were also organized around large and small courtyards. Usually
the king's throne room opened to a massive ceremonial courtyard where important state councils met and state ceremonies were
performed. Massive amounts o fivorv fumflure pieces were found m many Assyrian palaces pointing to an intense trade
relationship with North Syrian Neo-Hittite states at the time. Bronze repousse bands decorated die wooden gates).